View Full Version : Yikes!!

09-12-2002, 09:38 AM
On Tuesday evening, my hubby & I went shopping, and *of course* Malone went with us because he always goes with us wherever we go, whenever he can. It had been quite warm & sunny during the day, but by 7:30, it was down to a cool 65 degrees and the sun was going down. We still left the windows open 1-2". We were in the store 20 minutes or something, and getting ready to go, when I heard over the pager system that would the owner of <my car> please come to the front. My heart stood absolutely still, and all I could think was that my puppy was hurt, or that someone stole him or something. The walk from the back of the store to the front of the store was sooo long! I wasn't up there 2 seconds before this PERSON lit into me, that it was unsafe to leave my "animal" in the car, that I was being cruel etc. etc., and that I should learn to leave my windows open (THEY WERE!) I kept my cool, but I can just imagine that SHE is the type to leave her dog at home chained up on 3' of rope. I guess I can appreciate her concern, (only in that if I saw a dog in danger I would light into them, too), but it really it ticked me off because I am soo careful, to be sure and leave water, leave windows open, only leave him for a little while at a time, etc. etc. Thanks for letting me vent!

09-12-2002, 10:41 AM
I had that happen to me once. Last winter (keep in mind winter in Arizona is around 60 degrees) I went to Starbucks and I brought my dog. I left her in the car long enough to get my coffee and then I was going to get Missy and sit on the front patio with her. Then the girl at the counter asks where my dog is and I say she's in the car, I'm going to get her out once I get my my drink. And she yelled at me saying "don't you know you can't leave dogs in the car". And I was just like "well, in the summer you can't leave them in the car and you can't leave them for an extended period of time, but 5 minutes in the middle of January should be fine." But I couldn't beleive that she was yelling at me for that. I mean what else did she want me to do? I was going to tie her up outside on some post with her short leash. Where strangers could possibly do things to her.

09-12-2002, 10:43 AM
From petfinder: Overheating (heat prostration) can kill an animal. Never leave an animal alone in a vehicle, since even with the windows open, a parked car, truck or van can quickly become a furnace. Parking in shade offers little protection, as the sun shifts during the day.

I think most people on here would also be worried about a pet left in a car even at this time of the year.

I believe this person was maybe just concerned for your dog. So I wouldn't be too upset - she must care for animals or she would not have bothered to even check. I also believe you are a conceren pet owner and you had the windows open ect. You would have done the same I am sure.
Anyway nobody got hurt.

09-12-2002, 10:48 AM
Well I can at least appreciate her concern. But it's one thing to politely say something, but it's another thing for her to raise her voice at me while I am a customer at her store and make a scene. But hey, at least she was concered about animals.

09-12-2002, 10:49 AM
Well, I understand both of your upsets, but did you know that the temperature inside the car is far higher than the temperature outside? I am not saying you were wrong for leaving your dog in the car, etc., but there is that factor - and you must also know that the people seeing the dog have no idea how long you intended to leave the dog. I too have seen poor dogs panting their little hearts out in the car, either from excitement or upset or heat....one never knows. I do not agree with their attitude toward you folks, but it happens so often and the poor animals look so uncomfortable. If the dog was asleep on the seat, comfortable as all get out, then there wouldn't be an issue.

Maybe you should leave a sign on the car the next time?

I suppose those folks were only trying to be kind to your pet.

I have seen people leave kids in the car too. I guess society is so in shock about some irresponsible people that when they run into responsible people, they don't recognize the difference!

Sorry you had so much upset over your pups! I am sure it was upsetting for all involved!


09-12-2002, 11:00 AM
I too can see their concern. They have no idea that you are a responsible pet owner. What makes them sure that you wouldn't do it in on a hot day or leave them for more than 5 minutes?

09-12-2002, 11:20 AM
I would much rather see concern on their part, than indifference. They must be avid pet lovers to get so angry at you. They were only worried about the well-being of your dog. That was what was important to them. YOUR dog's safety. They have no idea that you are wonderful pet owners, careful not to leave them too long. Better to be safe and tell you about it (however angrily) than have possible harm come to your dog. I'll bet those people were passionate pet lovers. Don't be so hard on them. They don't know that you would never let harm come to your dogs. There are people out there who do leave their dogs (and their children, sad to say) in harm's way.

