View Full Version : Positive thoughts for Haggis:hyperthyroid+tongue lesion

11-03-2008, 06:56 PM
I was doing research and came around your site. A nice place for moral support! *sigh*

We took our kitties (Haggis & Hamish, 10 years old, half brothers, indoor only grey/black white spotted) to the vet on Friday to get their teeth cleaned. We found out that they both have hyper-thyroidism. So, they have to be on meds for the rest of the lives. Haggis had a lesion removed under his tongue and we won't know till Wed. if it is benign or malignant-although the vet didn't think it looked good because it was spreading. It was operable and he is 99% sure he got it all with the warning that he doesn't know what is going on in a micro level-so Haggis has to be watched closely.

Anyway, stressful and sad. Thankfully, Hamish is finally over his "Haggis amnesia" and no longer hisses and growls at his brother.

Anyone have any experience with hyper-thyroidism? Tongue lesions?

I'm feeling a bit panicked. They are the best kitties.:(
Thank you for listening.

11-03-2008, 07:31 PM
Aww, no experience with it, but your boy will be in our prayers.

11-03-2008, 08:11 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! I've not had experience w/these things either but just wanted to lend you my support and assure you that prayers are going up right now for your furkids and that all will be well. Pix would be nice when you get the chance. :)

11-03-2008, 08:53 PM

Here is photo...I think it's attached.:confused: I'm not very good with these message board things. I don't have a photobucket account or anything.

Thank you for all the positive thoughts. I grew up with kitties all who lived to be 17 and 18 years old. I am hopeful this will turn out okay.:(

(Oh! Haggis is in the foreground, grey & white and Hamish is in the back, black & white. They love to lay on the stairs when it's a sunny day!)

11-03-2008, 08:58 PM
Aw, what pretty kitty kats. I have one, Boo, who is 17 and another Pigeon, who is 18 1/2, so I'm w/ya on that one. I'm used to cats living a long time, too. My Puddy went to the Bridge last month at age 14 and my Peeka before her at the same age, both from renal failure but I'm hopeful that the rest of my Fur Posse of 6 will live a looooong time. Hopefully, we'll hear more about your two that everything is just fine. And don't feel bad about posting photos, etc. I'm w/ya on that one, too. LOL :)

11-04-2008, 10:07 AM
Last night and this morning so far Haggis doesn't act like his jolly self. He has 6 stitches under his tongue, maybe they are bothering him, I don't know. He seemed to be doing better the day after his surgery than now. He gags a little and is staying away from his food. I fed him some food from a spoon and then he walked away...oh kitties! He has me worried.:(

11-04-2008, 10:14 AM
Poor guy, I am sure the stitches are bothering him. I think hand-feeding him - and making sure he gets fluids - is all you can do right now. Poor guy! Oh, and which kitty is which in the photo? Their markings are remarkably similar!

11-04-2008, 10:20 AM
Yes, it does sound like perhaps his stitches are bothering him. If you can continue to hand feed him, I'm sure he'll improve w/time. Keep your vet informed, though, just in case there may be something else going on. Prayers still continuing......

11-04-2008, 10:53 AM
:) Welcome to Pet Talk & enjoy all the talks & pics..

:love: Your babies are so Adorable.. I would bet its the stitches that is bothering him.. Hope your babies Get Well Soon.. No I have never heard of what they have.. Sending Lots of Prayers

11-04-2008, 12:47 PM
Haggis is the kitty on the front step, he is gray and white. Hamish is in the back and he is black and white. They are half brothers but I don't know if it's the same mom or the same dad. I got them at a no kill cat rescue shelter 10 years ago.

Poor Haggis always seems to have the bad luck. When he was a kitten he had a bump removed from his paw that the vet couldn't determine what it was. It wasn't benign and it wasn't entirely malignant- it had all kinds of different bad cells in it and hadn't decided what it was yet. About 3 years ago he had bladder crystals and had to have emergency surgery. So, now, poor kitty has stitches in his mouth!

Thank you all for your good thoughts!

11-04-2008, 12:54 PM
Sorry no experience with this. but Welcome to pet talk and the CREW's prayers are with your babies and you.

11-04-2008, 01:17 PM
Welcome!! I have a 17 yr old with hyperthyroidism, byt never had a cat with a mouth lesion. Sending prayers for your boy....

11-04-2008, 06:44 PM
We got the worst possible news. Haggis has squalimous cell carcinoma. The vet said we have the option to treat it aggressively and go to an oncologist. I just don't know what to do. :(

11-04-2008, 07:10 PM
Do go and talk to the oncologist. They have made huge advancements in treating cancer in pets. Ask for a second opinion if you are not sure of the answer from the first vet, okay?

11-04-2008, 07:15 PM
I'm really sorry to hear this but, as Karen said, they've made huge strides in treating cancer in pets. Your PT friends will be here to encourage you and you and Haggis will be in our prayers. We pray w/out ceasing here in Ohio. Keep the faythe.

11-04-2008, 08:45 PM
Thank you everyone. We have an appointment on Friday morning to determine what, if any, options we have. They will do x-rays and blood work and more...my hubby talked to them because I was too upset. We are willing to do all we can if we can help him. Our vet said the specialists will give us straight talk and not false hope. So, we'll see. I can tell he doesn't feel well at all. Is it more than the stitches? Not eating and feeling weak?

I just feel so bad. What a terrible day. *sigh*

11-06-2008, 01:12 AM
Hi there. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat Haggis. I went through a similar thing with my cat Tiger who had Squamous Cell Carcinoma as well. He had a tumour in his nasal passage. I learned about Transfer Factor (a super immune booster) through Catty1 and emailed back and forth with a woman who had given it to her cat who also had S.C.C. Her cat was in very bad condition and she didn't want to put him through surgery. She scheduled his euthanasia but just couldn't go through with it. She started him on Transfer Factor and within months he was greatly improved until he was in remission. Her vet was very surprised and her cat is still with her today, years later.
I bought some and was able to give it sporadically to my cat Tiger but he was so fussy that he just wouldn't eat it if mixed in with other food. My other cats couldn't even tell it was in there because they would come up and try and eat his food but Tiger wasn't having any of it. I didn't want to force it on him because whenever I did that it was very stressful for him. I ultimately had to let him go to the Bridge after a year but I really think that if I had been able to get the Transfer Factor in him, he would have had a much better chance.
I have half a bottle left over and a whole bottle that has been compounded into a thick chicken flavoured suspension by the compounding pharmacy if you are interested. I would have to check with them first to see if it is still okay to use as it was compounded a few months ago. I have also offered this to KittyKatherine, whose cat is also fighting cancer. If she would like some too, I could send one of you the bottle and one of you the suspension. :)

Whatever you decide, my thoughts are with you.

11-07-2008, 04:09 PM
Well, we have to come to terms that Haggis will be here maybe for another 2 months. Based on the size of the lesion removed they couldn't do any more surgery or if they did it would be radical with removing part of his jaw because it's likely already into his bone-plus radiation-plus a feeding tube and then he would only get another 6 months. What a miserable 6 months.

So, for as long as we have him he can eat all the cheese and sour cream he wants and the high carb kitty food. We have antibiotics to help the stitches heal from the biopsy which will ease the pain too plus pain killers for when that no longer works and high protein food that he can eat when he doesn't feel up to it so-less is actually more. Very sad. My husband said this is the first time he's had a pet where he knew that they wouldn't be around much longer and had to plan for-that day.

Thank you everyone for your help and suggestions and offers. One day at a time I guess...:(

11-07-2008, 09:38 PM
I am sorry to hear about Haggis. They are both beautiful kitties.
Did you read the post above yours from Emeraldgreen? She suggests something that might help Haggis, if you are interested, or think it would work.
I'm with your husband. I've never had to deal with that either. Knowing that your animal is only going to be around for a while. I can only imagine how tough it is. I'm sure I will experience it someday, hopefully not too soon.

