View Full Version : My Inka was attacked by another cat!!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-30-2008, 11:46 AM
We were at the appartment at the sea during the weekend; Inka & Maya stayed at home, because my daughter promised to take care of them; she stayed home because she had lots of studying to do.

When we came back home, she told us she saw wounds on Inka's head :eek:. Indeed, there is a larger wound just next to here right ear, a smaller one on the other side, one on her neck(back) and one on top of her head!
Every wound is covered by a thick rind and looks redish.

I went to the vet with her and this is the verdict: my sweety got attacked, bashed & bitten :eek:, by another cat :eek:!!! I think it must have been a male cat who wanders around in the neighbourhood; he used to be best friends with Zazou, but since she isn't going outside anymore, he went after our poor Inka:mad:. My poor Inka is slow, because of her CH....:(
We used to call that tomcat Romeo, but from now on it will be Monster:mad:

Inka is on antibiotics now!! I am not allowed to put anything on the wounds (ointments, etc...), because the worst one is to close to the entrance of her ear :eek:; this would give possible complications!!

Poor Inka, I feel so sorry for her. I am glad though that the damage was "reasonable"; what if that monster had bitten in Inka's troat :eek:?? :mad:

10-30-2008, 12:07 PM
OH, poor Inka! What a bully to pick on a CH kitty!

I hope she will heal soon...I am sure the antibiotics will help. Are her sisters helping her?

I wonder if that male cat is fixed.

Prayers for sweet Inka! :love:

10-30-2008, 12:13 PM
Iīm so sorry!!... poor Inka... letīs hope Romeo doesnīt show up anymore (if he was the one who did this)...

healing vibes to her...

10-30-2008, 12:15 PM
Poor sweet Inka girl! Prayers being sent for healing, poor girl!

10-30-2008, 12:23 PM
:eek: What What thats so Horrible for that Bully to pick on poor wittle CH baby Inka..

:( Oh poor baby Inka = now stay indoors & take your meds for meowmomie ok.. Get Well Soon & Hope You Heal Real Fast.. also google eye your meowmom & papa for some extra treats ok..

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-30-2008, 01:35 PM
I wonder if that male cat is fixed.


I have NO idea!! I haven't got a view on his "behind" yet, and I also do not know to whom he belongs...!
I sure hopes he didn't try to get ON Inka; it is possible, because of the location of her injuries...

Are her sisters helping her?

Hm.... they all stay away from her! I bet they feel she is hurt and they know how intolerant she can be...

10-30-2008, 01:51 PM
Poor Inka!!!!

How nasty of that cat to attack her! :eek: Must have been such an awful experience for her! Hope the antibiotics will help very soon!

Get well soon, little Inka, I'm sure meowmie will comfort you and spoil you with lots of treats and good things to help you to get over this.


10-30-2008, 02:37 PM
Poor Inka. :( I am so sorry that you got beat up. Hope you feel better and heal up SOON!

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-30-2008, 05:08 PM
now stay indoors & take your meds for meowmomie ok.. ..

I will keep her inside for 1 week, untill the wounds are healed completely. Because of her CH, she cannot climb very well, so she never leaves our garden. Playing on the lawn, chasing butterflies or leaves, it is her favorite thing! Sometimes she is already satisfied with an hour on my gardenchair:). It is absolutely safe there, but of course we often get "visitors" --> other cats. Today she was so sad because I didn't allow her to go out..:(

Inka in my chair

10-31-2008, 05:11 AM
Oh poor Inka! You don't deserve it.
My previous cat had wounds several times. he was a lot outside and was not happy when he could go out. He was not a fighter but couldn't avoid meeting other big males on his territory. Of course, he did not have CH.

10-31-2008, 07:51 AM
Oh poor little girl. My CH baby Creamsicle is quite the fighter and if that had happened to her, the bully would've gotten a shock. Just eat up all the extra attention and lovin', little one, and heal quickly. :love:

10-31-2008, 11:24 AM
Poor Inka! Maybe another cat came in to the garden when your daughter didn't see him and that's how it happened. They do happen quick.

Sweet Inka, stay closer to the house, and learn to yell loudly when a big, bad bully is trying to hurt you!

10-31-2008, 12:03 PM
That beautiful girl Inka with bites? No! No!

