View Full Version : Cah lee Fuh Nee Ah is on fire, again-2008!

10-14-2008, 08:16 AM
Here we go again.

I woke up on Sunday morning with the smell of smoke thick in the air.

This was about 0400 in the A.M.! I saw the smoke coming off of the hills to the northeast and saw a red glow coming off of the smoke.

The rest of the day you could see and smell the fires-
THe winds pick up in the early morning and and late afternoon and drives it into the valley. It's almost 6 a.m. and the smell is heavy in the air.


The Sylmar fire is about 6 miles away and the Porter Ranch fire is 10- We are almost directly in between both blazes.

The heliport on the other side of the small airport will start to buzz-as a matter of fact I hear the copter engines spooling up at the moment-the L.A. County Fire Helicopters will start the daylight air operations soon.

THere is nothing like having a Firehawk (UH-60) fly over the house at 0330-it's a bird! It's an earthquake! No, It's a monster helicopter!!!

Pray for the firefighters!:eek:

10-14-2008, 09:20 AM
:o I know its crazy out where you are.. You all are always in fires.. Sad of so much distruction..

Cinder & Smoke
10-14-2008, 09:21 AM
Fly Safe, Guys!

Los Angeles County Fire - Air Operations >>>

http://www.fire.lacounty.gov/AirWildland/Photos/AirWildlandAirOps1.jpg http://www.fire.lacounty.gov/AirWildland/Photos/AirWildlandAirOps2.jpg

10-14-2008, 09:41 AM
Fly Safe, Guys!

Los Angeles County Fire - Air Operations >>>

http://www.fire.lacounty.gov/AirWildland/Photos/AirWildlandAirOps1.jpg http://www.fire.lacounty.gov/AirWildland/Photos/AirWildlandAirOps2.jpg

Thanks for posting that.

They fly every day and it's funny because come home to roost at sunset.

You can hear the THWOCKA THWOCKA from a ways off and they shake to whole house....The LA CIty stage their air ops out of Van Nuys Airport, They have a HUGE new facility that took over the space where the VNA used to have their yearly airshows!.

They will be back soon to refuel and change crews, at the moment it's really quiet and the winds have died down.

10-14-2008, 10:19 AM
I heard about this on my local radio station this morning and came on board here to see if there was anything about it.

Prayers for everyone and the wildlife caught in the way.

10-14-2008, 10:23 AM
Yep indeed our fire season is upon us! :( Went to bed last night watching the smoke billow by and woke up this morning to brown skies again.

We here in San Diego have one burning in the south near Campo and then the one on Pendleton to the west.

San Bernardino has one that started up this morning near the 215 and 210.

And of course the big news ones right now, the Marek and Sesnon fires in Los Angeles / San Fernando.

Be safe everyone! Looks like the winds here for the week with no hope of moisture moving in.

10-14-2008, 10:29 AM
I heard about this on my local radio station this morning and came on board here to see if there was anything about it.

Prayers for everyone and the wildlife caught in the way.

It seems like they get worse every year. IT's amazing that the places that you think are burned out are ready to go the next season....the wind has stopped in the bowl of the valley, but are still blowing hard off of the hills!:rolleyes:

10-14-2008, 11:42 AM
My prayers are w/everyone. My boy is out there, too, so you know I pray overtime.

10-14-2008, 04:45 PM
Prayers for all of you out there and all the animals too.