View Full Version : sweet cats

09-11-2002, 04:07 PM
I was just feeding my cats,( canned food late today!) and watching them, and looking at some pics, they are so sweet. Charlie meows when he wants to take his nap, because he wants me to go sit on the couch, then he jumps up and falls asleep leaning next to my leg!

I just love these cats so much, and to think 2 years ago I didn't have any cats, no pets! I am such a cat person now, just crazy over them, LOL. I'm sure you all feel the same way, what did we ever do before we had our sweet pets?:rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-11-2002, 04:41 PM
Yeah, I know what you mean. :) Every night when I get home, Tubby can't wait until I go upstairs to hit the couch so he can sit next to me and get his nightly head bumps in. Sometimes I don't make it there until 9:00 - 9:30 or so, but the second I sit down he's right there, looking over the edge of the couch at me as if to say "Are you done now, Mom? If I come up are you going to sit still for a bit and pet me?" He's such a good boy. :)

And Peanut is such a sweety. Now that it's finally starting to cool off a little - well, last night anyway - she will come in the bed with me when the alarm goes off. I don't get up the first time it goes off, so she comes up and snuggles in right on my tummy with her little motor running. Sometimes it's enough to put be back to sleep and the alarm startles me all over again the next time it goes off, which then startles her so she jumps down as if to say "Ok, Mom, you've lounged for awhile now get up and get ready so I can get my morning treat already." :)

I don't know what I'd do without them. The house would be so boring to come home to. :)

09-11-2002, 11:26 PM
Storm is the first cat that I've owned by myself and I've had him for almost 7 years now. All three of my cats are my children and I don't know what I'd do without them. It's so nice to come home from a bad day at work and have three beautiful cats to greet you and let you know that you were missed. :) I know that from now on I will always have at least one cat in my life.

09-12-2002, 01:25 AM
yes, I also will never not have a cat in my life.

09-12-2002, 12:19 PM
I know what you mean. I too didn't have any pets two years ago, then I got the ferrets, now the kitties, and a new ferret kit last night(I had been going back and forth with the petstore for a few days, she's a biter and they were going to send her back to be PTS, but I managed to get her). Sometimes I wonder what I would be doing if I didn't have the furries to take care of.....probably have a clean apartment(no cat toys covering the livingroom floor) but a lonely apartment. I can't imagine not coming home and having the 3 kitties run up for snuggles and meowing to be fed their can food(their one a day treat).

Gigi is like your Charlie. When she wants to nap, it has to be next to someone. She much prefers cuddling up with us humans than the other kitties. And she really prefers a blanket covered lap to crawl into or else she'll sleep next to you.

09-12-2002, 12:26 PM
I know exactly what you mean. I am now a total cat person, after adopting my two cats 2 and 3 years ago. I can't get enough of 'em! They are lucky I can control myself and not smother them with love and kisses all the time. :rolleyes: I also can't get enough of seeing photos of other cats and meeting new cats. I just get this joyful feeling! I'm definitely cat-crazy, but I think it's in a good way, not a scary way! ;)

I, too, will always have a cat in my life, I know.

09-12-2002, 01:00 PM
I can't picture myself without a cat. Zasper was my first cat, I loved her so much. But now I have Corkscrew and Tibby and they bring so much to my life. Whenever I have a bad day they always know how to cheer me up.

09-12-2002, 01:14 PM
I never had a cat of my own when I was a kid because my dad is so allergic. As soon as I got my first place by myself after college I got my cat Sam. Since then I got married (Sam was the pre-engagement gift!) and had 3 kids but Sam is still my first baby! We have also moved twice but she is still part of the family and I can't imagine her not being around. My husband knows how much I love Sam because her needs come before his (but after the kids):) He just has this fear that when the kids are grown and move out that I will have a house full of cats instead! He can totally see me as a crazy cat lady in the future!:rolleyes:

09-12-2002, 01:40 PM
funny you should say crazy cat lady, thats what my brother called me after he heard that I had 5 cats instead of 3, (people think even 3 is alot) he called me a crazy old cat lady.LOL

09-12-2002, 01:51 PM
My brother can't get away with calling me that because he has 3 cats himself! His wife is more cat crazy than me and she came with 2 cats and snuck in a 3rd one about a year ago! I told my husband I would probably be happy with 2 cats, we will see!:)

09-12-2002, 02:03 PM
such a lovely thread. I picture such precious kitties and you, all so very happy and content together.

09-12-2002, 04:32 PM
well at my family reunion, I had brought the kittens to the hotel with me, and he made a comment, something about before I had gone into my little cat world.... so I just reminded him there are more people with multiple cats than he realizes...I don't think he believed me, but one day the lady came to check the frig mini bar
(EXPENSIVE! I don't touch that stuff!) and we were talking about cats, SHE has 3!! so of course my brother had to know this! LOL

09-12-2002, 05:28 PM
I grew up with dogs..by dad raises Boxers. I gave him a kitten for his birthday...and was 'caught'- he knew it was for me, and back to the neighbor it went. Today, I have six- and would have more if I had the right housing. My mom has two, and is moving next month- and already planning the next adoption. My brother has three, my other brother wants one but his wife says no way. (We say Bye Bye Ginny- hello kitty) (not really), my sister just snuck her third into the household (along with two rescue dogs). I am happy to say ALL of my familys pets (not my dad, tho) are rescued.

I can't imagine a house without cats. I greet every one of them when I get home. And every morning when I leave for work I say,"Be good, behave, BE CATS!"

09-12-2002, 09:41 PM
I also can't get enough of seeing photos of other cats

oh I know how that is, ever since I got Muffin I have collected cat figures and cat pics, posters! I even have a collage I made of alot of pics from a calander, the pics glued to a piece of pink construction paper!:D

when I leave the house, I always talk to the cats too, I used to say be good girls, now I just say be good kitties, (since now I have 2 male kittens)or be good boys and girls!