View Full Version : Just some quick shots.

10-23-2008, 08:09 AM
Well Sears is having this huge sale. I bought a shirt for 99 cents so I could use the material to make a dress for Ryleigh. It came out okay. Should have been a little longer but I plan on adding lace so I guess it will be okay. Can't beat it for 99 cents:D
You can dress her up but don't expect her to act lady-like BOL.
She needs matching bloomers so we don't get bootie shots!
Chopper will lay by her now, I guess he realized she does not have cooties....notice he has his back to her though LOL.
I don't know why she looks so big in this picture...she is only about 1.5 pounds.

I will be posting pictures of the playdate with Sasha over the weekend, have to download them.

10-23-2008, 08:29 AM
I just decided to do a quick cruise through Dog General, looking to see if per chance you had added any pictures, before I head out. Boy did I strike gold! How adorable they are! My goodness they are playing and even posing so sweetly for you! I love Ryleigh's little dress. She has a clever mommy! ;) I love Ryleigh's little black pawsies! :) Can't wait for the pics with Sasha.

(Terry, did you hear that? More pictures coming! Maybe we should begin to try some relaxation techniques before viewing and not just rely on our meds! :D )

4 Dog Mother
10-23-2008, 08:58 AM
Great pictures of the little ones! They are just so adorable! I didn't like chihuahas until I came on Pet Talk. Most I knew were fat, beady, barky little guys. You have certainly changed that sterotype for me. Yours as well as others on this board have the cutest little ones ever. They must have improved them over the years (lol).

The little dress is very adorable for Ryleigh. I didn't know you knew how to sew. The place I got Tucker from has someone who makes things to sell. One of the articles is a little "knapsack" type thing that you wear like a babies pouch to put your dog in. I bought one for Tucker and it worked really well while he was smaller. He is larger now and I am not sure how it will work - I may find out this weekend as we may go flea marketing again. Anyway the ones they made were from fleece - really just a rectanglular bag with an elastic closure on top. Then it has adjustable straps on it. I thought about making a lighter weight one for summer but never got around to it mostly because I am not sure now that he is older that he would stay in it so nicely. We used it at one of the flea markets and it was so cute. - he fell asleep it in and everyone that noticed thought it was so cute. I will try to get pictures of it to post but am having trouble with shutterfly. I am going to Amy's (Cincy's mom)tomorrow so I maybe I will have her post the pictures from her shutterfly. I don't know where to get the adjustable straps but I am sure you could find them on the internet. I have not checked the fabric stores so maybe they even carry them.

10-23-2008, 09:55 AM
Awww, there's the adorable little chi duo. :) See Chopper, little sisters aren't so bad, are they?
I am anxiously waiting for photos with Sasha. :p

10-23-2008, 11:31 AM
OOMMGG!!!!... isnīt that the cutest.. :D :D

very nice job mommy....

haha... love the bootie shot... "oh no paparazzis!!.. get out!!"... LOL

what a lovely duet... sorry about the lateness but Iīm holding up for a lil something else to get ;)

10-23-2008, 11:44 AM
:eek: WoW just too Cute Cute Cute.. I just Love the Babies pics & the captions.. Cant wait till we Harley Ride..:D great thanks

10-23-2008, 01:45 PM
They are just too cute together. Loved the pictures. :)

10-23-2008, 01:56 PM
Awwww... I LOVE LOVE LOVE to last one :D Ryleigh's little pink tongue is sooo cute :D

And just look at that handsome Chopper as well- I swear he gets cuter each time I see him- if thats even possible ;)

Can't wait for the Sasha etc ones :)

10-23-2008, 03:16 PM
Such a nice group of photos. That dress is grand, you are amazing when it comes to sewing, Traci! I like the 2d to last shot best. Chopper is looking at Ryleigh, and she is looking at the camera. Just a sweet brother - sister pose!

Daisy and Delilah
10-23-2008, 06:45 PM
I just decided to do a quick cruise through Dog General, looking to see if per chance you had added any pictures, before I head out. Boy did I strike gold! How adorable they are! My goodness they are playing and even posing so sweetly for you! I love Ryleigh's little dress. She has a clever mommy! ;) I love Ryleigh's little black pawsies! :) Can't wait for the pics with Sasha.

(Terry, did you hear that? More pictures coming! Maybe we should begin to try some relaxation techniques before viewing and not just rely on our meds! :D )

You said it, Pam!! The meds are getting pricey since we have to take so many. Maybe some aromatherapy?
Could those two get any cuter? That little dress is priceless.
Pam: I am going to NC for a few days, it's actually an excuse for a trip to Traci's. ;) ;) ;) I'll pick you up on the way.

10-23-2008, 08:05 PM
Chopper and Ryleigh! There you are again, you two cuties! i love the last two photos!

Ginger's Mom
10-23-2008, 08:32 PM
Oh so cute. :) I love little girls that are not afraid to be toughies. I, too, love the second to last picture. They are adorable.

10-24-2008, 11:51 AM
OMG she is Just tooo precious! :) I Just wanna hug and squeeze her!

10-24-2008, 01:37 PM
I am going to NC for a few days, it's actually an excuse for a trip to Traci's. ;) ;) ;) I'll pick you up on the way.

I'll be waiting at my door with a big pocketbook that will fit two small chihuahuas! :p (Thank you for doing this. I realize that I am a little out of the way! LOL!)

10-24-2008, 01:39 PM
Sooo cute!!! I love the last picture of Chopper and Ryliegh. Way to cute for words. :D

10-24-2008, 05:15 PM
Ryleigh is so cute. And sassy, too! ; )

She's lucky to have a big brother who loves her so much. They're the sweetest couple.