Anyway, welcome to Pet Talk and I will keep you and Haggis in my thoughts.

11-08-2008, 04:29 AM
I'm just so sorry to read about Haggis. I would like to suggest that you take Emeraldgreen up on her offer. She's been through the same thing w/her cat Tiger and it may give you some hope of keeping Haggis w/you a little while longer. I do know how tough it is when your vet tells you that one of your furkids doesn't have much time left. It's heartbreaking. Give that boy some gentle pets from me and (((HUGS))) to you.

11-08-2008, 09:35 AM
I am so sorry.

Do try the Transfer Factor. It certainly can't hurt.


11-08-2008, 04:14 PM
I was so miserable about yesterdays diagnosis I glazed over about the Transfer Factor. I looked at their website but couldn't find the link to order it. I guess I'll look again. Anything is worth trying at this point.

EmeraldGreen- the chicken flavored suspension would probably be best. If you can point to the link where you bought it I can see if I can get it so as to not trouble you with shipping etc...

So far Haggis is doing okay. He is eating a lot but doesn't have his usual energy. Poor kitty. :(

11-08-2008, 06:44 PM
Fingers and paws crossed that this will help.
Thank you again for all your prayers and online hugs. We really appreciate it so much. I'll keep you posted on how Haggis is doing...:love:

11-08-2008, 07:37 PM
Emeraldgreen has some left over she can ship to you...so you needn't worry too much about the website (it can be a bit much to navigate even a simple site when you are upset.)

Even though EG's kitty Tiger refused the TF in ANY form whatsoever, he had taken it between a couple of surgeries, though not very much. However, the vets were surprised at how long and well he lasted.

So - ya never know.


11-08-2008, 09:26 PM
Yes, I would be more than happy to ship the already compounded chicken flavoured Transfer Factor to you if you'd like. However, I completely understand that you don't know me and you may be uncomfortable with receiving meds like this. But if you decide to, please PM me and I will send it off to you.
If you decide to just order right from the company, here is a link:
Transfer Factorhttp://www.transferfactor-us.com/.
And here is a video (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1583247202509668294) about the product. It's an infomercial but it does have some good info. :0)
The product is called Transfer Factor Plus. They do have one for pets but the success stories that I have learned about with regard to cancer have used Transfer Factor Plus.
Another woman Shelley, gave her cat, who was in grave condition, 3 or 4 capsules per day for a few months. She opened the caps and mixed it with butter and smeared it on her cats paw and then he cleaned it up. My cat would never go for that so I mixed it in with his food but then he got finicky after awhile and was very suspicious when he saw me mixing his wet food. That is when I took the bottle of Transfer Factor to my local compounding pharmacy and asked them to mix it with a chicken flavoured suspension which they have on hand for pet meds. Unfortunately he wouldn't eat anything with the suspension in it and I didn't want to force it. But as mentioned before, my other cats didn't even seem to notice it was mixed in the food, even when I just opened the capsules and mixed it in so it was just my Tiger that was such a stubborn boy. :rolleyes:

I do hope you'll try the T.F. because this other woman has had such amazing success with it and her cat is still alive and this is years later after he was diagnosed with cancer. He had a tumour in the beginning but the vets cannot find any evidence of it.

And as Catty1 mentioned, the vets were amazed that Tiger lived as long as he did (1 year after his diagnoses). He did have 4 surgeries to remove the tumours that kept growing back but they were surprised at the slow growth of the tumours and I do attribute that to the T.F. even though I was only able to get about 1.5 caps every other day in him.

Anyway, I'm so sorry about the diagnosis. I know exactly how you are feeling. Tiger was with me for 12+ years and it was devastating to learn such news. My thoughts are with you.

11-08-2008, 10:24 PM
hopes and prayers are with you. I also know of success stories with Transfer Factor. It would be worth a try.The time you have left is the most important of all,make both of you never regret it.Good luck katslady

11-09-2008, 07:15 PM
I ordered more Transfer Factor- the type you recommended. My mother-in-law takes her pets to a naturopath (sp.?) vet so I will consult him about any interactions I may have to worry about.

I also came across this:

Has anyone tried this?

Haggis is very aware of things that don't belong his food so he may not be too cooperative. I'll do what I can. So far he is behaving normal. I think the stitches in his mouth have healed and he feels better. He is eating a lot and played "whack an iphone" when I was taking close up pix of him laying on the dining room table (!) last night. :)

11-09-2008, 07:19 PM
Would Haggis like Pill Pockets?

They are a bit soft treat that pills go into, and many cats like them. Or - you may have to put the powder into them instead.

Emeraldgreen used salmon cream cheese! Later on, it caused too much 'gunkiness' in Tiger's throat. You could try really cheap stinky cat food - salmon flavour - which may mask the taste. As EG said, most of her cats didn't notice, so maybe Haggis won't either.

PT Prayers for Haggis!

11-09-2008, 08:09 PM
Yes, I've tried Pill Pockets. He picks them up in his mouth and then drops them and looks at me like I'm crazy to think he'd eat such a thing.;)

I've been feeding them both plain ol tuna with their hyper thyroid meds mixed in. It works in the morning when they are super hungry but not so much at the end of the day. I find that Hamish eats all his but Haggis sometime leaves the crushed pills behind- little white parts go un-eaten. Next try is the pills pushed into cheddar cheese.

Thanks again everyone. Btween you and my BFF who has many pets and gone through this sort of thing before- I have some good shoulders to lean on.:love:

11-09-2008, 11:01 PM
I'm sorry for all the bad news you've had recently, but enjoyed seeing the photo of Haggis & Hamish (love the names!) -- they look just like my cat Zorro!

Good luck with the hyperthyroid meds -- I remember what a pain they were when we had to give them to our cat Murphy. We eventually gave up on it, but he still lived to be nearly 19. I hope Hamish's hyperthyroidism doesn't cause many long-term problems for you.

I had a similar experience with the Pill Pockets with all three of my current cats; even Einstein, who basically eats anything that will stand still long enough, won't eat them. Go figure...!

I'll be sending lots of positive thoughts your way that Haggis is himself again soon, and that both your guys do as well as possible!

All the best,

11-17-2008, 07:53 PM
Hi everyone-
Haggis is still his old self and seems happy and content doing all the stuff he did before his diagnosis. I finally received in the mail the ES for Cat Cancer and the Transfer Factor. Tomorrow, I have to take Hamish to the vet because he has a huge bald sore under his neck and has developed one under his eye. When it rains it pours I guess! Anyway, I am taking the 2 products with me to see what the vet says before giving one of them to Haggis. I am afraid to try something that might have a negative effect on an organ or something-which I was warned about by my mother-in-law (long story there). I also will be talking to a naturopath vet at the end of the week.

Hope everyone is doing well with you and in your household.
Best wishes...

11-17-2008, 08:44 PM
Hello, sorry I didn't see this thread earlier.

Hyperthyroidism is fairly common in cats. I've had 2 cats develop this. the first one, I didn't realize there was a problem until he'd had it for some time. He was on the pills for about 4 years before he died. The second cat was much older when she developed it. She was on the pills for about a year and died of something totally unrelated. It CAN be controlled with the pills.

So sorry to read about Hagrid's cancer. I remember Emeraldgreen's Tiger, and yes the Transfer Factor would be a great thing to try.

Let us know about these bald spots that Hamish has developed.

