View Full Version : Grocery store etiquette

10-03-2008, 05:11 PM
Is there such a thing? I'm asking. Seriously. The rude, inconsiderate and nonsensical way that people behave in grocery stores has been a peeve of mine for a long time and I finally feel the need to give voice to it.

Why, pray, do people go to the trouble of getting a cart, only to leave it in the aisle, walk to get their items and carry an armful back to the cart rather than take the cart w/them? It has wheels. It's mobile.

Why do people w/1 or just a few items have no qualms about asking if they can get in front of someone in the checkout line when the Express lane is free and clear? I always offer to let people go ahead of me anyhow but my point is that the Express lane is just for people w/only a few items. It happened again today only the man didn't ask; he just stood there and stared at the woman behind me in line so she sighed and said "Do you want to go ahead of me since you only have one item?" He said "Yes, thank you" and then he yelled across the store at his daughter and said "I'm down here!" and she brought a basket full of items! It still didn't add up to 12 items, though. So I said w/a smile, "Sir, the Express lane is open and there is no one in line". He glared at me and said "I'm here now". He had to walk by the Express lane to go out of the store anyhow, so why did he feel that it was necessary to break the line?

And, finally, a woman decided that she wanted to read a book as she was leaving the store, which meant that she was walking as slowly as a tortoise. She must have just purchased the book because she wasn't carrying any bags. She never looked up and I couldn't figure out at first why she was walking so slowly. I thought that perhaps she was disabled or needed some assistance. No one could get around her w/their carts, so I said politely "Excuse me". She didn't even look up. Again I said "Excuse me". She still kept reading. There was a line of people behind me w/their carts and the man behind me yelled "Move!". I'm not sure if he was yelling at me or her but we entered the common area of the store, so I managed to maneuver around her. She was still reading, as she walked across the parking lot and cars had to stop for her. I loaded my groceries into the trunk of my car and as she got into her car which was directly across from me, she stopped, looked up and glared at me.

It's times like this that I feel as though I've entered a parallel universe. Have incidents such as the ones I described above ever happened to you or do they only occur in Mary's world?

10-03-2008, 05:25 PM
Is your grocery store on another planet, Mary? ;)

Maybe find one closer to home! :)

10-03-2008, 05:29 PM
Is your grocery store on another planet, Mary? ;)

Maybe find one closer to home! :)

Doesn't matter what store I go into, the same things occur regularly. Maybe it's an Ohio thing.

10-03-2008, 05:36 PM
No I hear ya... this happens all the time at the grocery store or department stores or anywhere with lots of people. My personal favorite is when two people stop to chat with their carts in the middle of the aisle so no one can get around and when you finally ask them to move they act like it's a big hassle or they just don't move at all.

Or people with unruly kids... the kids are running amok in the store being obnoxious and the parents just stand there like idiots.

10-03-2008, 05:44 PM
My personal favorite is when two people stop to chat with their carts in the middle of the aisle so no one can get around and when you finally ask them to move they act like it's a big hassle or they just don't move at all.

That drives me crazy too!!! People are so rude.

Another one that gets on my nerves is people who don't even get out their method of payment until everything is rung up and they are told a total. GRR! You know you have to pay for it somehow so go ahead and get your cash, credit card or checkbook out in anticipation and if it's a check please start filling it out early!!!! Oh, and don't make me wait while you fill in every little part of your ledger.

At least it seems more people use credit/debit cards now so the check part doesn't happen as often.

10-03-2008, 06:25 PM
How about the 'middle of the aisle' shopper? How can anyone get past you? :rolleyes:

10-03-2008, 06:28 PM
Maybe the woman who was walking slowly and reading was deaf ... Or physically incapable of walking faster for a reason that is not readily apparent? Anyway, I have only encountered the "people chatting blocking" syndrome around here, not the others, and when I ask to be let by with a smile, no one has ever complained or been in a huff.

Come shop here! :)

We have "self-serve check-out" lines, so people in a hurry can go to those, I have not seen or had anyone break into a line.

10-03-2008, 06:50 PM
Maybe the woman who was walking slowly and reading was deaf ... Or physically incapable of walking faster for a reason that is not readily apparent? Anyway, I have only encountered the "people chatting blocking" syndrome around here, not the others, and when I ask to be let by with a smile, no one has ever complained or been in a huff.

Come shop here! :)

We have "self-serve check-out" lines, so people in a hurry can go to those, I have not seen or had anyone break into a line.

