View Full Version : Feels like we live at the pediatrician

10-06-2008, 07:17 AM
My poor boys have been sick for most of the last month now:( Tyler has been to the doc twice to be put on different antibiotics for BOTH of his infected ears. Poor Austin is about to go for his 4th time because he is now throwing up and is carrying a persistent fever of 102.4 with an axillary thermometer which is equivalent to a fever of 103.4!!

Please send good thoughts for my poor kiddos.:(

4 Dog Mother
10-06-2008, 09:09 AM
Ahh, it is tough to have two sick little ones. I hope they feel better soon. Dominic has had an ear infection this month and Jasmine a bladder infection - so we aren't totally free of sickos either. It is always so sad when they are sick and especially if they can't tell you what is wrong. I hope they get better for your sake too. Sick kids can be very wearing on mommies too!

10-06-2008, 08:14 PM
Don't get too discouraged. I remember going through the same thing with my kids, seems we had standing appts. every week. It gets better as they get older....except when they start bringing stuff home from school...lol. No kidding, it does get better and you get to catch up on things and wonder where the years have gone and how the kids got so big all of a sudden.

10-06-2008, 11:16 PM
awww poor babies.

I hope they get better soon :(

hannah is also sick right now but nothing like your poor boys... yet.

10-07-2008, 08:08 AM
My poor monkey had to get a chest x-ray to check for pneumonia! Thankfully it came back clear, but it was so scary for him. He looked so tiny and freaked out in front of all of the HUGE xray equipment. He hasn't really eaten anything in about a day and a half but this morning I was able to tempt him with a strawberry-pineapple-mango smoothie:D

In a little while we are going to bundle up (it's 60 degrees!) and go to the park for a little bit. I doubt that he will have any interest in playing but he always loves watching Tyler play.

10-07-2008, 02:43 PM
Poor sweeties. We'll send healing vibes from MI. I hope they feel better soon hun. How is your foot doing?

10-07-2008, 03:49 PM
Poor sweeties. We'll send healing vibes from MI. I hope they feel better soon hun. How is your foot doing?

Still a little bit sore but not too bad. Thanks for asking:)

10-08-2008, 03:07 PM
Oh poor you, i hated it when my kids got sick, still do, i hope things are on the upside now and your'e precious babies will be well and healthy again, and stay that way,cheer up, it can only get better, well here's hoping, HUGS.:):love:

10-08-2008, 05:01 PM
It's awful when our kids are sick.:( Even worse when it seems like every
other week they come down with something. My son had way more than
his share of ear infections & the Dr. finally recommended "tubes" for his ears. It was a minor procedure & it helped him for years afterwards.

10-08-2008, 05:05 PM
Austin is still miserable :( Today his fever spiked up to an actual temp of 105:eek: I spoke with his doc and she told me to start giving him motrin around the clock every 6 hours. She also said that if he is still feeling like this on Friday they will do a urinalysis and possibly some bloodwork:(:(

10-08-2008, 08:33 PM
gosh I know what you mean about t living at the doctors. My girls have been in and out all month too! JAsmine has an eye infection, thrush then a well baby. ZOey just had a couple check ups. Then I ended up with a bladder infection. My mom works there too so now they all joke and call me their problem patient lol:rolleyes::D

10-09-2008, 09:45 AM
Jonah was relatively healthy before he began preschool. :( Now I wash his hands alot..after coming in from outside, the grocery, the store, preschool. It seems to cut down on things. He hasn't had a cold (knock on wood) since right after his tonsil/adnoid surgery last November.

Me? I have the sniffles right now.