I love that photo of your boys on the stairs, in the dappled sunshine. :D

11-17-2008, 08:49 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Haggis is doing better but sorry to hear about Hamish. My Creamsicle had a bald spot right on the top of her head and another under her chin, too, and it turned out to be allergies, so maybe that's what's going on w/Hamish. She's on Prednisolone for it and, as a matter of fact, is due for her check-up on Wednesday because she's having a bit of a relapse. Do keep us posted about your kitties. :)

11-18-2008, 02:22 PM
Well,looks like Hamish is having an allergic reaction to something-most likely his hyper thyroid medicine. The vet said those kind of reactions usually manifest around the face and neck. So, he got a shot of cortisone which lasts up to 3 weeks in his system and some topical cream. He said also it could be the Fancy Feast food that we gave them as a treat but that was over a week ago. So,he said to continue with the meds and if he doesn't improve we'll have to find another way to treat him. The options there are a gel or getting it made into a suspension at a people pharmacy...

For Haggis-ES Clear for Cat Cancer got a thumbs down because of the possible negative reactions to several components *BUT* Transfer Factor got a thumbs up! So, I am starting Haggis on that today. If he doesn't like it I'll get a suspension made. Thank you EmeraldGreen! We'll see how it goes. Fingers and paws crossed for luck!

11-18-2008, 02:39 PM
Yes, good luck! Thank you for keeping us updated, and your Hammish and Haggis will remain in our prayers.

12-08-2008, 03:54 PM
Hi everyone-
Hamish is healed up from his awful looking bald spots and seems to be putting weight back on and behaving like his old self.

Haggis is so far (knock wood) not symptomatic. The vets gave him 2 months to live basically (from the 10/31 when the lesion was discovered) and if you would see him you wouldn't even know he has cancer. He is eating well and playing. I am so thankful that he still doing well. He is taking Transfer Factor with no problem. I mix it up in Fancy Feast Minced Turkey and Cheese Souffle and he loves it. Hubby says to not get my hopes up but to appreciate every day he is here. :love:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you so much for the well wishes and prayers. They are very much appreciated. :)

12-08-2008, 04:29 PM
I'm SO glad to hear Hamish is all healed.

as for Haggis - quality of life is what's it's all about. I'd say if he DOESN'T show any symptoms in 2 months, you better phone the vets and get him a checkup right away! ;)

PT Prayers for both boys!:love::love:

12-08-2008, 05:14 PM
Well, that's a pretty good report, I'd say. I'm glad to read that Hamish is healed. As for Haggish, the way my vet expressed it to me is "Expect the best but prepare for the worst" so I know exactly what your husband meant. Enjoy the good times and hold that good thought. It's apparently working. :love:

12-09-2008, 12:56 PM
I was trying to find some information on the specific cancer Haggis has, and I found a website where several owners are asking this specific vet about treatment for squamous cell carcinoma. I would look over it, because depending where the cancer is located seemed to indicate different treatements (i.e. chemotherapy, radiation therpy, and Photodynamic therapy). My cat just finished 6months of chemotherapy (she has nasal lymphoma) and she had a high quality of life throughtout the whole procedure. Here is the website:


I hope this helps some, and you are in my heart. I know exactly how a cancer diagnosis feels. PT is a wonderful place to get information and to talk with others who know what you are going through. You guys are in my prayers!:love::love::love:

12-09-2008, 01:26 PM
I'm so happy to hear about the good report on both your boys, Haggis and Hamish! Fancy Feast must be tasty because it's the one thing I can sneak stuff into for my cats as well! Is cheese souffle/minced turkey a Fancy Feast flavour or do you mix cheese souffle with the turkey Fancy Feast? If it is a flavour, we don't have that here in B.C.

I'm glad that Haggis is eating the Transfer Factor without a problem. I began giving it to my foster cat Barney who was diagnosed with cancer less than a month ago. It didn't agree with him though so he is on another product called Immunocal. It's a natural whey protein and has cancer fighting properties. Here is the website (http://www.immunocal.com/product.htm) if you're interested. It may be something that you could give in conjuction with with the Transfer Factor, I'm not sure but your vet could let you know. It is derived from milk, though the final product has no milk in it so it is safe for those with lactose intolerance. It's a powder that you can mix right into the wet food and doesn't seem to affect the flavour of the food at all.

12-09-2008, 10:06 PM
You gals are the best! :):love:

I have been documenting days with Haggis with my iphone and I thought I would attach a few recent photos. In the evenings, we flip on the fireplace because well- the boys expect it! Hamish gets on my lap and Haggis gets as close as possible. Is there such a thing as broiled Haggis? I think so! ;)

The Fancy Feast is "Elegant Melodys Tender Turkey and Cheddar Cheese Souffle (with Garden Greens)". It's like Mac & Cheese for kitties. It comes in a green can is about .25 more than the other kinds. The kitties like cheese so we thought this might work to hide the Transfer Factor. It doesn't seem really stinky but it sure must be tasty.

No adverse side effects so far from the TF. Good to know there is something else out there to try if there is.

I am supposed to take the boys in soon to get their blood work done to see how the hyperthyroid meds are working. I feel like if I take them in I'll jinx the good vibes we have going on so far. Each time we go to the vet it's bad news and hundreds of dollars!!!

12-09-2008, 11:06 PM
I'm glad to hear that both of your cats are doing well.:) I'll continue to keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

12-09-2008, 11:27 PM
What gorgeous boys! I love how Haggis is doing the "cute" pose way behind Hamish in the second photo...he's going to get that cute face in there!

They look just the right size and shape to cuddle wonderfully!

Broiled Haggis...Hmmm....lol!:D

12-12-2008, 11:26 PM
Beautiful pics! They are both so beautiful. That is great that they are both eating and seem to be doing well. You guys are still in my thoughts and prayers!:love::love::love:

01-06-2009, 02:18 PM
...and Haggis is still with us. He's past the 2 month mark now from what the vet said we could expect. I am, sadly, starting to see signs of things that cause me concern. He has been drooling more and also has had swallowing episodes where acts like he has the hiccups. He eats pretty well but sometimes needs some encouragement. He still plays in the evenings. I've left the tissue paper from Xmas presents out so he could go on search and destroy missions. All things considered Haggis is okay and fingers remain crossed. I have a knot in my stomach though.

Hamish is in fine form and is gaining weight. Whew!

Take care everyone. I wish everyone a healthy and happy 2009!:)

01-06-2009, 04:05 PM
I know exactly how you feel. When my RB Puddy was in the advanced stages of CRF, my vet told me that she had approximately one year left. She was still doing fine after that but then I, too, noticed symptoms that made me nervous. Just enjoy every day that you have w/Haggis and you'll know when to make the final decision. I'm glad that Hamish is doing ok, too. Keep the faythe. :love:

01-06-2009, 07:08 PM
Yes, it seems he isn't quite himself. He has slept on the bed all day and didn't come up at lunch time to remind me it's time to feed him...and he didn't come up again at 4pm to tell me I should take a break. I went downstairs to check on him and he half awoke but didn't lift his head. So, I don't know. I could be making more of it. Haggis seems as sad as I feel! We'll see how the week goes I guess.:(

01-06-2009, 08:55 PM
Gosh...I hope he is having an off day and that the Transfer Factor might make a real difference for him.

Huge PT Prayers for you and Haggis.:love:

01-07-2009, 05:53 PM
Well, I think Haggis may have had an off day yesterday. He is much better today and behaving like his old self with his usual routines. As always, thanks again for the good thoughts. I think it worked!

