View Full Version : Saw an accident today

10-19-2008, 05:46 PM
Yikes... it was scary.

We were a couple of cars behind. It was a young girl in a Blazer. She said that she was on her cell and not paying attention and when she looked up she was drifting into a car in the right lane and she swerved to get out of the way... well she swerved a little too violently and ended up rolling the Blazer three times into the ditch.

Of course we pulled over to help and so had many others. She had a pretty bad cut on the side of her head (probably from the shattering glass... she said she didn't think she hit her head on anything) and was bleeding from it quite a bit but thats it. She was EXTREMELY lucky. thank GOD she had her seatbelt on or she would have most certainly died.

And... to keep her lucky streak going (other than the accident) out of the individuals that stopped... there was a Doctor, a Nurse, and an EMT. Brian also used to be a volunteer paramedic years ago. what are the odds that all of those medical professionals would just happen to be driving there are that exact moment. so the Dr checked her for concussion symptoms and she didn't have any symptoms so it's likely that she really did not hit her head. and he checked her for signs of internal bleeding and there was none. Brian immobalized her head while the EMT got into the back of the blazer and laid her seat back and kept her immobalized... just in case she might have hurt her neck or back at all.

She started to go into shock... but was still concious. Her lips were turning blue and she was shivering and slurring her words. so they gathered up coats and sweaters to keep her covered and warm while the ambulance was on it's way and they put a shirt that she had in the car on her wound to try to stopped the bleeding.

She is going to be OK. She is VERY lucky as it could have been so much worse and she had a lot of good help there for her.

This reminded me that we need a better first aid kit for the car... as Brian seems to be witness and delivering aid at A LOT of accidents and of course if we ever need it for ourselves (God forbid). He seems to end up on the scene of an accident a couple of times a year... they always happen right in front of him. it really shakes him up.

But this one has a happy ending (as happy as can be expected I guess) and she should be just fine.

10-19-2008, 06:07 PM
Accidents are allways a scary thing to wittness. Thankfully there was so many trained people there to assist.

10-19-2008, 06:12 PM
Accidents are allways a scary thing to wittness. Thankfully there was so many trained people there to assist.

yeah it really gives your heart a jolt when you see it happen... yes... she was very very lucky... definitely had an angel in the passenger seat.

10-19-2008, 06:14 PM
How scary my daughter has been driving for 5 months and it getting her license real soon and it scares me. I bought her a civic and I worry about all the huge suv's out there, luckily talking on your phone is illegal here now and for the most part people are abiding by that law.

I am glad you were there to help and it wasn't any worse than it was.

10-19-2008, 06:22 PM
Scary, indeed! She was pretty fortunate to have such an array of medical specialists who stopped to help.. talk about being in the right place at the right time!

I really think using cellphones while driving should be outlawed everywhere. My mum has told me not to use my phone while driving, and I respect her wish. There have been too many reports of accidents that could have been avoided if the phone would have been put down.

Glad to hear the girl will be okay! :) She is really lucky.

10-19-2008, 07:47 PM
My heart STOPPED when I saw it happen. It was about 8 car lengths in front of us. I saw a roof swerve left and then the blazer just ROLLING in the median. I thought the fastest prayer of my life, "God, please let that person stay IN the vehicle".

Tanya said the rest... Also, I have to add that the young woman was amazingly calm and composed for having been through such a thing. (Often, people can try to be uncooperative, for whatever reason.) First thing I remember upon getting to the vehicle was that she was on the phone with her Dad... And apologizing to him. The nurse treating her head wound then talked to "dad" for a sec, assured him that she was OK and will be OK and then hung up.

Her name is Melissa. Send a shout out for her to your God of choice tonight, eh?

10-19-2008, 07:49 PM
Her name is Melissa. Send a shout out for her to your God of choice tonight, eh?

Will do. Im thankfull clear heads where at the scene.

10-19-2008, 07:59 PM
My heart STOPPED when I saw it happen. It was about 8 car lengths in front of us. I saw a roof swerve left and then the blazer just ROLLING in the median. I thought the fastest prayer of my life, "God, please let that person stay IN the vehicle".

Tanya said the rest... Also, I have to add that the young woman was amazingly calm and composed for having been through such a thing. (Often, people can try to be uncooperative, for whatever reason.) First thing I remember upon getting to the vehicle was that she was on the phone with her Dad... And apologizing to him. The nurse treating her head wound then talked to "dad" for a sec, assured him that she was OK and will be OK and then hung up.

Her name is Melissa. Send a shout out for her to your God of choice tonight, eh?

I will do that, no double Melissa will be a much better drive after today.