Well, she wasn't deaf because she was driving her own car. No, she was walking slowly because she was reading her book. I've not experienced people chatting and blocking the aisle, just the ones I've mentioned. We have self serve lines, too. There was one right next to me that this man could have gone to besides the Express lane. That was my whole point. He chose to cut in line rather than use what was readily available to him. This wasn't a one time occurrence. It happens quite frequently, especially people carrying their groceries to the cart instead of taking the cart w/them. Maybe I really should chalk it up to an Ohio thing. LOL

10-03-2008, 06:52 PM
Well, she wasn't deaf because she was driving her own car.

Being deaf does not preclude having a car and driver's license! Just had to note that.

10-03-2008, 06:52 PM
Can't deaf people drive? I really don't know but I thought they could?

If she was deaf I would think she better be extra careful crossing through the parking lot and not reading her book.

10-03-2008, 06:53 PM
Being deaf does not preclude having a car and driver's license! Just had to note that.

I didn't realize that. My mistake, sorry.

10-03-2008, 07:09 PM
I've been working as a cashier since the end of July at our local grocerystore, Giant.

Oh the stories I could tell, the rude people I could point out, and the foodstamp fraud I could also report ("I just bought and sold 2 houses for cash." said one man as he pulled out his access card to pay by foodstamps. Lovely. Keep sponging off the rest of us who work for a living).

There are a lot of annoying people out there, and many who have no manners or don't care if my express lane is 15 items or less. Or the people who hand me bags of carrots, or cookies or whatever and say "We don't want this, it's already opened." What they lack to say is that THEY were the ones who have opened it and already eaten from it and don't feel like paying for it.

I don't care if they are writing a check, or paying by credit or debit, but if you know you only have so much cash on you, remember the amount, or write it on the shopping list so that I don't have to void 20+ items when you can't pay for them.

There is one major peeve I have about shoppers in my checkout line. It's the ones on cell phones. Can you get off the phone so that I can talk to you and tell you what you owe, that your card was declined, or that your kid just ate a candy bar and you need to pay for it?? Heaven forbid I actually interrupt your conversation to speak to you while you're checking out. :rolleyes:

One thing to keep in mind as you are checking out is that many of the cashiers today in foodstores are TIMED with the amount of items they pass across the scanner. They get yelled at when they go below a certain number. Our store is supposed to be aiming for 24 items a minute. That's anything that has to be hand keyed in, or weighed, or whatever. It includes when you are paying, swiping your card, writing your check, everything. It's annoying when they also track not only how many items you scan per minute, but then the items you have to key by hand (you get reprimanded for that, even if it's not your fault the barcode is faulty), for the number of voids (even if it is the person who bought 20 more things that what they could pay for).

The list goes on and on. Sometimes I just want to know why we are supposed to go so fast, and then you make mistakes going so fast, and the mistakes are counted against you. What happened to going at a reasonable rate and being consistent???

I could also tell you about some of the nicer people I encounter at my job. The elderly men and women who greet me by name, who ask me how my day was, and if my line is empty "were you waiting just for me?!" I run into friends I haven't seen in ages, or people who I had grad classes with and haven't seen me for years, but they still remember me. Kids who are sweet and cute and behaving, and are polite and say "Hi lady!" It's working with other cashiers that I get along with, and that make me laugh and keep things upbeat. It's these things that make me smile, and lately, that's what keeps me going.

Sure, there are annoying people, and I'd bet we're all on someone else's annoying list somewhere out there, lol.

10-03-2008, 07:31 PM
Welcome to MY world!!!! We have these certain people that storm the store in droves, just about 10 minutes before the store closes. The other night my manager said it was my responsibility to keep the "clearance" section in the front of the store (hopefully when I go in tomorrow, it'll all be gone) neat and orderly. Well, when THESE people come in, they throw stuff all over the place, stepping on merchandise they've dropped on the floor (never picking up what they drop). By the time they're done, the place is a PIG PEN!!!! I was so ticked off. They kept coming up and demanding that I tell them how much an item was, knowing full well the price is what is on the package. I cringe everytime I see these people walk in the door. It's not just one or two. It's the whole freaking family (with a VERY strong odor of curry and BO). The kids are screaming (it's 9:20 PM and they're tired and should be in bed). They buy up all the clearance items they can, then return them, claiming they don't have the receipt so they get a store credit back for the full amount. It's a scam that they've been pulling for years and there's nothing we can do about it.

Ah, the wonderful world of retail....NOT!!!