01-07-2009, 11:14 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Haggis is still with you and that today he is back to a more normal routine. I hope that you have many more months with him and that he will take you up on that mission to 'search and destroy' those pesky tissue papers! :)

02-07-2009, 02:08 PM
Well, it's Day 2 of Haggis throwing up again. He was going along really well since the last time I posted but since yesterday he has been having trouble with keeping food down. He acts like he is hungry, eats maybe 2 or 3 bites, and walks off-looking back at his food dish like it's turned against him. :confused: I'm trying not to pressure him but even his fave treats hold little appeal. Right now, he is sleeping on the steps. So, once again please send positive thoughts to Haggis. I hope I haven't exhausted you all! I do appreciated the well wishes and I know Haggis does too. :)

02-07-2009, 04:39 PM
Big prayers for Haggis!!!

We NEVER tire of hearing about and praying for furbabies! Don't even think of it.

Yes, he has cancer - BUT he could also be throwing up for even the 'normal' reasons any cat could. Tummy bug? Hariball? Tartar on teeth?

Then again, it could be related. Just don't let the cancer be too much of a red herring.

Example: My uncle, had had diabetes for years. When he started getting weak legs and pain, they assumed it was the diabetes.

They spent time checking all the stuff related to diabetes, naturally - then one bright doc found out he had colon cancer, advanced by then. He lived another 3 - 4 months.

Just don't assume it's because of a certain thing, that's all.

PT Prayers for Haggis!:love::love:

02-07-2009, 06:21 PM
Prayers are continuing for Haggis and you. :love:

02-07-2009, 11:12 PM
I am praying hard for your kitty. With all this prayer, I sure hope he gets completely well.!

02-09-2009, 08:21 PM
...we had a day where he didn't throw up! He seems to be feeling better. He stopped by around 4pm as usual to say hello and to tell me to take a break. He's stopped sleeping in odd places and is back to his usual spots. So, we'll see. Thank you everyone again for listening to my panic! I appreciate your good wishes.

(Haggis wanted to say hello and thank you too!)

02-09-2009, 08:27 PM
Hello Haggis! That is such good news to read. I hope you continue to feel better!

Pinot's Mom
02-09-2009, 09:07 PM
I am so sorry I have missed this thread until now. I am very familiar with what you're dealing with; my RB kitty (18 years old) was afflicted with oral squalmous cell, although we did not know at the time. Our vet, who treated Jamara her whole life with us, just said it was "probably cancer", advised, due to her age, not to take any further drastic treatment and to enjoy her for as long as was possible given the circumstances. She was our vet before, is still, and I will be forever grateful for the advice she gave then as well as what she didn't tell us. Jamara had a large growth in her lower jaw; we hand fed her for some time with pureed food, cried (still do sometimes, over 7 years later), and absolutely knew when it was time for the final decision. I hate to be morbid, but you will know, too. Trust your instincts and trust Haggis' power of communication. Look for the signs: the jaw to be out of alignment due to deterioration, absolute refusal of any food and just the look in the eyes. I'm having a bit of a tough time writing this...

I pray for you and your family; I pray for little Haggis. He has an uncertain road; I, of course, pray for him to be a miracle kitty, it seems there are some symptoms he does not have. Just remember; he'll tell you how he's doing, just listen and love. If you need to talk, please PM me, or just write through this thread, I've got it on radar now.

Please keep us updated and Love to Haggis...


02-09-2009, 09:29 PM
Haggis, what a beautiful kitty kat you are! I'm so glad that you're doing better. Lots of cyber scritchies headed your way and (((HUGS))) to you, Mom! :love:

Pinot's Mom
02-12-2009, 11:59 AM
How's Haggis doing? Prayers continuing...:love:

02-12-2009, 12:07 PM
Awww Haggis, what a cute kitty you are! I'm sorry I'm just reading your thread now, but please know you're in my prayers too!

02-14-2009, 12:21 AM
Haggis, I have been thinking of you every day and praying real hard! I hope you are feeling better now and that your Mom doing well also.:love:

Pinot's Mom
02-16-2009, 07:42 PM
Haggis? Where are you? How are you? Please have your Mom update! :love:

02-16-2009, 08:08 PM
November 3rd to February 9th, and Haggis was having a good day on the 9th. :)

The vets thought "2 months" - looks like they might be wrong! ;)

Prayers that Haggis is doing better and better.:love:

03-17-2009, 08:09 PM
Hi everyone!
Sorry for such a long gap between updates. Where'd last month go? And we are halfway done w/ March too!

I am happy to report (knock wood) that dear Haggis is still doing well. We've had a few more throw-ups but he is still very active, happy and eagerly chowing on his Fancy Feast. I am still giving him Transfer Factor too. Is it the miracle cure? I don't know but we are happy he has pushed passed his diagnosis date. My vet even called last week to check on him...surprised that he is doing so well. Should I bring him in for a check up? I am worried it would jinx things. So, I keep him tucked in at home.

Besides Transfer Factor, I think all of your well wishes and prayers have helped him immensely! Thank you so much.:):love::)

03-17-2009, 08:24 PM
Good to hear from you, thank you for the happy update! :)

03-17-2009, 08:41 PM
Great news. Thanks for letting us know about his progress! Keep up the god work.

03-17-2009, 10:28 PM
YAY! Happy news! Maybe your vet will want to do a re-test at some point?

Give both boys some cuddles for me!:)

03-18-2009, 12:02 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Haggis is doing well. It reminded me of a cat that had cancer that was given the TF by her owner and is now doing very well, years later and seems to be cancer free. The vet was amazed and this is the same vet that said that the cat should be put down. Thankfully the cat's family decided to try one last thing before giving up. I think these days she only gives the cat a few capsules a week.
How is Haggis when you take him to the vet? Most of my cats get very stressed and at this point, stress might cause more harm than good. But if he is one of those cats that travels well, then a retest might be good.
I'm with you though, I think the power of prayer must have a whole lot to do with it! More prayers heading your way. :love:

03-18-2009, 12:17 AM
I have been wondering about Haggis for some time. I was really worried when I didn't hear anything! Thank you so much for the great news!!!:D

03-18-2009, 06:54 AM
Such good news! I'm so happy for you and Haggis! :love:

Pinot's Mom
03-18-2009, 07:41 AM
:) I was worried about Haggis as well, but afraid to ask after my last post! I'm so happy the news is good! Keep us updated! :D:love:

03-18-2009, 08:47 AM
The "CREW" is sending thier cheers and prayers.

03-18-2009, 10:30 AM
I promise to not take so long in-between updates. :)

The kitties used to do okay with going to the vet but not anymore. Haggis gets very fearful-and he is a people cat, always friendly and curious-but he gets all slinky and nervous now.

Hamish develops "Haggis amnesia" and it takes 3 days for him to recover from a trip to the vet-but it's Haggis who suffers. Hamish hisses and stalks Haggis-and growls whenever he is in sight.

Haggis gets home and is fine-relieved. Then, he wants to make friends with Hamish (his brother, who he has lived with since Day One!) who has no interest in it. I have to watch that they don't fight. Haggis gets sad and confused about the whole thing. This is why I am hesitant at bringing them in. My vet wants to do a blood test on Hamish at least to see how the meds are working for the hyper-thyroidism. I told him he's gained weight and is fine...but that doesn't seem to cut it anymore. He wants to see Hamish at least. So, we'll see.

Haggis appreciates your thoughts and prayers and I want to thank you all again for your kind words as well. All the best to you and your kitties! :love:

04-10-2009, 05:12 PM
Just wanted to check in with you and let you know that Haggis is doing really well. He is eating and playing and-behaves like a kitty not diagnosed with-the C word. *sigh*

Thank you for your good thoughts and prayers. Happy Easter to everyone! :)

04-10-2009, 05:16 PM
Thanks for keeping us updated, and Happy Easter to you and your clan as well!

04-11-2009, 12:35 AM
Why wouldn't Haggis be doing great? We are all pulling for him! Go Haggis, go!

