View Full Version : Worst Debate Ever...

10-08-2008, 01:54 PM
Now I am GLAD I watched "The Last Samurai" instead.


Don't vote for either of these clowns. Send a real message.

*** For fun... Imagine "Comic Book Store Guy" from The Simpsons say "Worst Debate Evvveeerrr". LOL :D

10-11-2008, 07:10 PM
The only thing I learned was McCain was left handed and niether of them wanted to abide by the rules their campaigns agreed to.

10-14-2008, 05:13 PM
Well, the last debate is tomorrow evening. It's your last chance to be
bored by one.:p

It sure should be good. I want to see McCain carry out his threat to
" whip his you know what" (His words) LOL :D

10-15-2008, 12:46 AM
Im skipping the next debate, Im not voting for either of them. McSame can go lay down.

10-15-2008, 10:41 AM
McCain was left handed

He is??? FUN, me too!!!


This is too funny! Even if I don't totally agree with it, its cute!! :D

10-15-2008, 11:43 AM
:) I have already said on Nov 4th I am going to act like a Ostrich.. :cool:

10-15-2008, 11:46 AM
lvpets2002. I understand your sentiment.

But not voting does not send the message. Go and vote for ANYone. Write in Curly. Yourself. Fred Flintstone. "None of the above." Tell them (The R's and D's) that we are done with being served up bulldookie.

10-15-2008, 11:54 AM
:p Hey I can write in my kitties.. How do I do that due to the voting polls are digital electronical??:rolleyes:
lvpets2002. I understand your sentiment.

But not voting does not send the message. Go and vote for ANYone. Write in Curly. Yourself. Fred Flintstone. "None of the above." Tell them (The R's and D's) that we are done with being served up bulldookie.

10-15-2008, 01:30 PM
:p Hey I can write in my kitties.. How do I do that due to the voting polls are digital electronical??:rolleyes:

I am not sure, but you can ask the poll workers when you go. LOL

10-15-2008, 02:41 PM
The only thing I learned was McCain was left handed and niether of them wanted to abide by the rules their campaigns agreed to.

Both candidates are left handed.

So were all these Presidents -

James Garfield, 1881
Herbert Hoover, 1929 – 1933
Harry Truman, 1945 – 1953
Gerald Ford, 1974 – 1977
Ronald Reagan, 1981 – 1989
George Bush, 1989 – 1993
Bill Clinton, 1993 – 2001

Edwina's Secretary
10-15-2008, 06:30 PM
To vote or not to vote….

There are people who I would rather not see vote. People who vote because the candidate is pretty or someone you would like to have a beer with or because his/her last name has the same ethnic derivation as yours. Those are people who scare me! But that is what you get in a democracy.

But, as LH said – you don’t vote you forfeit the right to complain about the outcome. All voters have the opportunity to vote in the primaries (if they follow the conventional rules.) To not vote because you don’t like the choices strikes me a bit like a child who pouts and doesn’t want to play any more if they don’t win. Sour grapes.

In most elections about 50% of the people must live with a choice they didn’t want. That’s democracy. What a whole lot of people in the world can only wish for. It is a shame some choose to waste that privilege.

10-15-2008, 08:03 PM
+1 ES. Very well said.

Simply put... Vote for the person you believe in.

For me, it is Bob Barr. For you, it might be somebody else. But please VOTE.