I hope you heal swiftly dear one. Now be a good girl and stay indoors for your Mom.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-31-2008, 03:19 PM
Thanks for the sweet reactions!! I've passed on all the hugs to Inka, and she appreciated them all VERY much ;):p

I think that her wounds are healing now; she is trying to scratch there all the time, so they sure are itchy. Which means it is getting better, I think. She is being a very good girl today, and did not ask to play on the lawn with Maya!
I am so mad at that tomcat when I see her wounds..., they really look horrible. That is why I didn't take any pics of it....! My beautiful lovely Inka, with wounds all over her head.... POOR GIRL:love::love::love:

10-31-2008, 03:54 PM
Inka in my chair

Inka in YOUR chair?

I don't think so.;)

10-31-2008, 05:05 PM
Poor sweet innocent little Inka girl. I can only imagine how scared you were sweetheart when that big bad monster attacked you and you couldn't get away fast enough. I have LES just thinking about it.

Prayers on the way that you have a full and speedy recovery.

Lut, please give that precious baby girl of yours lots of scritchies and kissies for me.

10-31-2008, 09:43 PM
Beautiful Inka! I'm so sorry she got attacked but I'm glad to hear that she is on the mend. It does sound like Romeo may have been trying to mate with her. If he's not neutered, it sure doesn't help matters. I hope his family will keep him indoors more or will get him fixed soon (if he isn't neutered).

11-01-2008, 12:05 AM
I'm so glad that gorgeous Inka is on the mend but I also hope this means you'll keep her inside. If she's slow due to her CH she shouldn't be outside unless she's on leash.
Heal Quickly Inka

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-01-2008, 07:40 AM
Last night she has been scratching a lot, trying to get rid of some itchy rind...! This morning I saw she removed to much, because the wound had been bleeding again :eek:.
Oh my, poor Inky:(

11-01-2008, 09:06 AM
Inka, honey, didn't you learn that the outside is a dangerous place from your sister Zazou? You're so sweet and innocent, we want you to stay safe!!!

Please be safe and stay indoors!! We don't want you getting lost and locked up in a garage just like Zazou did a few times this summer!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-02-2008, 07:47 AM
Please be safe and stay indoors!! We don't want you getting lost and locked up in a garage just like Zazou did a few times this summer!!

Inka cannot leave the garden because of her CH

11-02-2008, 08:11 AM
Inka cannot leave the garden because of her CH

How is she feeling today?
Are the wounds healing?
If Inka cannot leave the garden b/c of her CH then she shouldn't be out at all b/c apparently other things can get into your lovely garden to hurt her. I know your garden is your sanctuary but apparently its just not safe for her due to outside beings.
Gentle hugs Inka

Laura's Babies
11-02-2008, 05:02 PM
Poor baby! I would just die if something like that happened to Amy. I would be so mad I would be setting a trap and catching that bully. I hate that she had to go through that, poor pretty girl. Take your meds sweetie and get well soon!

11-02-2008, 07:54 PM
Oh, Inka :( Prayers for you and your meowmie!

11-03-2008, 08:07 AM
Oh sweet Inka! What a terrible thing that nasty kitty did to you! I'm so sorry you were hurt like that. Please sweetie, be very careful, stay inside for a bit, and let Meowmie give you your medicine so you can get better very soon. My heart is aching for you.

Groucho is very upset and angry that some bad kitty hurt his sweet Princess. In fact, your Prince has LES as he's trying to get the next flight to Belgium so he can be at your side and protect you from further harm. As you know, Groucho is gentle and not the least bit violent but he says he'll give your attacker the fight of his life! Groucho will send you a pm just as soon as he calms down a bit.

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-03-2008, 09:45 AM
Groucho is very upset and angry that some bad kitty hurt his sweet Princess. In fact, your Prince has LES as he's trying to get the next flight to Belgium so he can be at your side and protect you from further harm. As you know, Groucho is gentle and not the least bit violent but he says he'll give your attacker the fight of his life! Groucho will send you a pm just as soon as he calms down a bit.

Awwww Groucho:love::love:, how sweet of you to be so concerned about me!! I wish you were here too, I know you would make sure that no tomcat would risk to come closer to me! Your concern is doing me good!!

your own Inka

Inka is getting better. Some of the rinds are falling off now, leaving a big bald spot on her sweet head:(. I hope that her fur will grow back there! She has such a beautiful soft silky fur :):love:

11-03-2008, 09:57 AM

11-03-2008, 11:36 AM
Lut, I'm so sorry to hear about Inka.:( I'm glad that she's starting to heal up well.:)

I guess that when the cats are outside that some one should supervise them to make sure that this won't ever happen again. Get well soon Inka.