View Full Version : Constipation and Goopy Eyes

10-23-2008, 04:21 PM
We just received a 7 week old kitten that does not have a tail. Both of her eyes are very runny, to the point that there are times when it dries that she cannot open them. She is also having problems with constipation. She haS a piece of fecal matter that is hanging out of her and she cannot pass the rest of it. She was eating dry cat food for the past two days, we now have her on wet cat food. We just started that this afternoon. I have never had a kitten before and am not sure about what to do. I don't know if I should pull the fecal matter out of her or if I should just let her work it out on it's own. I don't want to hurt her while trying to help her. Does anyone have any suggestions as for what I can do?
