View Full Version : Remembering 9-11

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-11-2002, 10:46 AM
I had seen this before, but thought it appropriate again today. Not that we need any reminders of the horror. There are some pretty graphic pictures, so be cautioned to have tissues ready, and have your volume on.

click here (http://www.politicsandprotest.com)

09-11-2002, 11:18 AM
   The above link leads to a seven-megabyte file with hundreds of photos and a few words set to music. There should be a warning that a few of the photos capture images of people falling to their deaths.


09-11-2002, 11:19 AM
Boy, what can I say? That was very very touching. Thank you for posting it - certainly brought the tears. It shows how much American's love their country. It's a long download so need to not be in a hurry.

09-11-2002, 11:23 AM
Darn, I couldn't see the pictures here at work, I'll check again at home tonight...

Dixieland Dancer
09-11-2002, 12:48 PM
Worth seeing again!

09-11-2002, 01:46 PM
I remember this one well. I had lost the link to it long ago. Than you for bringing it back to our attention. It is beautifully done, and although graphic, displays the true scene like none other I have looked at. :(

Sam's My Baby
09-11-2002, 03:23 PM
OMG, I saw some of this..but I did not see the whole thing..it made me cry and sick to my stomach.:( :( :( :(

09-11-2002, 08:24 PM

Aspen and Misty
09-11-2002, 08:42 PM
God Bless America

That was a touching scene, but also a tragic one.