04-11-2009, 06:13 PM
Sooo good to hear about Haggis. It's a resurrection of his good health, just in time for Easter! Have a wonderful and blessed one. :love:

04-12-2009, 08:50 PM
I'm so glad to hear that he's doing so well.:)

Pinot's Mom
04-16-2009, 12:18 PM
So glad to hear Haggis is still doing well - power of prayer is a wondrous thing, isn't it? Keep us updated, we'll keep the PT prayers going! :love:

04-29-2009, 09:47 PM
I am so happy to hear that Haggis is doing well. Extra belly rub being sent Haggis's way! :love::love::love::love:

05-11-2009, 09:45 PM
So far so good. I took Hamish in on Friday to get his blood checked. He and Haggis are on hyper-thyroid meds-which are working great. He is right where is should be. Has gained 2.5 pounds. My vet was pleased.

My vet is also really surprised that Haggis is doing so well. I didn't take him in because I didn't want to mess up his positive mojo. ;) If he is still his old self in another 2 month's my vet suggested he be checked again. Maybe a misdiagnosis...or the TransferFactor working wonders? Not sure what to do there. Better to leave be? I don't know. I am just so thankful Haggis is still here and beating the odds so far.

All the best to everyone! Summer is almost here! :love::)

05-12-2009, 12:38 AM
Hooray! Haggis' story touched me like no other and he is never out of my thoughts for very long.:love::love: I'll keep praying and Haggis, you keep going, okay?

05-12-2009, 05:25 AM
Oh that's excellent news! And I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to mess w/his positive mojo. Sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone. You go, Haggis! Lots of scritchies to you and Hamish. :love:

Pinot's Mom
05-12-2009, 07:18 AM
Hooray for Haggis!! Thanks for the update and prayers for continuing good reports!! :love:

05-13-2009, 08:39 PM
I think Haggis' mojo comes from all your thoughts and prayers...and super vitamins in his FancyFeast!:love::):love:

06-05-2009, 04:45 PM
Hi everyone-
Haggis seems to be still doing okay but has been mopey and a little sad. He's been like this for about 2 days now. His favorite person (my husband) had been gone for 5 days and that might be part of it. Hubby is back now though. He's been sleeping in odd spots around the house which worries me- kind of off his usual routine. He is still eating well and loves his pats and belly rubs. Maybe it was my husband's absence and the hot weather the past 2 days that's got him down.
So, I'll keep an eye on him. Keep sending him good thoughts and wishes. We both appreciate it very much. Hugs to all. :love::)

06-06-2009, 06:31 AM
You got it! Here's prayers that he snaps back right quick now that your husband is home again. :love:

Pinot's Mom
06-08-2009, 08:11 AM
Prayers coming! Hot weather and absence of a favorite human can definitely have an effect! Hope Haggis perks up soon and continues to beat the odds! :love:

06-09-2009, 07:33 PM
Haggis is sunnier-not so mopey. He played yesterday and had a running fit around the house. Whatever was getting him down seems to have passed. I remain perpetually paranoid :confused: at the first sign of something bad but-kitty keeps truckin' on. Fingers crossed, knock wood, beating the odds. Thank you for all of the continued good thoughts! It works!! I hope things are sunny in your part of the world too! :)

07-02-2009, 04:56 PM
Hi everyone! Just a short note to say- all is well. Super kitty Haggis is eating, playing, sleeping and in all round good spirits. No sign of the bad stuff. We keep our fingers and paws crossed and continue with prayers and Transfer Factor...:)

Have a terrific July 4th! All the best to you and your 2 & 4 legged family!!!:love:

07-02-2009, 05:03 PM
Yahhhooooo!! Great mews! ;)

07-02-2009, 05:49 PM
Your wonderful kitty Haggis is always in my prayers. I needed good news today, and this was it! Keep it up, Haggis!:D

07-02-2009, 05:51 PM
That's such wonderful news! Atta boy, Haggis! Super kitty you are, indeed! I know how relieved your humans must be. :love:

Pinot's Mom
07-02-2009, 09:35 PM
Great stuff, Haggis! You all have a wonderful weekend, too! :D

07-08-2009, 10:13 AM
Yea for super kitty Haggis! I am so happy that he is still doing really well - there is not a feeling in the world like it! I continue to send positive thoughts your guys way and I hope for continual improvement! :love::love::love:

07-13-2009, 01:28 PM
I'm glad to hear Haggis is feeling better :) Prays that everything will continue to go as well.


07-28-2009, 06:07 PM
Have you heard about our heatwave on the news? It was almost 100 in the Seattle area yesterday. Where I live it got to 102 and they are expecting the temps to climb over 105 the next 2 days. I don't have A/C-just lots of fans. We never have heat like this.

Last night, when I went to bed Haggis didn't act right- he was unresponsive at first and then he got up and his eyes were big and black-and then paced the house-his tail twitching the whole time. He eventually calmed down and acted like himself last night and this morning until it started heating up again. I had been wiping them both down with a cool towel every hour last night and this morning. He just kept pacing the house for a cool spot and was agitated.

Since it's going to be even hotter the next 2 days I didn't think he could take being in the house anymore so decided to board them till Friday. Haggis freaked out and started panting as soon as I put him in his crate. Hamish just hunkered down and panicked.

After we got to the vet and into the A/C, Haggis stopped panting but still wasn't happy and settled into a long stare.

The vet just called and said he is stable, no temperature and his heart sounds good though it's racing a bit. He is still staring off into space and not very responsive. We are hoping that he is just stressed from being at the vet and will calm down overnight. His "fainting" episode is concerning and could be kidneys- or a brain tumor-or the heat. The vet gave me the option of moving him to a 24/7 emergency vet (my vet is there 8am-6pm) but I'm afraid he'll only freak out more and it would be more harm than good to move him...in the 100+ heat again with people he doesn't know and away from Hamish.

If there is any good news he couldn't see any indication of a regrowth of the mouth tumor...although he's worried maybe it's moved to his brain (fainting spell last night). I feel like I am in a no win situation. I made the best decision I could. I just feel bad.

Please pray for Haggis. After all he's been through to have a blasted heatwave ruin everything. Not fair not fair. :( Thank you everyone. I just had to talk to folks who understand.

07-28-2009, 06:13 PM
You did what you could to make things comfortable for Haggis. The heat would only make him feel worse, so taking him to a place w/AC was in his best interests. We'll keep the prayers going for him and you. (((HUGS))) Keep the faythe. :love: A candle burns for Haggis:


Prairie Purrs
07-28-2009, 07:41 PM
Heat can definitely cause scary kitty symptoms. Years ago I was living in an apartment with inadequate AC and a heat wave hit. My kitty Keke and I were lying right in front of the AC unit, but it was still too hot, and she began panting so hard it scared me. So I scooped her up and drove to my mom's house, where we stayed until I could arrange for a bigger AC to be installed.

I hope Haggis had nothing more than a reaction to the heat and that he'll be fine now that he's someplace cool.

07-28-2009, 08:18 PM
Prayers that Haggis had a touch of heatstroke, and that he'll be good as new in no time! :love::love:

07-28-2009, 08:26 PM
I sure hope your kitties return home soon and in good health. Maybe you could make sure there is something at the vet's office that smells like home. That may help Haggis be a bit more relaxed.

07-28-2009, 09:37 PM
I spoke to his vet this evening and the one good thing to report is that Haggis isn't staring off into space anymore and his eyes aren't huge black saucers and are back to normal. He checked his kidneys and bladder (because he had bladder crystals a few years ago) and they are normal too. I guess he is really cranky-because he hasn't eaten I suspect.

The vet thinks it was mild heatstroke but he'll re-evaluate him again in the morning. I'm hoping and praying the cool temps will improve his mood and he'll eat. The vet/staff call him Haggis, the WonderCat. He was reviewing his chart and said, "You know, he shouldn't even be here." That's why this fluke heatwave is so upsetting.