09-12-2002, 01:19 PM
People are such nosy hen pickers. I do that with Tango all the time. If the weather is too hot or cold, I leave the car running and just lock it behind me. I am sorry that you had that experience, and your right about her probably leaving her dog on a chain.

09-12-2002, 01:25 PM
Thanks for the replies. I really think that this person was just trying to pick a fight or taking it to an extreme. The fact of the matter is, it was kind of chilly outside, the dog was sound asleep and not even panting. Meanwhile I was embarrassed at being in the middle of a scene, and I just think that there are plenty of better ways she could have approached me. :o Maybe she IS an animal lover, but I sure am glad that she's not MY mother...

09-12-2002, 01:46 PM
People suck sometimes, that's really the only way to put it. There are people whose lives are so boring and miserable that they feel they must meddle in other people's lives.

09-12-2002, 01:56 PM
I too think that concern is better than apathy. If more people got concerned about pets, the better off we would be. Leaving a dog/cat in the car is a call made by the owner. In Vermont, the police often show up and remove the pet! Talk about a problem in the long run! Like I said before, people do not know how long you will be and in some cases, how long you have been. I'm surprised someone would even notice a sleeping dog in the car.

Well, all worked out ok, and I am glad.

Keep smiling!

09-12-2002, 02:07 PM
The reason that they noticed him in the car is because he sleeps on the very back ledge. He has since the day we got him, and even now that he is almost to squeeze back there, he tries his best. :)

09-12-2002, 04:14 PM
Those people that raised concern about your dogs being left in the car even for a short time, I wish one of them had been around a few months ago, when a K-9 officer left his partner in the patrol car.

Police Dog Dies in Car! (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11341)

09-12-2002, 05:07 PM
I think that if your dog wasn't showing signs of discomfort, and was perfectly fine in 60 degree weather, they should just but out. It shows that you love your dog enough to take them with you just to goto the grocery store for a little bit. If it was 80 degrees, and you're doggy was panting and the windows were up, it'd be a completely different story. But the point is, it wasn't. And personally, I think the lady was just trying to make a scene. I wouldn't stop bringing your baby places(but not for too long) just because some melodramatic person says its wrong.

09-12-2002, 05:57 PM
People don't need to be rude about it when asking about your dog and put you down - but some of you seem really insulted that someone would dare ask about someones dog left in a car. Do you think maybe thats why people (who are really not all the pet crazy) just ignore when they see a pet in a car?

Ok ---How many of you would take the chance that someone might get mad at you for questioning about a dog left in a car? Now remember you have no idea how long its been left unattended & is the air on??? ( I had a/c go out but the fan was still a hummen.)
I guess I would not be mad. I have taken my dog with and left him in the car for a short time also. But nobody likes to be called on and put on the spot.

The note left on the window might be a good idea if you leave your pet in the car for a short while.

09-13-2002, 12:43 AM
I agree that it is good for people to be concerned. But personally, if the weather is cool, and the dog is content and asleep...there's really no reason to do that. And to be rude about it. Now it would be completely different if it was warm and the dog was panting--no windows open.

I really like to take dogs in the car with me. Reggie goes with me all the time. But it's always for times when I'm just running inside for a minute. Of course Reggie ALWAYS barks his head off, so it's a wonder nobody has chewed me out yet. So far Nebo goes in the car often, but it's only to Petsmart/Petco, and he has a seatbelt. I had to leave him in the car on my way home from Petsmart last tuesday. I ran inside to get a 2 liter of pop for his refillable water dish (which is now destroyed...:rolleyes: ). Of course it was like 9:00 and not hot. I was amazed how good he was, just sat there, didn't make a sound.

Anyway, I guess the fact of the matter is, pets do die in cars. People should definitely be concerned if they see a pet in distress, and do something about it. But if the pet is fine, it is ok to talk to the person, but please don't be rude about it.