10-19-2008, 08:02 PM
Oh I forgot to mention....

Her sister was driving in the car behind her. Could you IMAGINE watching your sister swerve off the road in a wreck like that? Eventhough it had a happy ending... I don't think I could sleep well for quite some time. how horrifying.

10-19-2008, 08:16 PM
luckily talking on your phone is illegal here now and for the most part people are abiding by that law.

Wow... she's lucky she's alive. Can't imagine how her sister kept her head together having to witness that. :eek: Hope they will all be ok.

It's illegal here in PA too (same state as Sparks and Puck), but I haven't seen any decrease in usage on the road. Even with bluetooth available, I still see bunches of people with phones glued to their heads. I don't understand that.

10-19-2008, 08:24 PM
Thank God that she is okay and that there were a lot of medical people to help. When I had my car accident in 2007, (an idiot ran a red light and broadsided me at an intersection), I looked and what seemed like an army was coming to my aid including a lady who witnessed it and said it wasn't my fault. I had three fractured ribs and a partially collasped lung. Everyone there made sure I was okay. I just wished I could gave thanked everyone at the scene.

10-19-2008, 08:28 PM
Wow... she's lucky she's alive. Can't imagine how her sister kept her head together having to witness that. :eek: Hope they will all be ok.

It's illegal here in PA too (same state as Sparks and Puck), but I haven't seen any decrease in usage on the road. Even with bluetooth available, I still see bunches of people with phones glued to their heads. I don't understand that.

Ya... same here. people are still always on their phones.

You know whats the worst... people that TEXT while driving. WTF are you thinking?

and you know... just a couple of miles up the road there was someone in a Jeep and they were riding on the arse of every car that got in front of them... I was thinking WTF... did you not SEE the car on the side of the road b ack there that was totalled? GRRR If they want to endanger their lives then be my guest but please don't endanger mine in the process.

10-19-2008, 08:31 PM
In Alberta, we had Bill 204 before the provincial government which was to ban cell phones (or any electronic handheld device) while driving. The biggest group pushing this? The medical profession.

The bill was defeated and didn't pass. I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT!

Many said we have distractions when driving anyway. True - but why add another one, and a BIGGER one at that???

I am glad Melissa will be ok. There were angels out for sure.

10-19-2008, 08:31 PM
Thank God that she is okay and that there were a lot of medical people to help. When I had my car accident in 2007, (an idiot ran a red light and broadsided me at an intersection), I looked and what seemed like an army was coming to my aid including a lady who witnessed it and said it wasn't my fault. I had three fractured ribs and a partially collasped lung. Everyone there made sure I was okay. I just wished I could gave thanked everyone at the scene.

WOW... thank goodness YOU were relatively OK. I have never been in a car accident and I really hope I never am. but after today it really made me think about it. and first things first... a GOOD first aid kit and one of those shock blankets. It took this happening to realize that the piddly little kit we had was NOT good enough unless it was to treat a papercut.

10-19-2008, 08:34 PM
Many said we have distractions when driving anyway. True - but why add another one, and a BIGGER one at that???

I am glad Melissa will be ok. There were angels out for sure.

EXACTLY... why add another distraction when you are behind the wheel of something that can take not only your own life but the lives of other INNOCENT people as well just because you can't or won't say "I'll call you back"

the first thing I did after we pulled over and Brian ran to help was turn around and kiss the top of Hannah's head in her carseat and thank GOD it wasn't us. and then I prayed that she would be OK.

10-20-2008, 04:13 AM
Sparks19, although I can't prove it, I believe that the guy who hit me was gabbing on a cellphone at the time. Also, a lot of people think that seeing
a yellow light means speeding through!

10-20-2008, 05:30 AM
Most cell phones have hands free speakers in them now or at least ear pieces as accessories. Talking on the cell phone wouldn't be bad if people would utilize these things. I can command my phone to call whomever and keep my phone on my lap while I drive. That isn't any different from talking to someone sitting next to me. Otherwise, if you have to look down at your phone, your focus isn't on your driving.

I'm sorry that you witnessed this but glad that Melissa is going to be ok. She's on my prayer list for continued improvement and so are you for witnessing such a sight. :)

10-20-2008, 07:52 AM
Its very scary to see a car accident.. My best friends fiance was in a horrible car accident a couple months ago, It killed his friend instantly and put him and another guy in hospital for a long time.. He was very lucky to be alive and everyone was shocked he made it with all the broken bones and surgery. He will most likely be going to jail now though and is going through alot of rough times. But its hard to feel sorry for him when he was the one drinking and driving and him being careless took the life of another guy and injured another.:rolleyes: