View Full Version : *~*To All The Lovley CH Babies the Secret is*~*UpDate Post #31 the Attack Of The*~*

10-24-2008, 09:01 AM
:love::love: Please Welcome Another CH Baby to the PT Family.. This is Zolene Bodoni.. She is 4 months old.. The Rescue Agent called my new meowmom & ask she had room for one more CH baby with real real bad shakes & wobbles.. My backend does not stay under me at all.. Well my new meowmom took me in = in a heart beat.. Then she was told the rest of the story of where I came from:: They found me in a cage with my pee & poop dried & caked on me.. I was in a warehouse with a horder.. The person said that she knew I was diff & unstable with my motions & didnt know what elese to do with me.. So the person confined me to a cage.. I had to have at least six baths just to get all the pee & poop off of me.. It was Horrible.. Well I am here now & have already been at the Vets the whole time with Harley's visit.. I have all my shots & have been spayed & microchipped now.. I am home now & love to eat eat & eat.. I also love meowmom when she carries me to the bed at night & I snuggle in with meowmom.. Here is some pics of me & please enjoy..

This is me at the Vets after surgery.. Yes I had to have this collar due to I went after my tummy when I woke up.. Are I just the Cutest Baby??


10-24-2008, 09:12 AM
Oh my gushness!! Zolene, you are so beautiful!! I love the fluffs of hair in your ears. And your markings on your face are adorable!
Well, let me tell you a secret. You've found yourself in one of the best possible homes you could ask for. Your new meowmie will take such good care of you FOREVER!!! No more cage either! :)

Welcome Home and to Pet Talk Zolene!! :D :D

10-24-2008, 09:18 AM
:love: Well Thank You for the Greating.. Oh gosh No on the cages.. Meowmom just laughs at me.. I just try to run & flipfloop all the way thru the house.. Also meowmom keeps telling me I am going to be a bigg girl..

10-24-2008, 09:23 AM
Oh God, I'm In Love Again.

Scooter's Mom
10-24-2008, 09:27 AM
Zolene Bodoni, my Charlie boy isn't CH but he is head over heals already! He thinks you are a stunning girl, and all he could say whe he saw you was, "meow!" :love:

You're in the bestest home now, sweet girl. Your new meowmom is going to take such good care of you, you will never know what happened. :)

10-24-2008, 09:38 AM
:love: So Charlie wants to be my Boyfriend?? That would be the greatest.. Hi Charlie & here is some Whisker Kissess..

Zolene Bodoni, my Charlie boy isn't CH but he is head over heals already! He thinks you are a stunning girl, and all he could say whe he saw you was, "meow!" :love:

You're in the bestest home now, sweet girl. Your new meowmom is going to take such good care of you, you will never know what happened. :)

10-24-2008, 09:59 AM
What a precious little baby - absolutely adorable. :love::love: She reminds me of my big guy RB Mortimer. Hope you have many wonderful years together!

10-24-2008, 10:06 AM
What a sweet little girl, she is in the best place she ever could be! I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures of her as she grows up into a gorgeous young lady :)

Scooter's Mom
10-24-2008, 10:28 AM
:love: So Charlie wants to be my Boyfriend?? That would be the greatest.. Hi Charlie & here is some Whisker Kissess..

Our moms can tell us apart by the color of our ear tufts! Yours are white and mine are black. :) I hope an older kitty of 5 isn't too old for you. If it is, I shall understand - you need a young'un to keep up with you.

10-24-2008, 10:42 AM
Zolene you are quite the beauty. I am so glad you found your furrever home and are so happy now. You are a very extra special baby. Welcome home and welcome to Pet Talk. :)

10-24-2008, 10:57 AM
first thing I noticed... besides her beauty... was the lovely feathers of her ears!!.. how cute!!!...

she and Charlie would look so cute as a couple... awwww

10-24-2008, 11:19 AM
:love: Hey Charlie I think a older gent would be purrfect for me.. See I cant keep up with the younger ones due to I fall & flip/flop so much.. Oh my we do look alike except for our fluffss in the ears.. Boy Howdy a new meowmom & a new furrever home && A New Boyfriend.. What More Could I Ask For?? Woo Hoo.. Thanks to All for the Warm Welcomes..
Our moms can tell us apart by the color of our ear tufts! Yours are white and mine are black. :) I hope an older kitty of 5 isn't too old for you. If it is, I shall understand - you need a young'un to keep up with you.

10-24-2008, 11:29 AM
Beautiful Zolene with the angel-hair ears! :D:love:

Maybe your flip-flopping will get a little bit better - when you were in that cage with all the poop caked on you, your little back legs got pretty weak! You keep running and flopping, and your muscles will get a wittle bit stronger...and we all and Charlie love you absolutely!

Isn't it mice to have a hoomin to cuddle with? :)

Welcome home, sweetheart!:love:

10-24-2008, 11:43 AM
Doesn't she just melt your heart. Bless you for taking her in - life will be perfect for her from now on.