I rushed out of the house with FancyFeast and his Transfer Factor but forgot a towel or toy from home. I will go down again tomorrow and drop some things off. They said I shouldn't go see him because he'll have separation anxiety all over again. So will I!

And- Hamish is doing just fine. Settling in and not drooling anymore.He was handling the heat much better.

Tonight is much more hotter and more humid...I'm glad they are cool and comfy-just not real happy about it.

Thank you for the candle, prayers and well wishes. I've attached a recent pix of Haggis-laying in his leather chair before the heat wave hit. He says "thank you" too.:love::love:

07-28-2009, 09:50 PM
Sounds like he is a little slower to recover, but is making good progress. The Wondercat! At least the vet got to check him again and see how well he is doing, heat wave notwithstanding.

If he is a bit, er, LARGER than his fursib, that might make the heat affect him a bit more too.

Hugs and kissies to both babies! :love::love:

Pinot's Mom
07-28-2009, 10:03 PM
Prayers for continued improvement! I can't help the heat, I'm sorry!

07-29-2009, 01:34 PM
How is our Haggis today? And Hagrid?

Hugs to those precious boys!

07-29-2009, 05:31 PM
**before my computer melts! It's 106 outside now where I live and 86 indoors. Not Seattle weather at all!!!**

The vet called and the kitties are comfortable but not happy. Hamish hasn't eaten anything since I dropped them off. Nests in the corner of his cage very sad. :(

Haggis has though (whew!) but not very much. The vet did bloodwork on Haggis to give him an overview on his health-being WonderCat and all. ;) We'll know the details tomorrow. His temp is normal and isn't showing outward signs of the heatstroke. I gave them more hints to maybe help them eat.

The vet doesn't think they'd do well staying there over the weekend and I had planned to bring them home on Friday. This crazy heatwave is supposed to continue into next week. It won't be in the 100's but in the low 90's. I express ordered 2 portable A/C yesterday and they should be here by Friday. I will be able to keep at least 2 areas cool for them so this hopefully won't happen again.

I know the kitties hate being at the vet but it is so hot they would be in distress here at home. The office said they have a full kennel now and are dealing with many heat related problems. They are overwhelmed and directing people to the bigger 24/7 emergency clinic.

What a week! That's the latest. I will let you all know what Haggis' bloodwork shows.

All the best to you and your kitties! :love::love:

07-29-2009, 06:28 PM
I live in L.A., and the heat here has been in the 100s! I have good A/C in my place, so my kitties are ok. Today is a little cooler, but it's supposed to stay this hot until the middle of August! Thank goodness you have the air conditioners on order. Hope your kitties will be alright until Friday. I have a soft spot in my heart for Haggis, so my prayers are with him. I wish Hamish well, also.:love:

07-30-2009, 11:01 PM
-Yay!-the worst of the heatwave has passed. It got to 110 yesterday outside and 93 in the house. Today was 100 but tonight, a breeze, and cool temps on the way.

News about the kitties is good except they haven't eaten much so the sooner I get them the sooner that can happen and I can spend the weekend reintroducing them to each other. Haggis knows Hamish right away but it'll take Hamish 2+ days to remember Haggis. :confused:

Vet sees no sign of the lesion under Haggis' tongue. :D His bloodwork came back good except for he now needs a boost in the hyperthyroid meds. So, he has to have a pill and a half a day. He has a heart murmur too but it's something to watch and not panic about. His heatstroke was brought on probably by age, heart murmur, weight and being slightly dehydrated from the heat. Both kitties hardly drink water so I have to add a little extra to their food. Anyone else have kitties who don't drink water? Unless they sneak it at night they are never at their water bowl!

What a week. Hubby has been gone for 2+ weeks on business and kitties gone all week. Everyone comes home tomorrow! Haggis will be so happy to see his favorite person (mine too):love:

I'll keep posting updates. So far so good. Whatever it is that is keeping Haggis healthy I hope it continues. Thank you again for your prayers and well wishes and insight to Transfer Factor. You all have saved the day!:love::love::)

07-31-2009, 09:00 AM
Sometimes cats who won't drink water from a bowl will drink it from a kitty drinking fountain. They like the sound, and that the water's moving - it's like a wild cat drinking from a stream. But it's good to have a nice big mat underneath, as some cats enjoy PLAYING in running water too!

Love, Columbine (whose silly Smudge was actually scared of a fountain, but turned out to enjoy drinking from a glass bowl in the living room instead of a stainless one in the kitchen. Cats! :confused: )

07-31-2009, 09:18 AM
Sometimes cats who won't drink water from a bowl will drink it from a kitty drinking fountain. They like the sound, and that the water's moving - it's like a wild cat drinking from a stream. But it's good to have a nice big mat underneath, as some cats enjoy PLAYING in running water too!

Love, Columbine (whose silly Smudge was actually scared of a fountain, but turned out to enjoy drinking from a glass bowl in the living room instead of a stainless one in the kitchen. Cats! :confused: )

And to go along this line of thought, my RB Puddy liked ice cubes in her bowl. She didn't play w/them so I'm not sure if it was that the water was ice cold or she liked seeing them move in the water or what but it helped her to drink more water. :)

07-31-2009, 02:36 PM
Believe it or not, my kitties don't like drinking from their fountain at all. What they will drink out of, believe it or not, are juice glasses full of bottled water. Go figure cats!:rolleyes: My boyfriend's RB cat, Tomas, used to refuse any water but running water from the tap. Try that.

07-31-2009, 05:10 PM
Aw, kitties! :) Haggis told me all about his air conditioned stay on the drive home. ;)

To my surprise, there was little "Haggis amnesia" from Hamish. A few sniffs and one or 2 hisses and we seem to be done with it. I fed them and they ate some, double checked where the litter pan was and retreated to their usual sleeping spots. I'm happy things are returning to normal (kitties, hubby, weather).

I've never heard of a kitty drinking fountain. I will look into that. When they were younger Haggis would sometimes drink out of the faucet but he just looks at the water, sticks a paw under it and jumps down. Silly kitty.

Thanks again for listening. All is well I think and I will keep you posted. Fingers, toes, paws and tails crossed for continued good health.

Best wishes to everyone!:love::)

09-05-2009, 09:01 PM
*with a small exception. We've discovered what feels like lump on Haggis's right back hip. I had felt something there before and our vet said it was a ligament point that feels like a knot that attaches the leg/hip bone.

There is a distinct difference between his left side and right side. You can feel it when he sits or lays down. So, we'll see how it goes next week. Maybe he bumped himself or I don't know...fingers crossed. He's doing fine otherwise. Hamish too.

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!:)

09-05-2009, 09:40 PM
I will be praying for dear Haggis.:love:

09-08-2009, 05:24 PM
We're keeping an eye on the lump. It's about the size of a small pea. It doesn't feel like it is attached to anything-like it's under the skin and not attached to his hip bone. When he was at the vet during the heatwave he got 2 booster shots. Maybe it's an allergic reaction. Seemed smaller today so we'll see.
Thank you again for the prayers. Haggis soaks them up!:)

09-09-2009, 12:24 AM
Haggis is a very special kitty to me. He is proof that prayer works miracles! I will always keep this boy in my thoughts and prayers.:love:

09-30-2009, 01:09 AM
We had to rush Hamish to the vet today. He was then sent via Animal Ambulance in an oxygen cage to a urgent care vet. Xrays and a heart ultrasound and many drugs it turns out he has congenitive heart failure. He'll be at the urgent care till Thursday. What a sad day. They said one year with meds is the best to expect. They think he had a spike because of the hyperthyroidism and just how he's made. It happened so fast. Yesterday he had a bout of trying to throw up but nothing came up. He ate fine this morning and played and was okay. He came in our bathroom panting crying and he could barely stand. I am so thankful we were home. He was already in shock by the time we got him to the vet. please pray for Hamish. He's such a sweet kitty. Thank you everyone.