10-03-2008, 07:44 PM
Guess we can all relate to these happenings. My worst peeve are the people who get in the express lane but have a huge load in their basket. Hubby complained to the girl once and she told him management did not allow them to stand empty even for a few seconds...doesn't sound fair to me when just a few seconds elapse before someone comes in with only the 8 items allowed.
And the chatters blocking the ailses , staring at you as if you are the intruder makes me want to scream...I usually just turn around and go around another aisle after saying excuse me a few times with no action on their part.

Edwina's Secretary
10-03-2008, 07:59 PM
I never saw this until California...

people here do NOT put their empty cart back at the building or even in the cart corral. They leave the cart in the parking lot. Whereever...

Which means parking spots are often not available because the spot is occupied...by a cart. Or carts roll around hitting cars.

What is the excuse? In Chicago where it rains and snows and etc. people put the carts back. Here in the land of perpetual sun...they cannot be bothered.

I suggested to a woman once that she could walk the 10 feet to the cart corral. She was extremely offended and said..."with a baby in the car???"

10-03-2008, 08:19 PM
Ok, so may be it isn't an Ohio thing after all. LOL Wow!

10-03-2008, 08:21 PM
I never saw this until California...

people here do NOT put their empty cart back at the building or even in the cart corral. They leave the cart in the parking lot. Whereever...

Which means parking spots are often not available because the spot is occupied...by a cart. Or carts roll around hitting cars.

What is the excuse? In Chicago where it rains and snows and etc. people put the carts back. Here in the land of perpetual sun...they cannot be bothered.

I suggested to a woman once that she could walk the 10 feet to the cart corral. She was extremely offended and said..."with a baby in the car???"

OOOOOOOOOH that is another one that burns my butt. There is a cart corral in every lane in the parking lot... you don't have to walk more than MAYBE 20 feet to put it in there. but apparently that is too much to ask lol

one time... this lady was parked one space over from the cart corral... and she left the cart on the outside edge of the corral. WTH? and it was nowhere NEAR full.

10-03-2008, 08:21 PM
Y'all are shopping at my stores! The cell phone people and chatters are the worst. I'm with the peeve on those who leave their carts wherever and walk around to shop - blocking the aisles. The stores themselves do not help by the way the pile items so we have to navigate around them - ostensibly to improve sales, it just pisses me off as I often can't reach the items I need because they've added a display right in front of what I want.

And when checking out, I know I can start swiping my card and entering codes, etc. as soon as they start ringing me up - at least I can do this at my Safeway and Trader Joe's, not at Walgreen's. This way by the time all my items are rung up, the SA just needs to hand me my receipt and I'm off on my merry way.

Oh and what is the deal with them asking if you need help to your car with your purchase every time? Sometimes I'll dash in for a quick sandwich or some cat food - it's a teeny bag - and they ask if I need help out. Sometimes I say yes, just to see if I get a reaction - I often do not :p

10-03-2008, 08:56 PM
No Mary, it isn't an OHIO thing. Matter of fact when we cross Ohio to go warm up we find the people going out of their way to be pleasant to us.

You want another pet peeve besides people leaving baskets in the parking lot instead of the corrals? It's people just leaving them to roll wherever and having the basket land on your car leaving a nice ding. And the worst one yet is when you really have to get some shopping done and get to the handicapped parking spots only to find them full, check inside the vehicles and there are no cards anywhere in sight - where we are those cards have to be visible if you park there. The store managers refuse to enforce this because they fear losing customers - meaning handicapped people have no money to spend in their stores I guess.

10-03-2008, 09:13 PM
No Mary, it isn't an OHIO thing. Matter of fact when we cross Ohio to go warm up we find the people going out of their way to be pleasant to us.

Wait. What? You come to Ohio to warm up? I want to move out of Ohio because it gets so bloody cold! Where in the world do you live, Antarctica?

10-03-2008, 09:51 PM
I can sypathize with ALL of you including the cashiers. I worked for a few years at a 24/7 grocery store, although at that time we had old fashioned cash registers with buttons, not scanners and I worked the off shift so no baggers available, but if slow we'd bag for each other.

I have encountered all of the rude/inconsiderate people you have regardless of which side of the register I'm on.

However my BIGGEST pet peeve is baggers. Now maybe it's because I bagged my own customers stuff (never had a one complain) or maybe I'm just finiky by my gosh no one seems to know how to bag anymore!