10-24-2008, 11:44 AM
WOW!! She has the most impressive ear tufts EVER!!! She seems to stand reasonably well; do you think she's about a moderate CHer?

10-24-2008, 11:55 AM
WOW!! She has the most impressive ear tufts EVER!!! She seems to stand reasonably well; do you think she's about a moderate CHer?

:) No I dont.. The pic of her sitting is after she had tried 3 times to stable her balance.. Now like Candace stated her muscles are to get stronger in her leggss.. I have already noticed that.. No she even when she is laying down just non-stops shakes & floppss with movement.. She is very close to Amy = Laura's baby.. Oh and when she tries to go at any speed its like flip/flop=flop/flip three times & then she falls down all together.. She is just like Harley & ButterScotch but with much more looss in the caboss.. I am hoping the bigger & stronger she gets she will stable a bit.. Hey I have 4 CH babies now & they all have their diff moves.. They are still our God's Gifted wittle Angels..

Oh yes note meowmom has pawprints on her sheets with cat pillow casess & comforter..


10-24-2008, 12:14 PM
Well Zolene, you and my CH baby Creamsicle would get along just fine. Like you, in the beginning, Cgirl couldn't stand either. She'd just flop right over. As she got stronger, she could stand but could only walk in circles. Now she's able to walk pretty darned good, much like a salamander. Here's hoping that your legs get stronger and that you'll be able to walk better but, if not, you certainly found yourself a good home, didnt ya, lucky girl? You have the sweetest face and if cuteness could help, you'd be a shoe in! :love:

10-24-2008, 01:21 PM
Wow what a happy ending! Awww you are just such a cutie pie!

I'm so glad you were rescued!

Take care

10-24-2008, 01:36 PM
Zolene! You are absolutely be-MEW-tiful!! (I love your meowmom's linens with the pawsie prints on them!) Welcome, sweety girl!

Laura's Babies
10-24-2008, 02:11 PM
OH MY GOD!!!! She is absolutely gosh darn ADOREABLE!!!! Look at those ear tuffs and that sweet widdel PINK nose!!!! OH MY GOSH!! I am IN LOVE!!! What a TREASURE you have in her! What a beauty she is with that fur, her colors, her ears and that pink nose!

I too, bet she will get stronger now that she is out of that cage and be able to get around better. I am so thrilled for you to get that treasure named Zolene and that she now has a Mom that knows how to treat her as the lovely, special girl she is!! Thank God someone got her out of the situation she was in and got her to YOU!!!

Amy has not seemed to bounced back after Gustav and she can't seem to bounce back. I feel so sorry for her now. She is laying around most of the time now, looking miserable and cold weather has set in which does not help her one bit. All of us that I know with arthritis have been suffering since Gustav so I understand her problem. I am still giving her that Cosequin but it does not seem to be helping her like it did. She falls over so much that she has just given up and lays around all day. I need to go get her some Cosequin again and I will talk to the vet and see if there is something else we can try... Darn, it worked so good until Gustav! :confused:


Oh, WHERE did you get those sheets and comforter?? I Gotta have a set!!!

10-24-2008, 02:48 PM
Oh what a darling little girl, and what a precious addition to your family! Big Brother-in-law Elmer and Cousin-in-law Bob lead the rest of us in a rousing chorus of WELCOME, WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!

Zolene Bodoni, you have come to live with the most wonderful family in the entire state of Texas! Your troubles are behind you.

And God bless Helene, again, for bringing you home.

Love and purrs,
Pat, Elmer, Bob, Sydney, Poppy, Peony, and the Angels

10-24-2008, 02:52 PM
Amy has not seemed to bounced back after Gustav and she can't seem to bounce back. I feel so sorry for her now. She is laying around most of the time now, looking miserable and cold weather has set in which does not help her one bit. All of us that I know with arthritis have been suffering since Gustav so I understand her problem. I am still giving her that Cosequin but it does not seem to be helping her like it did. She falls over so much that she has just given up and lays around all day. I need to go get her some Cosequin again and I will talk to the vet and see if there is something else we can try... Darn, it worked so good until Gustav! :confused:

Laura, I'm so sorry to read that Amy is having such a hard time. Would one of those pillows filled with grains that you heat up in the microwave and then put in her bedding help to keep her a little warmer? If you'd like to try it, I have an extra one I will be glad to send along to her. Please let me know.

Gentle hugs and pets to the sweet girl, and we are all praying for her and singing her songs and sending our warming and healing energies along.


Scooter's Mom
10-24-2008, 03:15 PM
Oh, WHERE did you get those sheets and comforter?? I Gotta have a set!!!

I don't know where they came from, but many years ago after I lost so much in my housefire, my mom bought me a set just like them! Mine are flannel so I don't get to use 'em much here in AZ.

I just keep coming back to look at Zolene. She's so beautiful!

