View Full Version : Minor car accident...

10-22-2008, 02:00 PM
I was on my way home from work on Monday night. I was driving in the right lane and was changing lanes. I didn't see the other car in my blind spot. I swerved to avoid hitting him and hit my front and reat right tire on a very large, very hard cement curb. The guy didn't even stop or beep. I totally wrecked the front tire and rim. I scraped the back tire and rim. I hope that is the ONLY damage that was done. Jim got two used rims from a junkyard and I'll have two brand new tires. Once that's done, he's going to put it up on the lift and see if there's any damage to anything underneath.

I need PT prayers that there is other damage to my car. I can't afford it. I'm just glad no one was hurt and there was no body damage. I haven't reported it to my insurance company cuz I'm not sure what the total damage is and I've got a $500 deductible.

The car is driveable with the donut tire on. But the way the front end is shaking, I'm staying put.

I'll keep you posted.

10-22-2008, 02:11 PM
Yikes, I am glad you are okay. Yes, good idea to get the car checked out before doing much more driving, better to be safe than sorry.

10-22-2008, 03:03 PM
hereīs hoping it was just the tire/rim...and not the axle....

you might still ned balancing/alignment to sto the shakiness onc eyour new tires are on.

glad you came out unhurt...itīs bad to have accidents like this but at least it was not you...

10-22-2008, 05:20 PM
These things are so upsetting - but thank goodness you are alright!

10-22-2008, 05:23 PM
Im glad you're alright! Heres hoping that the damage is contained to the rim/tire.

10-22-2008, 07:05 PM
I'm praying there's no damage underneath, cv joint, tire rod, etc. I called work and told them I may not be in tomorrow cuz my car may be in the shop. They're okay with it.

10-22-2008, 07:21 PM
I'm w/ya, Donna. The same thing happened to me 3 weeks ago. I was in a construction site and there was barely room to turn the corner. When I did, I hit the curb and blew my tire instantly and knocked my car out of alignment. Fortunately, I had a full size tire as a spare. All of this transpired while Puddy was at her sickest and I couldn't get in to get a new spare tire for a couple of days. I was scared to death that I'd have to rush her to the vet and I'd get a flat on the way w/no spare but that never happened. You're smart, though, to stay put until you can get another tire. These things can knock the wind out of us if we let them. You're definitely in my prayers, girlfriend. Keep the faythe. :)

10-22-2008, 09:33 PM
I would definately have the alignment checked. That can wreck havoc without your even knowing it. I'm glad you're okay. Those blind spots can be deadly!

10-22-2008, 09:37 PM
I have two teens learning to drive right now and I am a nervous wreck.

It was the first time on the freeway for my oldest yesterday she just got her permit 2 days ago, my youngest got hers almost 6 months ago she has her behind the wheel test next week.

I am glad you weren't hurt Donna, you are probably better off not reporting this as your insurance may go up.

I talked to my agent and she said this area we are in has the rudest drivers of anywhere and I believe her I have heard of people going to other parts of the country and the people are much nicer drivers. You see a teen driving and the mom in the car and the kids is signaling to get over and not one darn person lets them in, they don't have the skills yet to floor it and make a space.

10-23-2008, 07:01 PM
No damage under the hood. I told ya God takes care of babies and idiots. I got 2 new tires and rims. $235.89. I now have to take my car for an alignment as the car is pulling way to the left.

Thank you God.