View Full Version : Medical question - Sinus

10-13-2008, 06:57 PM
Yesterday and this morning, I took 12-hr nondrownsy nasal decongestant pills, which were from Drug Mart, compared to the actual product, and last night, I noticed I was very sleepless, and on the back of the box says "stop use if you get nervous/sleepless/dizzy"... it's 120 mg so I think that's too much on my little body so i should go with 1/2.. should I.. I am only 95lbs, 4'11". or should I just stop that all together, because apparently, I only have taken two, and I am pretty restless right now, and it's only 8PM. It doesn't help me any better that I live alone now and I am quite a worry wart. Any suggestions/advice? Thanks.

10-13-2008, 07:01 PM
The caffeine is probably feeding the worry as well. I think at your size, and with the sleeplessness you are experiencing, you should halve the dose. Everyone's system processes caffeine differently, and I would avoid caffeinated drinks as well while you are taking it, okay?

Eat something, too, so the meds are not all your body has to process! Even if you aren't hungry, it will help.

4 Dog Mother
10-13-2008, 08:03 PM
I often have to take half a dose of medicine although I am heavy, I am short and the meds seem to get to me quickly. A full dose of sinus meds usually can keep from sleeping well and during the day makes me edgy. And like Karen said watch the caffeine intake cause it will only things worse.

10-13-2008, 08:09 PM
Even at proper dosages some cold medicines can make people excitable. I simply can not take anything with sudafed in it because they make me VERY jittery- even when I only take half a dose.
Cutting the dose in half would be a great idea, but if you are still jittery then I would TRY to avoid taking it at all. Humidifiers and Vicks VapoRub on the soles of your feet at bedtime (seriously!) can work miracles.

10-13-2008, 10:58 PM
Can you try the brand, or the generic, of Mucinex? I find that it works really well. It will target just the sinus crap. If you have chest congestion, the Mucinex (or generic) with the expectorant (guaifenesin) works really well.

Here's the website, just ignore the video cause the "mr. mucus" guy is obnoxious. I do use the generic of Mucinex and it works really well.
Mucinex website (http://www.mucinex.com/)

10-14-2008, 12:00 AM
A lot of people are having sinus flare-ups as the heat comes on in their houses, disturbing all the dust that's been piling up in the ducts. Make sure there's enough moisture in the air - that will probably help! I second the suggestion of Mucinex (guaifenesin) - no side effects, but it only works if you drink lots of liquids, which is a good idea anyway. It works by making your membranes produce lots of thin, watery secretions, which helps wash the thick, stubborn stuff out. Eating something spicy can help clear your head too. Especially wasabi, the green stuff that comes with sushi - burns like a fireball for a few seconds, but then it's gone, and your ears are making those clickety noises that tell you the sinuses are ready to coredump. Or drink hot tea - doesn't matter what kind, but I guess you'd want something without caffeine. Try Tension Tamer or Sleepytime by Celestial Seasonings - both taste great!

Love, Columbine

10-14-2008, 07:33 AM
[QUOTE=Sirrahsim;2074933]Even at proper dosages some cold medicines can make people excitable.QUOTE]

This is the case w/my son. He not only becomes excitable, he becomes downright mean. He feels it and can't stop himself, so he's stopped taking sinus medications altogether. Plus, earlier this year when he developed myositis which temporarily paralyzed him, the specialist told him that many cold medications could be a contributing factor in myositis. He showed my son a long list of them that people were advised to stay away from. I took one years ago and got a pain in my left arm that brought me to my knees and I was only in my early 30's then, so I've stayed away from them ever since then. Maybe you should talk to your doctor before taking anything else, half a dose or not. These meds scare me.

10-14-2008, 08:40 AM
Medussa is right, these over the counter meds might make them seem harmless but they have lots of unpleasant side effects. Some more than just unpleasant. A well known co-worker took some before bedtime a few yrs ago and died of a heart attack- he had a heart condition but the bottle never mentioned this. Teens buy this stuff because it gives the a "buzz".

10-14-2008, 09:09 AM
I used Guaifenesin (generic) for sinus headaches etc. it works great. Although taking it later in the evening causes me to be sleepless or dream weird. All decongestants do that to me.

10-14-2008, 11:47 AM
my kid has sinus... and heīs often prescribed guaifenesin but to help with his cough...

one other treatment is cetirizina (not sure in english:p)... but thatīs for a month or so... hasnīt had for a while... but he used to have chronic sinus and always seemed like flu...

just now heīs coughing and on the guaifenesin for a couple days along with some expectorant to help get rid of the mucus...

Iīve heard that tylenol sinus works pretty good too...