I mean does it take a genius to figure out if you pick up an item and it's cold you should probably put it in a bag with other items that are cold? :mad: This whole 'bag by shape' thing is ridiculous. I don't want my 5 frozen meals spaced out in 3 different bags with boxes of cereal, boxes of trash bags and my cake mixes. I definately don't want my frozen OJ bagged with my canned veggies. and I CERTAINLY don't want 20 separate bags because the person can't figure out more than ONE bag of chips can fit in a bag or if you put the eggs on the bottom you can still put a bag of chips or a loaf of bread or something on top that won't squish it. (yes it's the one area I allow the cold to be different).

It's so bad I've seen stores with a little chart showing shapes that are allowed to go into same bags. Heaven forbid if you buy something that doesn't fit the shape they don't know how to bag it.

And to top that all off I've OFTEN told them I want to bag my own groceries and was told that they'd get into trouble if I did. I tell them, 'if your manager has a problem with it please send him/her over here and I'll gladly speak with them, there is no need for you to get into trouble over this'. Most times nothing happens because it's busy and they can use the baggers on another full line.

Only thing that bugs me is I'm not as fast bagging against a scanner as against the old fashioned cash register, but close. lol Besides I've gotten so I always put my items on the belt the way I want them bagged to TRY to avoid having dumb bagging if I'm not doing it myself. They STILL manage to get it wrong.


Oh and it isn't just people in grocery stores that stop carts in the middle of the isle to chat. I'm starting to see ALOT of that on the street with people in their CARS!!!!:eek:

10-03-2008, 09:55 PM
Around here there are a LOT of people on cellphones that are oblivious to the fact that they are taking up the entire isle...
People who don't put carts away bugs me too. I usually end up putting carts away, especially if they are in a close parking space ;)

10-03-2008, 10:14 PM
I have to add, because I worked at a grocery store for three years, lol.

-Yes, the cart thing is annoying as h*ll. Even now, I work at Petco, and granted, we don't have a cart corral, people are still too lazy to walk 20 feet and bring it back in.
-CELL PHONES! Don't get me wrong, my cell phone is my LIFE, but I make an effort to NOT BE RUDE and GET OFF MY PHONE when it's my turn in line, or wait out of line until I'm off the phone. I HATED that as a cashier!
-People getting mad at cashiers for items coming up wrong. Not my fault, thanks!
-Crabby people! If I'm nice to you, please try to be nice to me and acknowledge my existence. Don't take your bad day out on me. =]

I hated working there. People are so rude.

You know what? I think all of us PT'ers should just buy our own town. We'd be wonderfully mannered citizens with tons of lovely animals, lol. :p

10-03-2008, 10:22 PM
OH OH OH... AND... the people who park in the firezone right along the curb because GOD FORBID they park the car and walk an extra few feet. NO they park right there on the curb so no one else can get around them to get to a parking space. FIND A PARKING SPACE LIKE THE REST OF US

10-03-2008, 10:29 PM
Here in B.C. we have to pay for our carts. At one store you have to put a quarter in the slot and at another, it's a dollar coin. It really works because everyone puts their carts away so they get their deposit back. And any carts that are left in the parking lot are quickly scooped up by people who want a 'free' cart or the coin they'll get when they return it to the corral.

The thing that bugs me the most in grocery stores is how people come flying out of an aisle as if they have the right of way. lol They definitely should be yielding for the cart drivers on the end aisles. I just about get T-boned 3 or 4 times by people everytime I shop. And because I'm so ridiculously nice, I apologize. I don't even mean to but I'm usually startled and then say 'sorry' and then THEY glare at me. I'm working on my own mean glare for my next shop. No more 'sorries' from me! LOL

10-03-2008, 10:50 PM
I'm working on my own mean glare for my next shop. No more 'sorries' from me! LOL

Go get 'em, killer. Grrrrrrrr:mad: LOL

10-03-2008, 11:02 PM
We went into a grocery store today and it looked like they had what seemed to be 2 thirteen year old boys there. I don't think it would have bothered me quite as much if they were actually mature and doing their job. It's a small store and you could hear them running around the store. The cashiers had to go over the speaker several times while we were there (which was only for about 20 min) telling them to come back and bag some groceries. They were shoving each other around the store, one shoved the other so hard he almost ran into an elderly lady. They were also making perverted jokes to each other with little children nearby! They should fire them and give the jobs to two people that actually need them. I have never seen anything like that before. I've seen workers in stores joke with one another but it was always clean, in no way harming anyone, and they were always doing there job at the same time. Luckily that store is not one we shop in often.

