View Full Version : Interesting

09-10-2002, 07:27 PM
You know how having a pet appearintly lowers your heart rate and all? Well, I was watching a show, and it was testing the same thing for animals, and it does the same for them. Like your dog will be more likely to live longer or whatever if it's pat and stuff all the time. The test was, one group of bunnies was placed in an environment which they were loved, patted, and cared for everyday. While the other, just got what it needed to live, like food, water, and cleaning the cage etc, but no patting or loving. The group 1 bunnies ended up being healthier and living longer then the group 2 bunnies. I don't think it was far to leave the other bunnies with no attention at all..but it's kinda neat..

I also, in Psychology classes, was told about these young children who weren't aloud to be talked so they'd be brought up with their natural language, and they wanted to know what it would be. So the nurses or whatever were afraid they'd talk to the babies, and so they stopped playing with them, and all that, just did the baby thing, like feeding etc. Sadly, most/all of them died. I guess it was back in the day before ppl know about stuff like it..poor things..but I guess it goes to show that all that really does mean a lot to a youngster..or animals..

09-11-2002, 12:38 AM
interesting... but sad for bunny group #2:(

09-11-2002, 01:05 AM
I also have found that how we talk to our babies has a lot to dowith their development and intelligence. Even though a baby can't put words to it's thoughts, it thinks in images. To talk "baby talk" non stop inhibits their development, whereas to speak in your regular language (whatever language you speak) gives them a better chance at being able to communicate their needs, feelings, etc. "Baby talk" is merely the child's inability to form words yet, and it helps them if we respond in kind to a point, but also teach them the correct words as early as possible.