09-30-2009, 06:30 AM
Oh dear, I'm so sorry to read this. Of course, many prayers for Hamish that he'll get well quickly and will have a long time w/you yet. Keep the faythe. :love:

09-30-2009, 10:26 AM
Prayers for Hamish!

Medusa's Pidge has CHF and is doing well. I hope Hamish is out of the woods soon and enjoys much more time with you! :love:

09-30-2009, 01:33 PM
I will be praying for Hammish! Get better soon, boy!:love:

09-30-2009, 10:10 PM
Hamish is still at the critical care center but has spent half the day out of the oxygen cage and is doing okay with that so far. He has been receiving Lasix via nebulizor/ed and they want to start him on pills to see how he adjusts. His lungs are clearing but still raspy and likely to be that way once he comes home. He's not eating which is typical for him if he spends any time at the vet. Looks like we can get him late tomorrow...but maybe one more day. We'll see what the night brings.

The vet we rushed him too (not our regular one) went down to see Hamish today. No other reason but to check on his progress. I thought that was so nice of him.:) We are going to send his office thank you flowers or something for what they did to save his life. He said that Hamish had such an impact on them they just are praying it all turns out okay. Our regular vet, who knows Hamish is very sick, haven't called or anything.

Haggis misses his brother and has been pretty vocal about it. He is getting extra pets and tummy rubs.

So, kitty is improving. I hope to have more news tomorrow. Best wishes to everyone. Thank you for the prayers. :love::love: What a year it has been with the kitties.

09-30-2009, 11:23 PM
Better news! More prayers for Hamish - glad he is responding to the meds.

I hope you have your baby boy home tomorrow...and extra food on hand! ;):):love:

10-01-2009, 12:25 AM
I am so happy for you and for Hammish! Spoil that boy for me when he gets home!:love: Sounds to me like you should change vets. I wouldn't want a vet who once gave my cat a death sentence, which proved wrong, and then couldn't be bothered to check on him when he is very sick.:mad:

10-01-2009, 06:47 AM
Critical but improving, well, that's something anyhow. We'll keep the prayers going that he'll continue to improve and be home w/you where he belongs. Better and better.....:love:

10-01-2009, 01:53 PM
Some good news- Hamish ate some food overnight! Whew. He remained out of the oxygen cage all night too. They are going to review blood gases and his lungs again this afternoon and they think he can come home tonight. :) Yay!

I think I might switch vets after this. You're right- after Haggis' prognosis and no call after this makes me wonder about the office a bit. Kitties hate the ride to the vet and they are a half hour away. I continued as a client after the first dr. (Dr.Dave) retired. He was awesome-his replacement is okay but doesn't have the same sensibilities. The new vet is just up the street and obviously has a big heart. I sent them a thank you bouquet today...:D How can you say thank you enough for what they did?!?!

If anyone has a scary emergency situation in the Seattle area-here is where Hamish is. His dr. is Dr. Hsu

10-01-2009, 08:38 PM
You can say "thank you" by making this caring man your official vet. Get you vet records for both boys transferrred to this office asap!:love:

10-02-2009, 02:01 AM
He's eaten a jar of baby food so far and is sleeping in my lap now. He's happy to be home. Haggis is apprehensive and growly.

We are going to switch vets- no doubt about it. The drs. at the hospital even commented on him stopping by to check on Hamish. I count us lucky for all the great people we met during this.

Okay. Time for bed. Thank you again everyone for the shoulder and prayers.

10-09-2009, 08:00 PM
Yikes. What a week. Hamish had another attack Tuesday night. We rushed him to the emergency vet and he was there till today. He is now on Lasix and beta-blockers for his heart. So far so good. Fingers crossed.:love::love:

10-09-2009, 08:15 PM
Oh no! What a shock -

Glad to hear he is home and ok for now. How are his spirits and his appetite?


Pinot's Mom
10-09-2009, 09:03 PM
Oh, Hamish, sweetie, please straighten yourself out - your family is so worried as are we! Prayers both you and Haggis are OK.

10-10-2009, 05:31 AM
I'm glad at least that Hamish is holding his own. Prayers are going up that he'll continue to improve....:love:

10-10-2009, 10:14 PM
Hamish appetite is really good. I was attempting to sneak his pills in a small spoonful of food but he caught on that something was in it. So, I'm pilling by hand. I have 2 pill shooters- one's opening is too big and the other too small. I will pick up suspensions on Monday but I am getting good at pilling finally.
Hamish first attack after the echo showed he had an enlarged heart- this last one it was almost normal sized. He is an atypical case of congestive heart failure. :( The beta blockers seem to be really helping with his appetite and mood. Haggis missed him too. He witnessed Hamish collasping at the top of the stairs and didn't run when he heard my hubby running up the stairs with the pet carrier. Every day while Hamish was gone he would cry out. Once Hamish came home there wasn't a learning curve on remembering who this cat was...even with Hamish bandaged IV leg and shaved spots. Thanks again for listening to our tails of woe. ;) SVS hopes not to see Hamish again and I hope they don't either! They are great folks. Anyway it's day by day and he is happy to be home. Both kitties are laying in front of the fireplace now. Again, what a week!

10-11-2009, 01:15 AM
Both of your boys are in my prayers. Give them each a hug and kiss from me!:love:

10-11-2009, 09:21 AM
Im so happy to hear he is improving! Both your boys are in my thoughts and prayers!

Pinot's Mom
10-11-2009, 11:42 AM
Prayers for continued improvement - thanks for taking the time to update.

10-13-2009, 12:18 AM
Hamish had another attack tonight. He was doing okay but lost interest in his food this afternoon. I guess his health was more fragile than anyone thought. This attack was worse than the others and after rushing to the vet even Lasix couldn't help his breathing. We decided not let him suffer like this anymore and let him go. I'm so shocked and so sad. I have never had to do this before. I miss him so much. He was such a great loving lap cat. I will miss his crisscross paws and happy face. Thank you everyone for listening and everything. What an awful day.

10-13-2009, 12:33 AM

I am so, so sorry to hear about darling Hamish.

It sounds like the vets tried their very very best, and you did your utmost for him.

So ironic that Haggis was the one who had poor health and is now well and thriving. Take comfort that all your efforts to help Haggis worked.

I hope you and your husband and Haggis can find comfort with each other.

And prayers for Haggis at losing his longtime friend and brother.:love::love::love:

10-13-2009, 07:03 AM
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that! Honestly, it's when we think that they're on the mend that they sometimes go the other way. Please take comfort in the fact that you gave Hamish the best vet care and so much love and when you had to, you did what was best for him and not you. RIP, dear boy and peace to your humans. :love:

10-13-2009, 07:30 AM
I lost a dear kitty several years ago to congestive heart failure. I am so sorry that your dear Hamish is no longer with you. The intense sadness is a terrible feeling. Please know that each day will get better, even though you will still miss them every day. Please take comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering. Give Haggis some extra hugs as well.

Also, I don't know where you are, but I have some Transfer Factor that was compounded left from Morgan. I'd be willing to send it to you, if you could use it. It may only be about 10 pills worth though. The pharmacy says to keep it refrigerated on the bottle, but I'm not sure if it has to be. I asked and she didn't really give a straight answer. Let me know if you are interested.

Pinot's Mom
10-13-2009, 11:34 AM
:(I'm so sorry. I know you've had quite a time lately, and you've done your very best; it's heartbreaking, but it was time.