Mom is one of those people that just stop in the middle of the aisle where no one can get around. :o I always have to move it for her. And usually apoligize to the people behind us.

10-03-2008, 11:12 PM
Worst one I ever saw?

I was checking out at a store and the entire time the CASHIER was on the cell phone. I had to lean over to see her display just to find out my total. She never once acknowledged me.

10-04-2008, 12:47 AM
Worst one I ever saw?

I was checking out at a store and the entire time the CASHIER was on the cell phone. I had to lean over to see her display just to find out my total. She never once acknowledged me.

Dang!!! That would never be allowed at our store! At our store, you don't even get a "warning" any longer, if they are caught texting or talking on the phone, they just get sent home. It is mostly the teens who have issues with this. I, for one, have my cell phone for emergencies. I really don't like talking on the phone at all anymore. I avoid my house phone as well (maybe too many bill collectors?! :p).

Bagging is an issue for me. You can't please anyone any longer. I have some people who insist on using paper bags, which we are "discouraged" from having out. I have others who insist on paper in plastic. Fine, whatever. I have others who insist on double paper and double plastic together. That one, I don't get. It's a waste.

I have some people who insist on putting the frozen foods in a paper bag. UMMMMM.... is it just me, or do the thawing packages not make your paper bag a big soggy?

I've had other people take a bunch of folded paper bags home because they needed "recycle" bags. I've had others who take a bunch of the plastic bags that haven't been used, just rip them off the bagging area. Ummm... can you say cheap. Everything extra adds up to higher prices that the stores are going to charge.

Honestly, the ones who really tick me off, are the ones who see there are no baggers available, they have a HUGE order, and they stand there and do absolutely nothing, and huff and sigh because you don't bag their stuff fast enough. Lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy. If you have a baby in your arms, or you're older, or have a handicap, that's one thing. If you are able bodied, know that the store is busy and that the line is going on forever behind your order, a little help from you would be appreciated. I don't get a ton of these, but enough that they annoy me (and they are almost always women... make of that what you will).

I like the idea of the carts being a pay as you go thing, and you get your deposit back. That's good.

10-04-2008, 12:53 AM
We went into a grocery store today and it looked like they had what seemed to be 2 thirteen year old boys there. I don't think it would have bothered me quite as much if they were actually mature and doing their job. It's a small store and you could hear them running around the store. The cashiers had to go over the speaker several times while we were there (which was only for about 20 min) telling them to come back and bag some groceries. They were shoving each other around the store, one shoved the other so hard he almost ran into an elderly lady. They were also making perverted jokes to each other with little children nearby! They should fire them and give the jobs to two people that actually need them. I have never seen anything like that before. I've seen workers in stores joke with one another but it was always clean, in no way harming anyone, and they were always doing there job at the same time. Luckily that store is not one we shop in often.

That's management not doing their job. They should tell the kids to either do their jobs, watch their language, or leave for the day. If they can't do that when they are there, then they should find another job, or if they're 13, mature a little more and then get a job. Some of our baggers are younger kids, like 16, and they are goofy, but they are definitely kept on top of. We're all discouraged of talking while working. Sometimes if it's late at night, and it's more relaxed and no one has anyone in the lines, we'll chat a bit, but usually there is someone there. We're a 24/7 grocery store, and we're by a few colleges, so we get a lot of business. Haven't done an overnight yet, but I know if they aren't busy they do stocking upfront, cleaning and stuff.

10-04-2008, 05:47 AM
For all those reasons I do my grocery shopping online, at either Tesco or Asda, from the warmth and comfort of home. :D It's extra great Christmas time.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Smiles/yes.gif

10-04-2008, 07:01 AM
The aisle blockers are my biggest peeve - 2 people going in opposite directions just have to stop and chat and get annoyed if you politely ask to get by. Maybe they would relate more to being rude to them.
The out of control screaming kids being screamed at by their out of control screaming parents. I don't know which is worse!!!
The "ankle busters" - following so close behind you that when you stop - you get rammed with their cart. OUCH!
And of course don't forget the baggers with not an ounce of common sense who pack the cleaning products in with the food products, or the shampoo in with the eggs - only to discover when you get home that the top of the shampoo bottle popped open. Get the picture on that one???

