View Full Version : Best Brand Of Carpet Steam Cleaner

10-19-2008, 04:32 PM
I'm going to be buying a carpet steam cleaner in the future and I'd like to know if any one out there has one and what the best brand would be. So far the few people that I've asked have the Hoover brand and I've read some good things about it. Arwe there any better brands out there? Thanks.:)

10-20-2008, 08:03 AM
I have a Polti. It's an Italian brand, very good in my opinion (it's the only one I tested though) and very robust. I have no idea if it can be found in the US.

10-21-2008, 08:30 AM
Bissell works pretty good.

10-22-2008, 09:43 PM
It's not technically a full on carpet cleaner, but I got a Bissell Quicksteam. It was like $66 at Target. I've had a big full on cleaner before and just didn't have the space or energy to use it enough to justify the price/space. This little thing is dynamite. I have two cats and I've done my whole one bedroom apartment and it works great. I'd definatelly whip it out for an upchuck or spill in a moment! I figure I'll just rent the big one every couple of years for 30 and maintain high traffic and "accidents" with this little thing. LOVE IT!! :love:

10-22-2008, 10:06 PM
Thanks everyone.:) A friend has the Bissell Preheat 2X and she said that she loves it. Her first 2 steam cleaners were Hoovers and her last 2 have been Bissells. She must really go through them fast. I wish I could find a great sale on something like this. I'd rather buy one from a store than on the internet.:)

4 Dog Mother
10-23-2008, 08:40 AM
I could be wrong but I think we have a Bissell too. I don't know if Kohls stores are in your area but surprisingly enough they have great sales on vacuum cleaners and steam cleaners especially as the holidays approach. Meijers also a large retail store in this area does too especially near Thanksgiving. Hope you can find you you can afford!

10-23-2008, 11:07 AM
I could be wrong but I think we have a Bissell too. I don't know if Kohls stores are in your area but surprisingly enough they have great sales on vacuum cleaners and steam cleaners especially as the holidays approach. Meijers also a large retail store in this area does too especially near Thanksgiving. Hope you can find you you can afford!

Thanks.:) I live very close to a Kohl's and this is where my friend bought her Bissell steam cleaner. She even said that after she had it for 10 months, it broke and she was able to return it to Kohl's and receive a new one without any problems. She did still have her receipt.

I'll be looking at Kohl's for one very soon. I looked at Target last night but they didn't really have much of a selection. I also thought about buying one off of Craigslist but I think I'd rather buy a new one and have a warranty for it.

10-23-2008, 11:47 AM
Funny you should ask - I just did a lot of research on steam carpet cleaners and purchased a Hoover. I did research and found one that had over 623 extremely positive responses. I purchased it online - and didn't have to pay delivery charges or sales tax. I got it through Amazon.com.

I used it last weekend and it is staggering how really dirty your carpets can be. The dirty water that the vacuum sucked up was disgusting - but the results were fantastic.

Email or p/m me if you want the model number and the price. It was easy to put together and is very easy to use.