View Full Version : Hubby had a health check, results are.....

10-12-2008, 04:46 PM
Last year hubby had some routine blood tests, which much to our suprise showed he had high cholesterol, his reading was 6.8,hubby is not a bit overweight,infact he would be underweight at the time for his height, however he was always bragging to me about all the yummy bad food he was having at work, well i guess it came back to bite him you know where lol.

We were not sure if it was hereditary or not, so he changed his diet dramatically, and we just had the results, he is now so proud that it is now 4.6,competely acceptable level and even his good hdl was over the 1 mark, which apparently is quite hard to get,the nurse said he must have been working out hard, what a laugh, never does one single bit of exercise,sits at work most of the time too,guess he is just one of the lucky ones, of course on the down side he lost almost a stone in weight and now at 6.1 he weighs a mere 66kgs,he is very thin, always was, but even more so now.

All his other tests came back really good too, his PSA,blood,liver , diabetes same result as mine,kidneys, very happy about kidneys as hubby had nephritis as a teenager, so we have to keep a close eye on them, so all in all Hubby is rather healthy, I am going to take some of the credit though as i was the food police, did my fair share of growling when i saw him taking anything not so good, but hey it was worth it 100 per cent.

Anyhow just wanted to share our good news.:)

10-12-2008, 04:55 PM
How nice to hear, thanks for sharing the good news!

10-12-2008, 07:06 PM
Nothing like a pretty good health report to fill one w/gratitude. :)

10-12-2008, 07:32 PM
good news!

10-12-2008, 08:06 PM
yes it is nice to get good news for a change.:)

10-12-2008, 11:19 PM
Yay for the good news! Its always good to get a clean bill of health :D

10-13-2008, 11:11 AM
Great news! It does show that being thin doesn't mean being healthy. :)

I guess his doc wasn't concerned with his weight. Adding protein and some complex carbohydrates (that does not include whole wheat snacks and treats! LOL) can help that. Protein builds muscle.

I hope he is feeling well!

10-13-2008, 01:52 PM

That's wonderful news!! You must be very relieved.

10-13-2008, 07:38 PM
Yes Donna i was happy for him, he had worked hard at eliminating certain foods, one of those was cheese, he also used to eat these high fat museli bars, which i told him were no good for him, he replaced those with fruit, all our meals are were fairly low fat, well at least mine were,but his were not as good, replaced his mince, like your'e hamburger over there with the premium low fat one, i also can eat that,the only treat we do both enjoy is some oven fries on a saturday night, but we don't eat large quantities of them,just enough to supplement our meal.,too many other's to list, but i do know it all started with the treats he was having at work, lots of chocolate biscuits, cakes etc, he never was one for the sweet things, but he seemed to acquire a taste for them all of a sudden, well he paid the price for it, it just goes to show how often it can be diet related, was glad it was in his case,he is one of the lucky ones.

I also make him porridge every morning for breakfast, he never used to eat breakfast, the nawtee boy, but i have now got him into the habit, and will probably continue with it through the summer, as i know the oats help lower the cholesterol.

Candace i am thinking of getting some protein shakes of some sort, to build him up a bit, is it not typical ,here I am trying to lose a few pounds, and he needs to gain it, if only i could shove it on to him, i would gladly sacrifice them lol.Honestly the weight just fell off him when he changed his diet, and he did not need to loose any, although for him he had put some on around the middle,i tell ya you could maybe get a pinch of fat then,lol,but he feels more comfortable again,now his clothes are hanging on him again, his trousers were getting a wee bit tight around his waist,he did suit having a bit of weight on him though, i mean he only weighed like 75kgs at 6ft 1in,so you can imagine he was still thin.i guess i am just plain jealous lol. i look at a calorie and its on my waist lol.:)

10-13-2008, 07:41 PM
Hey, Carole, you can try the protein shakes too. If you can get about 25 - 30g of protein into a shake, you will find it really "holds" you and really helps the weight thing. Breakfast shakes would be great (and you can add oat bran to hubby's shake - I do that to mine!)

10-13-2008, 07:59 PM
Thanks Candace ,but i am a real breakfast girl, my favourite meal of the day, but i always have WWatchers cereal or weetbix,so no problems there, it is those little inbetweens that i have to watch out for.

10-14-2008, 12:26 AM
Cholesterol can be such a hard thing to deal with.

My mom has had high cholesterol for years. She's 5'10" tall, and weighs 118lbs. She's a STICK! She has a ton of food allergies (I take after her in that as well), and she eats really healthy. No matter what she eats, no matter how low in fat it is, her cholesterol was still sky high. She finally agreed to go on medication for it and it's finally come down. She still hasn't been able to find anything to really gain weight though, and she's been trying to do that for years too. Wish I could give her some of my weight! :rolleyes:

10-14-2008, 04:40 PM
unfortunately it sounds like her's is hereditary, you had better keep an eye on your's too.