View Full Version : Was Bobbie doing what I thought he was doing?

10-13-2008, 12:20 PM
Do Birds ummm hump things? I'm being 100% serious here. I swear thats what Bobbie was doing!

Hes on top of his cage & I put his mirror flat on the ground. His food dish was near by & I hear this really weird noise coming from him. I looked over & it looked like he was humping the food dish (it was touching his butt area) & he had his face plastered to the mirror while moving all over in a birdy humping manor.

I have never seen him do anything like that before & hes never made those noises before either.

I have an even stronger feeling he was a breeder at some point as there seems to be a crazy amount of breeders in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area).

Maybe I should save up & get him a female Cockatiel, but not allow the eggs to mature. I know they are suppose to be in pairs & love each other very much... so I don't know what I should do now.. cuase I'm sure if he bonds with a different species or a male cockatiel, the other bird might get really mad at him

10-13-2008, 12:26 PM
:p Your too funny Jess.. Now do you think he saw his-self in the mirrow & thought it was another bird to mate with.. No I have never seen that with birds.. But then again I only had one bird years years ago..

10-13-2008, 12:33 PM
:p Your too funny Jess.. Now do you think he saw his-self in the mirrow & thought it was another bird to mate with.. No I have never seen that with birds.. But then again I only had on bird years years ago..

I know he doesn't think the other bird his him, cause when he sings to it he keeps trying to look around the mirror to find the bird.

Maybe I should just get him a cockatiel stuffy, that'll solve a lot of problems LOL ;) :D

10-13-2008, 12:41 PM
LOL.... thatīs completely normal..... and he can do just fine on his own.. he doesnīt "need" a mate...having two is quite good but they donīt neccesarily need one..

males do "havwe fun" with males, as females can do with females.. just that females may lead to unfertile egg laying... and even unfertile may cause calcium loss... so if you get him a female and donīt plan on letting them hatch will cause this calcium loss anyway, fertile or not...

and this "action" doesnīt neccesarily mean he was a breeder but just a male with hormones.. hehe... and in need... LOL...

10-13-2008, 12:54 PM
LOL.... thatīs completely normal..... and he can do just fine on his own.. he doesnīt "need" a mate...having two is quite good but they donīt neccesarily need one..

males do "havwe fun" with males, as females can do with females.. just that females may lead to unfertile egg laying... and even unfertile may cause calcium loss... so if you get him a female and donīt plan on letting them hatch will cause this calcium loss anyway, fertile or not...

and this "action" doesnīt neccesarily mean he was a breeder but just a male with hormones.. hehe... and in need... LOL...


Bobbie does need a friend. He has shown a lot of signes of being lonely. WHen he can't see me he screams. WHen I leave with the dog it gets a lot worse. I can't hold him, or pet him, or get close to him becuase he fears I'll hurt him as he was tormented by a child before I got him. If he has a friend then he wont be as lonely when I leave or he can't see me.

I have spoken to several pro. Parrot owners & they all agree they should have friends.

If his humping isn't going to be an issue with other species then I can still get him a friend of a different species (all depends what species is in need of a home/rescuing.. which doesn't seem to be any. But Someone tried to give me a green amazon a couple weeks ago. I said no, with a sigh, as those are my fav parrots, but its too unsafe for Bobbie & he was here first

10-13-2008, 01:14 PM
actually getting him a roomie will be nice for him.. now knowing what you described, but that wonīt make him more "tame".. as he will bond to his roomie other than you, but it will stop the screaming when you leave him alone... and heīll have someone to play, preen, etc....

it can well be another male tiel... and they should do quite well... maybe soem boy on boy action.. LOL.. but nothing to be concerned about...;)

10-13-2008, 01:53 PM
actually getting him a roomie will be nice for him.. now knowing what you described, but that wonīt make him more "tame".. as he will bond to his roomie other than you, but it will stop the screaming when you leave him alone... and heīll have someone to play, preen, etc....

it can well be another male tiel... and they should do quite well... maybe soem boy on boy action.. LOL.. but nothing to be concerned about...;)

I have little desire for him to bond to me, I'm not a huge bird person. He does like it when I sing to him & kiss, but no touching of any sort. Digi can touch him, but I can't :rolleyes: So if he can have a bird friend that'll love him & he can love back, awesome! :love:

Just what I needed in my crazy zoo, boy bird on boy bird action hahaha :rolleyes: