View Full Version : A Jester that's not funny?

10-21-2008, 04:23 PM
Woman, 89, arrested for refusing to return ball

An 89-year-old woman has been arrested in the US for refusing to give back a ball a child had kicked into her garden.

Edna Jester was taken to a police station in Cincinnati after the child's parents complained she had kept the American football.

Police Captain James Schaffer said officers twice warned Mrs Jester and finally arrested her after she refused to accept a citation. She must appear in court next month.

Mrs Jester said: "I said go ahead and arrest me. Handcuff me if you'd like, because I said I'm not guilty of anything".

The boy's mother, Kelly Tanis, said Mrs Jester had taken balls from her five children before, so she called the police.

She said: "This time it was a ball that my son had just bought with his own money. He works and he makes his own money, and he bought that ball, and six days later she took it."

The incident was caught on tape by neighbours who support Mrs Jester's plight.

One, Kevin Pike, said: "Taken down and interrogated, a (near) 90 year-old lady. This can't happen and this is absolutely ridiculous."


When I was a kid my mom would have slapped us and told us that we deserved to lose the ball because weren't careful.

This 89 year old woman might depend on her garden for exercise, food, enjoyment and she has to put up with this?

There are the kinds of kids who grow up to get a license, get chased speeding by the cops, crash and then sue the city.:rolleyes:

And what is an 89 year old woman gonna do with a football anyway?:D


P.S. I can see people sending these brats tons of balls to play with.:rolleyes:

Edwina's Secretary
10-21-2008, 04:30 PM
Just imagine what might have happened to her if she had taken down a political sign??????:D:D:D

10-21-2008, 04:34 PM
Just imagine what might have happened to her if she had taken down a political sign??????:D:D:D

:p No Joke.. I would say she has told those kids not to have their footballs in her garden.. They prob was not listening & so she is teaching them a lesson.. Now I can not think of the sight of a 89 yr old women being arrested.. Whats this world coming too?? :rolleyes:

10-21-2008, 04:59 PM
Just imagine what might have happened to her if she had taken down a political sign??????:D:D:D


I watched a filmed interview with the old lady & the boy & mom of the
kid who owned the ball. I just think they didn't care how much it bothered
this old woman to have to go outside & return the ball. (over & over)

She seems to be just a sweet old lady who had had enough.

The parents should have told the kids to play elsewhere if they couldn't
keep the ball out of her yard.

10-21-2008, 05:29 PM
What about police or adults telling the kids to practice where it won't go into her garden on her property?? You know kids, and if their every whim is given into, mom and dad will of course come to their defense, even if they don't deserve it.

What about the property they are destroying by having their stupid balls go in there??? What plants are they killing by having the ball land in the garden?

I could see if she was some ornery old lady who snatched the balls away and kept them, but if your child keeps kicking/throwing balls onto her property, tough freaking luck kiddo.

10-21-2008, 06:12 PM
The fact that she's 89 years old says it all for me. The kids need to have some respect but it's doubtful that they learned it from their parents. Shameful!

10-21-2008, 08:14 PM
Just imagine what might have happened to her if she had taken down a political sign??????:D:D:D

From her own yard? One somebody else put there, or was she forced to put one up?

10-21-2008, 08:22 PM
yeah I love how the mother says "she has taken balls from my kids before" Sorry... having a ball kicked into her yard over and over and her refusing to return them is not TAKING a ball from your kids. maybe you should teach your kids to KNOCK IT OFF.

I know accidents happen. I have certainly accidently hit a ball over my neighbors fence during my childhood... but I had to go to the door and politely ask if I may retrieve my ball and if they said no it would be tough tooty for me (not that any of my neighbors said no but still... my mom would have said "Oh well... should have been more careful")

10-22-2008, 06:00 PM
Indeed. I could understand the parents being upset if the kid had only lost that one ball over the fence and the old lady was just being mean but from the sounds of it the kids had been pestering her garden for quite a while.
Buy another ball and go play somplace else I say. Besides what is a kid who is old enough to have a job doing playing around another persons yard anyway?

10-23-2008, 01:13 PM
They finally dropped the charges on this lady. It shouldn't have even
come to that if police had used good judgement in the first place.IMO.

Anyhoo, seems she's become a hero of sorts.:)