Godspeed to the Bridge, dear Hamish, and Peace to your family. Rest and play well with no more health problems; healthy and free!

Prairie Purrs
10-13-2009, 11:41 AM
I'm so sorry. You did everything possible for Hamish, but sometimes our kitties just can't recover and all we can do is to let them have peace. My thoughts are with you and Haggis.

10-13-2009, 12:09 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( Now he's pain free and playing up at the Bridge. RIP sweet Hamish.:( Please take care. (((HUGS)))

10-13-2009, 12:44 PM
Hi everyone-
I know we did the right thing but silly me was hoping for a miracle. :( He had a tough time at home after coming back from the emergency vet. He got stressed when I gave him his pills. Half the time he'd spit them back up or throw them up an hour or two later. We couldn't keep him in 24/7 care. I took him to the nice vet up the road and he said he could tell Hamish was declining just from the time he saw him the first time. He'd lost more weight-all the bad signs were there.

Hamish did have good day before this happened. He spent the day laying on his towel in the sun on my computer desk and laying in my lap at lunch.

Haggis knows something is up. We are giving him extra pats and having conversations. (Thank you for the Transfer Factor suspensions- Haggis hasn't had trouble taking it as is. So, we are okay there. I appreciate the offer.)

Breathe.:( I will post happier pix of Hamish once I can look at them without crying. :love::love:

10-13-2009, 04:02 PM
I am crying at this news. Your two boys have always had a special place in my heart!:love: RIP Sweet Hamish and give Haggis a giant hug and kiss from me.

10-19-2009, 05:20 PM
Hi everyone-
It's been a week since Hamish passed away. Every day I miss him. I can talk to people about what happened but if asked for detail I start to blubber. Haggis is adapting but it's obvious he misses his buddy. He meows when it's time to eat and leaves the kitchen looking for his friend to share a meal with. He sticks close by and talks a lot. We talk with him a lot too. Haggis, who usually slept upstairs and would come in the early morning now goes to bed when we do.

There are many things I miss about Hamish. He was always within an arm's reach away on my computer desk.
* Hamish always helped me make the bed.
* slept in my lap every evening while watching TV.
* a warm little sandbag that form fitted himself to the back of my legs at night.
* His appreciation of baked goods. You couldn't leave a grocery bag out containing a loaf of bread, hot dog buns or pastry- he would find it and chew a hole in the middle and eat his way to the edges. His favorite: maple bars.
*And, his heavy happy sigh, criss cross paws when he took a nap.

He was a great kitty.:love::love:

10-19-2009, 05:42 PM
The only thing I can reply is that sometimes, Life just sucks! Know that Hamish is in a good place and still loves you. Give extra hugs to Haggis, he will always be special to me. Tell him that all of us here on PT love him and miss Hamish, also. :love::(

10-19-2009, 08:40 PM
Today was two weeks since I lost Morgan. I still haven't had a day without tears yet, but it does get easier each day. I'm still looking for him and missing him tons. Give Haggis extra hugs.

10-20-2009, 06:41 AM
As Moesha said, it does get easier w/each passing day but it's still pretty fresh for you yet. My heart kitty Puddy went to the Bridge a year ago and I still tear up sometimes when I think about her but mostly I have happy thoughts now and soon you will, too. :love:

10-20-2009, 06:34 PM
-every day does get easier but boy the evenings are tough. Hamish was a permanent fixture in my lap. I miss his face and big eyes looking up at me- I'm getting in your lap-NOW! I'm awaiting the call from the vet to come up and get his ashes and pet carrier. That'll be a setback. *sigh*

I'm sorry about your Morgan, Moesha. It hasn't been a good month for kitties.

02-06-2010, 05:02 PM
Hi Everyone-
The house is adapting to life without Hamish. We miss him lots and wish he was still here. Haggis knows that Hamish is gone but still looks under the bed every night to check if he is there and when it's feeding time he calls out to his missing friend that it's time to eat. We have to stay close by so he eats his food.

We took Haggis in for his first check up with the compassionate vet who helped us so much in caring for Hamish. Haggis liked him a lot and showed no apprehension like he did with the previous vet. The vet looked for a lesion yesterday and saw and felt nothing. After all the blood tests and exam he called today that all is well. Haggis is a bit pudgy (17 lbs.) but he his happy and healthy. :D So, whatever I'm doing to keep it up. So, Transfer Factor remains in his diet from here on out...and thanks again everyone for your advice and shoulders during our kitty up and downs.

All the best to you and your kitties! :love:

02-06-2010, 05:08 PM
Good to hear from you, and to get a good report on Haggis, too. Glad he didn't wake up when you took his picture, we all know how important cat naps are!

02-06-2010, 07:51 PM
Wonderful news about Haggis!

There is still the shadow of Hamish, I know. I guess....getting a kitten for Haggis wouldn't help? It is too soon, I know. I just wonder if you might look at that in the future?

Give Haggis cuddles for me - after he awakes from his nap, of course!;)

02-07-2010, 07:06 AM
That's great news; I'm happy that things are moving along nicely. Good to have you back, too. :)

02-07-2010, 03:27 PM
I am so happy that Haggis is well!! I teared up at the part of him still looking for Hamish, but it is good that he is well! Just keep doing what you are doing and give that sweet boy a kiss from me!:love:

04-14-2010, 05:30 PM
Happy Spring everyone! I hope the tulips are up and the sun is shining.

Today, Haggis went in for a teeth cleaning. It's been a rough day for him. He is missing 6 teeth! 4 have been "re-assorbed" and 2 other are broken off and have started to abcess. So, those 2 teeth nubs have been removed. The vet also found a small "something" in the back of his throat. It was easily removed and it's been sent out for analysis. Knowing his history, I expect the worst, but I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed. If I can ask again for prayers...that kitty!:love: Hang in there Haggis! He's going to be pretty cranky- no food since 8am!

04-14-2010, 05:31 PM
Aw, poor little luvvie. Of course, prayers are on their way.....:love:

04-14-2010, 05:47 PM
Prayers for negative results - and prayers that he will enjoy his next meal! :D

04-14-2010, 07:10 PM
Prayers for haggis!

04-15-2010, 12:31 AM
I am praying for Haggis.:love:

04-15-2010, 12:45 AM
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

04-17-2010, 02:19 PM
Haggis is healing well from his 3 tooth extractions. I just got the report on the mysterious lump that was removed. It's called (sorry for spelling here) a hypertrophic gingavi-has to do with his gums/plaque taking over his teeth. It's not invasive and not cancerous! The vet while Haggis was under saw no signs of the squalmous cell carcinoma any where in his mouth. The lesion are has scar tissue but nothing that looks wrong. *whew*!

So, Haggis is good and well. He's not very happy about all the stitches in his mouth but he is eating good and head butting as usual. So, we dodged another one. Knock wood for luck and hugs to all of you. Thank you again and again for your prayers and well wishes!:love:

04-17-2010, 02:35 PM
Haggis is healing well from his 3 tooth extractions. I just got the report on the mysterious lump that was removed. It's called (sorry for spelling here) a hypertrophic gingavi-has to do with his gums/plaque taking over his teeth. It's not invasive and not cancerous! The vet while Haggis was under saw no signs of the squalmous cell carcinoma any where in his mouth. The lesion are has scar tissue but nothing that looks wrong. *whew*!

So, Haggis is good and well. He's not very happy about all the stitches in his mouth but he is eating good and head butting as usual. So, we dodged another one. Knock wood for luck and hugs to all of you. Thank you again and again for your prayers and well wishes!:love:

Wow, that is a relief! I'm so glad for Haggis and you. PT prayer power works! (That and your love and good vet care, of course. :))

04-17-2010, 04:45 PM
Yaay! Great news! :D:love::love::love: