View Full Version : MY poor kitty won't stop going through drooling spells

11-01-2008, 07:25 PM
We just got a kitten about 2 months ago.
He goes through periods of normal kitten behaviour... running around, chasing his tail, running into walls, the usual..This is when we wonder... how could anything be wrong with him?
He also will go about 3 days out of the week where he just drools and sleeps.. He barely eats and isnt interested in anything.
Is this normal?? I've talked to a few people who have said thier cat's drool too...
But i dont know it can be kind of extreme sometimes./

11-01-2008, 07:42 PM
Please take him to the vet, just in case. You mention that his behavior changes as well as the drooling, so he should get checked out ASAP.

Some cats drool when they are especially happy, but this does not sound like what is happening with your little one.

11-02-2008, 06:54 AM
Drooling episodes can also be a form of seizures, obviously not for 3 days, but the lethargy afterwards is also indicative of a seizure. Please take your kitty to the vet ASAP and let us know the outcome. Prayers are going up right now for your kitty and you that all is well.

11-02-2008, 07:06 AM
Gosh, definitely not normal behavior. Please get you kitten to the vet ASAP. When was the last time he/she was at the vet (was he vetted before you got him? I'd ask for copies of papers they said they have for him). Have they been vaccinated yet? Thoughts and prayers going out to you.

11-04-2008, 02:33 PM
Any news here?