View Full Version : What are the odds of this?

10-06-2008, 06:44 AM
I just let Bella inside from one of her early morning outties. It was about 7:30AM and the outside temp is around 55 degrees. I had a crumpled up piece of paper in my hand, as I walked to the door to let her in, that I was about to throw in the trash can. As she walked past me I noticed something black in her fur by her ear. It was a black bumble bee!!!! It was walking toward the underside of her ear (thank God I saw it before it got there or I would have never noticed it). I quickly took my crumpled up piece of paper and managed, after several tries, to flick the bee onto the floor where I promptly stomped on it. Whew! I am just amazed that something like this occurred at this time of year and at this time of the morning. I would have expected it on a mid-summer afternoon. :eek:

This is probably a silly thread, but this episode sure jump-started my day! :eek::p:eek::p

10-06-2008, 06:52 AM
Oh wow, that would have sure scared me. I am afraid of bees too.

I had a "jump" started day too because of Frankie.
At 6.20 am. when hubby let him out, he decided to run off. I found him after 10 min. by the front door after looking for him. Scared the crap out of me. I wonder where he went. whew....

4 Dog Mother
10-06-2008, 08:35 AM
Actually it is more likely to happen now. Bees slow down with the cooler weather. They don't really become real active until they get warm -55 is a bit cool for them. So they tend to do things slower and could easily just fall on Bella and not have the "energy" to fly away. Good think you found it though - it may have gotten into her ear and warmed up enough to sting her (that part is just a guess on my part). I don't know if body heat would be enough to warm it up enough to get going or not.

But I am a flower gardener and I still hate bees and would freak out if I found won piggy backing in on one of my dogs!

10-06-2008, 08:40 AM
Bella, make sure any fee loaders are going to pay their share of the rent!

Glad it all worked out. I would have just sent it outdoors, where is likely would have died anyway due to the cold.

10-06-2008, 01:11 PM
Oh wow, that would have sure scared me. I am afraid of bees too.

I had a "jump" started day too because of Frankie.
At 6.20 am. when hubby let him out, he decided to run off. I found him after 10 min. by the front door after looking for him. Scared the crap out of me. I wonder where he went. whew....

Who needs coffee to jump start our days when we have dogs! LOL! Honestly, the things they do, and get into, sure make us move fast sometimes! I am glad Frankie was OK. Good boy for going to the front door. That deserved a treat! :cool:

Diana, you are right. The bee sure did act sort of sluggish. At any moment I expected it to fly off of Bella and land on me and sting me because I had bothered it. :eek:

10-06-2008, 01:24 PM
Yes, that would jumpstart your day all right!!! Mine got jumpstarted a few days ago when one of my crazy, and I do mean crazy fish jumped out of the aquarium when I opened the lid to feed them....it was flopping all over the floor.....luckily, Boomer was already in his crate or he would have had a colossal case of fish breath!!! Our animals, no matter if they have fur, fins, or in the case of the little bumblebee, wings...keep us hopping and on our toes!!!!

10-06-2008, 04:27 PM
Wow, that was quick thinking on your part. I would have freaked.:eek:

You said the bee was black ? Never saw a black bee before. Well, at least
you didn't need that 2nd cup of coffee this morning.:D

10-06-2008, 04:34 PM
You said the bee was black ? Never saw a black bee before. Well, at least
you didn't need that 2nd cup of coffee this morning.:D

Well, it looked like this -
An average every day typical black bumble bee with yellow on it, but it was mixed in with her ear hair and all I saw at first was the black. Actually my first thought was that it was a spider. :eek: Remember I was only halfway through my cup of coffee. :p Didn't really need the second half after all of the excitement but I drank it anyway - not to "rev my motor" but because it tasted good. :)

10-06-2008, 04:42 PM
Looks even scarier up close.:eek: I don't do well anywhere around bees.:o
Most of our bees,in mid to late summer, or smaller brownish ones.:)