View Full Version : What would you do...(cat dilemma)

09-10-2002, 05:08 PM
I know this is going to be a silly question...but I'm curious to hear what most of you think about this situation...

My parents are being evicted from the house they are renting (long story) and will be moving some place where they can't keep the three cats living with them. My mother has thought of leaving the cats in the shelter, where I'm certain they'll be put to sleep as their odds of getting adopted at their age are rather slim. My husband says the cats can stay with us, but since he is allergic to cats, they'll have to stay in an outdoor enclosure. Until two years ago, when I got married, I've helped my mom care for the cats and I've known them since they were born (their mother was a pregnant stray that we took in back in '93, now deceased). Although they are admittedly not the most friendly creatures, I can see from their gestures that they are appreciative of the care we've provided for them, and they consider my mom and me the only humans whom they can trust.

It would be too easy to just leave the cats in the shelter and not have to deal with them in their impending old age and the accompanying vet bills. (This is a consideration as I have a one-year-old daughter, and my husband and I are on a tight budget.) But a big part of me tells me to take them in and to tough it out for their sake. I don't take the responsibility of caring for three cats, let alone one, lightly at all, and to take all of them would entail a major commitment. The last time I had a cat put to sleep for health reasons, I had a hard time recovering from it; I know that in a few years I'll be confronting the same sadness when these cats will pass on one by one...

Sorry for such a downer of a letter...I'll end my post right here. Your comments are welcome and appreciated...

09-10-2002, 05:30 PM
You are a good person considering taking them. And your husband is nice to accept them even though he is allergic. They have many medications today that could help or even eliminate his allergic reactions to them.

You may want to check in your area for cat rescue groups that could either find permanent homes for them, or perhaps a foster home to take them for a short time.

Good Luck ! Keep us informed. :)

09-10-2002, 07:33 PM
it would be so nice of you to take them in if you possibly can. I know it is sad to have to put a cat to sleep, but then at least at that time you will know you did all you could for the kitty. maybe you could take them in til you can find them permanet homes? if they trust just you and your mother, it would be an easy adjustment for them to live with you.

how old are the cats?

09-10-2002, 11:13 PM
I think that you should take them in temporarily until you can find permanent homes for them that is unless you decide that you want to keep them. Good luck. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-11-2002, 09:33 AM
It's a great gesture on your husband's part to want to help, even with his allergies. If you have some sort of outdoor arrangement for them, that would be great. I would suggest taking them in, and at the same time trying to find them permanent homes. It would be a lot of work, but maybe in the meantime your parents' situation will improve and they could take the cats back too. I know it's hard when you have elderly pets because that dreaded day is always looming and is hard to deal with, but for me, the guilt of putting them in a shelter would far outweigh the sadness of having to put them to sleep.

It's a tough decision, and you and your husband have to determine what is best for you and your daughter first. Good luck and let us know how things turn out.

09-11-2002, 10:16 AM
Try it for a while and see if it bothers your husband's allergies. I am allergic to animal hair too but it doesn't seem to bother me and I have two cats. :)

09-11-2002, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
I think that you should take them in temporarily until you can find permanent homes for them that is unless you decide that you want to keep them. Good luck. :)

I agree, this is what I would do if I were in your position. Good luck, let us know what happens.

Take care.