View Full Version : Ginger

Miss Meow
09-12-2002, 01:56 AM
Hello beautiful, what a funny picture. My cats adore sheepskin and they'd love to play with you in your little sheepskin haven. Have a lovely day precious and hope everyone at the office spoils you rotten :)

09-12-2002, 02:36 AM
How funny ; a cat going to office every day !!!
Do you also take your case , stuffed with toys and lunch with you ???
Oh my , you are some COTD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-12-2002, 02:48 AM
Oh Ginger, we envy your co-workers for having an office cat which would not be allowed in our office. It would be so nice having someone helping with the paper stuff, keeping everything organized and helping with lunch!
And what a pretty one you are. Slim elegant. Vio & Juni, just look at her!

09-12-2002, 05:29 AM
I wish we could have a cat in my office!! (what's a vets office without a cat?)
And what a cute picure of you yawning!!

Dan Holder
09-12-2002, 05:38 AM
It seems like Ginger managed to find the perfect home. And congratulations to your boss for allowing this little sweety to brighten up the workplace. Good luck.

09-12-2002, 05:53 AM
Oh Ginger what a precious sweetie you are. And ANOTHER office cat too!! (Boots - Ritzie are you listening?!!)
What a clever girl to find your forever home so quickly - and get to go out with Mummy every day - lucky eh?:D
Congratulations on being such a worthy Cat of the Day - hope your fellow office collegues give you lots and lots of treats today!
Have a wonderful day sweetheart.

09-12-2002, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
Oh Ginger, we envy your co-workers for having an office cat which would not be allowed in our office. It would be so nice having someone helping with the paper stuff, keeping everything organized and helping with lunch!
And what a pretty one you are. Slim elegant. Vio & Juni, just look at her!
She does remind me of Juni, those stripes and some of the colors are the same.
Unfortunately, I cannot tak Juni to the office, but if my dreams will come true, I'll be able to have my business, where I'd be the boss, and, for sure, I'll have a first rule - Humans are allowed in the office (he-he-he) and I'll have more time with Juni.:)

09-12-2002, 08:41 AM
We loved your story, working girl! My hubby and I work at home, so we have our furrballs cluttering our desk, knocking over wastebaskets, dipping their tails in our coffee, etc., all day, but what a unique girl you are, Ginger - getting to entertain the entire office!!! I hope the recognize you next "Admin Assistant's Day!" You are sooo lovely, and very deserving of the honor of being today's special Cat of the Day! You certainly came to the right place!

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Pride

09-12-2002, 09:11 AM
Good Morning Ginger, you put a smile on my face this moring. What a sweet girl you are. I think you must be the most popular girl in the office. lol Congratulations dear, sweet Ginger Our Very Best Cat of the Day. I'm sure you will be getting some very special treats today on your very special day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

09-12-2002, 09:13 AM
What a great story!!!Ginger has the best of both worlds,a loving home to go to and an office enviroment where she has a lot of adoring fans,no doubt.She probably helps the office karma a lot and spreads joy whereever she goes!!!:cool: :cool: :cool: :D :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-12-2002, 09:20 AM
What a sweetie you are, Ginger. And such a good little worker to get in your carrier every morning for the trip to the office. I'm the only one in my office (except when my boss comes in, which isn't often) so I would love to have an office kitty to keep me company.

Hope you get all sorts of extra treats and attention today. You deserve it for being such a good little worker kitty. :)

09-12-2002, 10:01 AM
Oh, Ginger puss!! After checking out your ADORABLE photo, I didn't think I could smile any more broadly; then I read your bio!!:) What a girl...a working girl, that is!! A commuting kitty who knows how to balance a challenging career with a rewarding home life...now that's a talent I wish I had! You are my hero!!:) Congratulations to you sweetie pie! You are one fabulous feline and one most deserving Cat of the Day!! Won't your clients and co-workers be thrilled when they read about your day celeb!! Loads of love and cuddles to you Ginger, our beautiful honoree!!

09-12-2002, 10:16 AM
Ginger, you are the ONLY coworker I would love every day of the year! Your office is so lucky to have you with them! I would make an extra stop in the am to get you a little something special (after my morning coffee, of course :) ). I hope you take really long catnip breaks- at least two a day, with a looooooonng lunch, and then, of course, a little cat nap to keep you fresh for the afternoon appointments. Your mommy should be very appreciative of her lovely boss' attitude...or should I say, cattitude! Have a great COTD day!:D :D

09-12-2002, 12:41 PM
Not withstanding her propensity to mock picture takers with the extended tongue, I can see that not only is Ginger an exceptionally beautiful cat, but one with a gentle and warm personality; a delight to any home or office.

The circumstance reminds me of that of my own black cat, who came into my life when I was in deep mourning for the original black cat and also of refusal to get another because none could possibly replace him. But when I met him, my heart was touched and I could not let him be put down.

When I brought him home, I also brought him out here, to my office, and told him that from this day forth it was his office, too, just at it had been for the original black cat, but not for the other critters of the house - wonderful as they are. He understood fully.

My condolences then for Prudence, who could not be and was not replaced, and my congratulations and best wishes for your union with Ginger. Long may she fill her own space, of which she is most deserving.

09-12-2002, 12:45 PM
I can't decide if that's a big yawn after a hard day at the office or a big grin because you have such a fun life. Whichever it is, sweetie, Congratulations on being our special Cat of the Day.:)

09-12-2002, 01:20 PM
Ginger, you are sooooo adorable! Are you yawning because you had a hard day at the office? How sweet you are to go help your Parent at work every day! I wish you could come to MY work!!! I just love your beautiful markings and precious face! Happy Day at the office today, and Special Treats all night as well! Love to you! :D :cool:

09-12-2002, 02:00 PM
Hello cutie! That is such a funny picture. Congratulations on your big day!

09-12-2002, 03:04 PM
Hello, beautiful Ginger! You are a very lucky cat to be loved by so many people, aty home and at work!! I too, have an office cat, but he is not my own. He is the other doctor's cat, but everybody loves him. We just have to keep him away from all the dogs! His name is Spinner. When I read your story, it remended me of him. You are so cute!! I'm glad that your mommy loves you so much, and that you get to meet new people every day!! I hope you recieve many special things on your oh so special day!! Congratulations, precious Ginger on Cat of the Day!! :cool:

09-13-2002, 12:22 AM
Oh, how excellent - an office cat! I wish we could have one, it would do us sooooooo much good! So instead, Ginger, I have you, grinning at me (and Stephanie, I sent her your COTD link - and she put you up on her desktop, too!) and reminding all who go by my space (yep, I'm a cube dweller!) of the right attitude to have during these hot, crazy, end-of-fiscal-year days! Great story, thanks for being our Cat of the DAY today!!!!!!!!;) ;) ;) ;) ;)