10-24-2008, 03:29 PM
:( My thoughts too for our wittle Amy.. Amy is the one that has inspired me & all of us on the Heart Strings that CH babies can bring us.. Hey I have a extra one of those pillow to heat up too.. Laura do you want Pat & I to send ours to you?? We will be more than Happy too.. Hey the Sheets was a Bed-n-Bag buy off of E-Bay about a year ago.. I & the babies just Love Them.. Many Prayers & Whisker Huggss for wittle Amy.. Many Thanks for the Great Welcome Greeting from the PT family..
Laura, I'm so sorry to read that Amy is having such a hard time. Would one of those pillows filled with grains that you heat up in the microwave and then put in her bedding help to keep her a little warmer? If you'd like to try it, I have an extra one I will be glad to send along to her. Please let me know.

Gentle hugs and pets to the sweet girl, and we are all praying for her and singing her songs and sending our warming and healing energies along.


10-24-2008, 05:16 PM

10-24-2008, 07:40 PM
Hi, Zolene, cookie ... I'm back here looking at you because you're just so unbelievably cute! I love the photo of you looking up - I'd like to tickle you under the chin and kiss your widdle pink nosie. I definitely think you have that sweet CH'er expression too. I hope your legs will get much stronger so you won't flip/flop and flop/flip all the time. Otherwise, fool 'em - just let meowmom take your photo lying down and no one will be the wiser! Mmwah!! Welcome! :love:

Laura's Babies
10-24-2008, 11:36 PM
Thank you both for the offer but Amy won't have anything to do with heated things to lay on. I have spent a small fortune on heatable things and she will not go anywhere near them. She still prefers her fleece to lay on over anything else.

10-25-2008, 01:43 AM
What a gorgeous little girl! To think that she was stuck in a cage for so long! I'm so glad she is now with you.

Hugs and kisses to you, Zolene!

10-25-2008, 08:29 AM
Thank you both for the offer but Amy won't have anything to do with heated things to lay on. I have spent a small fortune on heatable things and she will not go anywhere near them. She still prefers her fleece to lay on over anything else.

I'm sure you know this already but, on the off chance that you don't, there are heated fleece beds that you can buy. I bought one for Coco Puff because I get so cold in the winter that I use a heating pad myself and half the time I have to shoo him off it. I returned the cat bed, though, because it barely heated up at all. So maybe Amy would like that because it's fleece and, because she won't have anything to do w/heated things, you can barely tell that it's heated. Maybe you've tried that already and, if so, my apologies. :)

Laura's Babies
10-25-2008, 09:28 AM
I haven't tried that, I will keep my eyes open for one and give that a try. Maybe if it hardly heats up, she would use it.

I keep coming back to look at Zolene's pictures. She is just so darn pretty!!!Ahhh, and my weakness for PINK noses has kicked in full force! :rolleyes:

10-25-2008, 12:48 PM
:love: Many Thanks to All for the Warm Welcomes.. I am playing on the bed now with a rolled up sticky notes..:D

Tha Attack of the Rolled Up Sticky Note





10-25-2008, 03:44 PM

It must be such a relief to you to know that Zolene Bodoni is on guard like this.

10-25-2008, 04:54 PM
Oh my gosh, that sweet little face just melts my heart! How can you stand so many sweet, and gorgeous kitties in your home?!

10-26-2008, 09:16 AM
Oh my gosh, that sweet little face just melts my heart! How can you stand so many sweet, and gorgeous kitties in your home?!

:love: My Heart just pounds everyday from the Loving I get from my babies..

Yes Pat I did not know I had such a guard kitty on duty for sticky notes..:D

10-27-2008, 01:25 PM
Darling Zolene, I can't stop looking at you because you're just beautiful. And those ear feathers! Wow!

I see in this picture you're doing "frog kitty" with your back legs like my fur-nephew Milo does!


10-27-2008, 03:51 PM
:love: Yes I have noticed she does that non stop.. Some of which her back legs just give away on her & then she just stays laying that way.. Also I can imagine its so relaxing to stretch like that after being in a cage as long as she was..The way I understand she had been locked up in a small cage for weeks at a time.. Not No More.. She does & goes where she wants too.. Her favorite thing is to lay in the hallway & ambussess everyone that comes by.. :D
Darling Zolene, I can't stop looking at you because you're just beautiful. And those ear feathers! Wow!

I see in this picture you're doing "frog kitty" with your back legs like my fur-nephew Milo does!


10-27-2008, 08:15 PM
And a kiss to the owner of the orange tabby tail in the picture, too!

10-28-2008, 11:45 AM
And a kiss to the owner of the orange tabby tail in the picture, too!

Hey thats me Skid Mathis


10-28-2008, 12:17 PM
Yes Zolene Bodoni you are the cutest & I bet the sweetest! :love: :)

I am so glad you are in a good home after everything you have been through. Sending love, hugs and kisses your way. XOXOXOXO :love: