View Full Version : Obama's private army or Civilian National Security Force?

10-20-2008, 10:25 PM
Now I heard about the re-education program that Barack helped found and wants to expand after he becomes POTUS, Public Allies (http://www.publicallies.org/site/c.liKUL3PNLvF/b.2634379/).

"Our alumni are more than twice as likely as 18-34 year olds to . . . engage in protest activities," Public Allies boasts in a document found with its tax filings. It has already deployed an army of 2,200 community organizers like Obama to agitate for "justice" and "equality" in his hometown of Chicago and other U.S. cities, including Cincinnati, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New York, Phoenix, Pittsburgh and Washington. "I get to practice being an activist," and get paid for it, gushed Cincinnati recruit Amy Vincent.

Source. (http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=305420655186700)

The tax-funded Chicago organization cited as a probable model for programs to integrate youth into the social and political world under an Obama tenure in the White House is the epitome of "Big Brother" that shovels impressionable youth through a course of brainwashing, according to critics.

"Ayers and Obama are both aimed at producing radical socialist change from within – working today to radicalize our institutions, instead of bombing them. Alinsky considered this approach to be much smarter because it was more likely to produce lasting 'change' and less likely to produce a backlash. In other words, the Alinsky-trained radical could apply more easily the Machiavellian technique of lying by denying they were pursuing radical goals if they appeared to be members in good standing of the establishment they were trying merely to 'change,'" he said.

Source. (http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.printable&pageId=74462)

Now we are looking at the formation of a Civilian National Security Force as big as our military.

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

"Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation. That you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed."

Source. (http://illinoisreview.typepad.com/illinoisreview/2008/10/obamas-civilian.html)

Who will Obama appoint to administer this new "civilian national security force"? Where will the money come from? Where in the Constitution does he see justification for the federal government creating such a domestic army?

The questions are endless.

But before we can hope to get to the specifics, we need much more in the way of generalizations from Obama.

Certainly there have been initiatives like this elsewhere – Cuba, the Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, North Korea. But has anything like this ever been proposed in a free country?

Source. (http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=69601)

In a nutshell we are looking at America's own, fully funded, Brownshirts. For parents that means the further indoctrination of your children.

Team Obama has launched an offensive against WGN, the Chicago Tribune's radio station, for interviewing Stanley Kurtz. Mr. Kurtz is a conservative writer who this week forced the University of Illinois to finally open its records on Sen. Obama's association with William Ayers, the unrepentant 1970s Weather Underground terrorist.

An Obama campaign email to supporters called Mr. Kurtz a "slimy character assassin" whose "divisive, destructive ranting" should be confronted. WGN producer Zack Christenson says the outpouring of negative calls and emails is "unprecedented." He also notes that it is curious -- because "we wanted the Obama campaign's take" on Mr. Kurtz's findings, but the campaign declined to put anyone on air.

Source. (http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2008/08/obamas-brownshirts.html)

10-21-2008, 10:56 AM

The old fact about the age Obama was when he knew Ayers has no import, I suppose. Using their names in the same sentence might say they have similar views, but not that they work together.

Pre-Election, folks here in Canada would get uptight about which party would win, and I believe it doesn't matter much - because our government, and that of the US, has a system of checks and balances.

This also reminded me of some people in both countries who complain about the money spent by the government to have the armed forces overseas, and not look after things right in the home country.

At its best, I think that is what can be taken from these points. Canada has a national police force - the RCMP - and it can investigate at levels that the provincial and municipal forces can't. Cooperation among all levels works well here, and there is no dictatorship or threats (OMG!!!! WHO'S KNOCKING AT MY DOOR!!! AAAAAAGGGGGHHHhhhhh...................... :p ).

I think there is a case to be made for a home armed force; there are cases in both countries where it might be useful, and properly managed, no more prone to complaints and abuse than the LAPD or any other force.

To knock 'the people' out of apathy...great! Please send some of that up here! ;)

Again, good idea, needs checks and balances. JMO

10-21-2008, 01:18 PM
Is this idiot out of his mind?

Now the same people who do not want to have any kind of national I.D. cards will gladly welcome a program patterened after the "youth corps" from WWII.

The one that the guy with the Charlie Chaplin moustache started.:rolleyes:
And we can give them a really neat engraved knife to go with the brownshirt and armband.


Everytime I hear about another one of BO's 'good ideas' I have to laugh and wonder, "What is this guy thinking?"-

That's all we need - a bunch of idiots running around ACTING like cops, Or community organizers.

CO's are just like the overzealous Neighborhood Watch Community AHs-they took a really good idea and turned it into a system that abuses the power and the government resources at their fingertips.

A NW block captain is assigned a PO who is at the NWBCs beck and call.
If there is anything that the BC THINKS is wrong they call the cops and the cops show up. We have our own version of BC on our street.

He calls the cops for everything. Parked cars, trash pickups, trash cans left on the curb....It got so bad that one cop yelled at the neighbor and told him, "Stop calling us, you are wasting our time."

This is another mindless idea, coming from someone who has put little or no
thought as to what he proposes for his country.

10-21-2008, 01:46 PM
This one idiot got yelled at by the police. So what? Like I said, the LAPD and other forces likely have worse records.

Even if there is an attempt to put this into law, it won't become one (if it does) without some opposition and tweaking. Obama will have a severe learning curve if he is POTUS; that will be a good thing.


10-21-2008, 04:56 PM
brown shirts? reeducation? blue you being deliberately inflammatory and dishonest regarding this. using world net daily or jerome corsi, a writer whos' smear attacks as a reference source regarding senator obama is wrong.

10-21-2008, 05:07 PM
brown shirts? reeducation? blue you being deliberately inflammatory and dishonest regarding this. using world net daily or jerome corsi, a writer whos' smear attacks as a reference source regarding senator obama is wrong.

Not to worry Joyce, it's just another message from his Alternate Universe.:D

10-21-2008, 06:04 PM
From the brown shirts to Iran's SAVAK/SAVAMA, The Paki's ISI, the Russian chekists, MGB, MVD, NKGB and the KGB, there has always been a 'state police force/security service/spy network' that is nothing more than a personal gang of thugs that are run by whoever is in power at the time in that country.

Why not spend money improving the local police forces?
Why not invest in their academies? Take soldiers who opt out of their service and train them for a law enforcement career? Offer them incentives, just like the military does, for schooling? Housing? Retirement?

The government has invested in them, why can't the private sector reap the benefits of a their experience and training? While a soldier may not have the same type of training to deal with regular police situations, It's worth a look at what they have to offer. This smacks of another personalized promise to gain the votes of people who only react to words, not deeds.

I wonder what he meant with this statement? "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set."

That statement alone reassures me that if elected, Bo will do everything in his power to keep the 57 United States safe with his plans of a national security force.

10-21-2008, 11:23 PM

The old fact about the age Obama was when he knew Ayers has no import, I suppose. Using their names in the same sentence might say they have similar views, but not that they work together.

You are ignoring the 2 boards they sat on together, dang facts again. How about the fact that NObama endorsed Ayres book in 1997.

10-21-2008, 11:31 PM
brown shirts? reeducation? blue you being deliberately inflammatory and dishonest regarding this. using world net daily or jerome corsi, a writer whos' smear attacks as a reference source regarding senator obama is wrong.

Not to worry Joyce, it's just another message from his Alternate Universe.:D

Im sure you 2 will be at the front of the line to sign up and "volunteer". Dont worry they'll take the cost of your uniforms out of your stipends.

Used the sources I did because the MSM isnt talking about this, and that should worry you more.

We allready have the youth wearing uniforms, marching and chanting for NObama, this has allready begun.