View Full Version : so, so, so many Quinn pictures

10-27-2008, 09:37 PM
I hope you're ready for LOTS of Quinn photos. The first bunch are from a fair I went to with Quinn and my best friend, Amanda last month. We really wanted to go again with daddy but he was working tons of overtime that whole week.

We went on pony rides!

Quinn saw a baloon flying up into the sky, she yelled "A BALL!!!" (she thinks balloons are called balls

Then we went to the petting zoo. How fun it was. The man in charge said something about how he helps bottle feed orphan animals. Not sure how the animals became orphans (not sure if I want to know) but, regardless, they were all precious babies.

See the fawn in the background?

First pony rides, then feeding and loving all these goats, deer, calfs and such. What fun my little Quinn had that day.

Amanda is feeding the deer and Quinn's petting him/her

That funny deer behind her kept taking her ball cap off, so we held onto it while that fawn was near

2 very beautiful faces.



To be continued in next post....

10-27-2008, 09:39 PM
Sooo sweet. She is just having such a good time. I can't to wait to see her with her new baby brother:D

10-27-2008, 09:41 PM
The cutest little calf I ever saw. He/she was so sweet and cuddly

Then we went on the ferris wheel. It was fun for Quinn until we got to the very top and it made a loud clank noise from the gears, and then she got kind of scared. She wasn't even 1/2 as scared as I was though. My friend Amanda and I were both pretty nervous hehe

So that's all that I'm sharing of our trip to the fair. Next are some shots of her (unfinished) Halloween costume. I sewed a couple really darling bows on each ear to make her a girl bear, so this is her costume before I sewed the bows on.

The costume from the top....SOOO cute hehe

All dolled up going to church. This was a couple Sunday's ago

To be continued again...

10-27-2008, 09:41 PM
We had a big rain storm a couple weeks ago. Quinn almost always has to have her baby to play with outside when we play in the backyard. This day she went behind the shed with her baby and I kept hearing "SPLASH....giggle...giggle...giggle" and I went to see what she was doing and she was tossing her baby in the puddle then retrieving her, and repeating. It was funny so I ran to get the camera.

Quinn says, "I can't wait til my brother gets here"!!!

Poor baby

2 very wet babies


My mommy dresses me funny

Ok, so maybe she doesn't dress me funny all the time

Well that's it hehe. There's a ton of photos here, hopefully you enjoy them.

I'll have more to share on or after Halloween, as we're going to have fun at the Jump For Joy costume party with Missy and family, then Trick or Treating at Missy's neighborhood!

10-27-2008, 09:45 PM

10-27-2008, 09:53 PM
She is just too cute. I am just cracking up over the pictures of her throwing the baby in the puddle :D Love the caption too.

10-27-2008, 09:56 PM
Sorry haha I HAD to add these. These were taking this afternoon and they crack me up.

This is what happens when mommy puts my hood up then shortly later it falls down, and she puts it up again, and it falls again....etc.

Static cling!!!!

"A BAAALLLL!!!!!" says Quinn

10-27-2008, 09:59 PM
Oh my goodness... could she be any cuter hehehe. I just want to smooch her

10-27-2008, 10:12 PM
She is seriously the sweetest and most adorable little girl in the entire universe. :D:D Even her static cling is cute:D

I can't wait until Friday!

10-28-2008, 09:07 AM
Lovely! This little girl is just too cute! :)

4 Dog Mother
10-28-2008, 09:09 AM
Wow, Quinn pictures - what a way to light up a day! She sure is growing and into a very beautiful young lady! You can tell you enjoy being a mommy very much - it is great you are giving her so many things to do.

Her Halloween costume is adorable! Very good job of sewing!

The baby doll thing is something you would find either Jasmine or Dominic doing - they find the most interesting things funny but when you ask them if they would want it done to them - well actually sometimes they think that might be fun too but sometimes they realize maybe it wouldn't be so fun!

You are doing a great job capturing her childhood so some day she can see things she did but can't remember doing!

10-28-2008, 09:29 AM
Wow, Quinn pictures - what a way to light up a day! She sure is growing and into a very beautiful young lady! You can tell you enjoy being a mommy very much - it is great you are giving her so many things to do.

Her Halloween costume is adorable! Very good job of sewing!

The baby doll thing is something you would find either Jasmine or Dominic doing - they find the most interesting things funny but when you ask them if they would want it done to them - well actually sometimes they think that might be fun too but sometimes they realize maybe it wouldn't be so fun!

You are doing a great job capturing her childhood so some day she can see things she did but can't remember doing!

Thank you so much! That last comment meant a lot to me. I do try to capture her childhood, both cute and funny, messy and clean, so she can see how gorgeous and inquisitive she was when she's grown.

I can't take credit for the costume. I purchased the costume, but since it was unisex, I made it into a girl bear by adding some bows. I wish I could take credit for sewing such a costume but I'm not nearly that talented. I can only stitch tiny holes in shirts closed and sew buttons back on (and sew bows on bear costumes). That's about all my seamstress skills :)

The bows will be able to be easially removed for Quinn's brother, that way I don't have to buy him new costumes. Both Quinn's costumes (the duck and now this bear) will work for the new baby boy.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-28-2008, 11:48 AM
AWWW, Quinn is the most adorable little treasure!! I wish she would come Trick or treating in MY neighbourhood!! I'd spoil thatcute little bear:love:!!

10-28-2008, 12:00 PM
Eh...where was the cuteness warning? LOL, adorable Quinn, VERY adorable Quinn.

10-28-2008, 08:57 PM
Thanks so much :)

10-28-2008, 09:23 PM
Quinn is so cute! She sure was having fun in all the pics. Love the bear costume.:)

10-28-2008, 09:31 PM
Oh my gosh! What a cutie pie!! I swear she gets more beautiful every time we see her!

Big hugs to Quinn!!

11-01-2008, 08:22 AM
Adorable :D. That bear costume is too cute. Great photos, thanks for sharing with us :).

11-01-2008, 08:25 AM
Wow, Quinn has got to be the most adorable child I've ever seen.
Congratulations on such a beautiful family. :)