10-04-2008, 07:07 AM
Here in B.C. we have to pay for our carts. At one store you have to put a quarter in the slot and at another, it's a dollar coin. It really works because everyone puts their carts away so they get their deposit back. And any carts that are left in the parking lot are quickly scooped up by people who want a 'free' cart or the coin they'll get when they return it to the corral.

There is a Shop Rite about two miles from me that does that and I think it is a terrific idea. The little slot only accepts quarters so you have to make sure you have the correct change before you go shopping. I now keep a quarter in my console just for shopping ;) and I get it back when I am finished shopping if I return the cart. :)

Getting back to Medusa's first post, I would have had to look and see what book that girl was reading! It must have been quite good to hold her attention like that. I would have to go out and buy it! :p

Ginger's Mom
10-04-2008, 08:15 AM
Worst one I ever saw?

I was checking out at a store and the entire time the CASHIER was on the cell phone. I had to lean over to see her display just to find out my total. She never once acknowledged me.

Yes, that has happened to me, too. I am still not sure how I managed to walk out of the store without demanding to see the manager. :mad:

10-04-2008, 08:22 AM
Where I work, we are not allowed to have our cellphones on the floor. That means, not in our pockets turned off...NOTHING.

Another BIG peeve of mine is when someone comes up to my register talking on the cellphone and expects me to unload their cart. I refuse to wait on anyone who is on their cellphone not paying attention. I'll just stand there and stare at them. When they look at me, I simply say, "That must be important, I'll wait till you're done." You should see how fast they hang up. I think it's rude. I don't do it when I'm shopping so I expect people to give me the same courtesy.

I've noticed that Americans have become very lazy. Having worked in retail for 3 years, I think I've seen it all. From what you guys are saying, I guess I have yet more to learn.

Only in America.

10-04-2008, 08:49 AM
I had no idea of the can of worms I was opening up. Well, maybe it's good that we get these things off our chests, eh?

Scooter's Mom
10-04-2008, 10:59 AM
I use coupons a lot. When I get to the register, people behind me huff and puff about having to wait an extra 1-3 minutes while the cashier rings up my coupons that save me anywhere from $10-$40 per order. I try to be courteous and tell the person in line behind me, "I have coupons so it may take an extra moment." Sometimes they huff and puff and leave the line! In today's economy, you'd think that everyone would be couponing! It really saves a ton of money.

10-04-2008, 11:01 AM
Plastic bags have now been outlawed in San Francisco. I never did like them - the crackling drives me nuts! The few times my store ran out of paper bags, I ended up with 20 bazillion little plastic bags that just flop around all over my trunk.

When S.F. made the switch to no plastic, the stores were handing out cloth bags for us to reuse. I learned my lesson there - the baggers thought they were being oh-so-helpful trying to load my whole order into one bag. They became so heavy I couldn't lift them! So now I reuse the paper bags and the stores are using sturdier paper bags that can be reused many times.

I miss the old days when the clerk unloaded your cart, counted the change back to you properly, bagged your order and offered to help you out to your car. Now only Trader Joe's will unload your cart for you.

10-04-2008, 12:04 PM
I work at a grocery store and can attest to all the above :rolleyes: It really all comes down to being oblivious to those around you and downright rudeness.
I can add the the list with the kids running thru the store picking up things and dumping them wherever. Stepping on things, opening packages :mad: Running up and down the handicap ramp. Mothers completely oblivious.

Additionally, the people that stuff their faces on samples from one end of the store to the other. People with 12 empty sample cups walking around. Better yet, the ones that dump the empty cups anywhere they please..in magazine racks, counter tops, bread bins. It's just disgusting. Empty or half empty coffee cups as well.

A friend of mine once told me "Working retail, you soon realize that Americans SUCK! " LOL. Well, there are the nice ones too. We have customers that make us cakes and stuff. Sorta funny being in a grocery store there's tons to eat but it's the thought :D

10-04-2008, 12:06 PM
Plastic bags have now been outlawed in San Francisco. I never did like them - the crackling drives me nuts! The few times my store ran out of paper bags, I ended up with 20 bazillion little plastic bags that just flop around all over my trunk.

When S.F. made the switch to no plastic, the stores were handing out cloth bags for us to reuse. I learned my lesson there - the baggers thought they were being oh-so-helpful trying to load my whole order into one bag. They became so heavy I couldn't lift them! So now I reuse the paper bags and the stores are using sturdier paper bags that can be reused many times.

I miss the old days when the clerk unloaded your cart, counted the change back to you properly, bagged your order and offered to help you out to your car. Now only Trader Joe's will unload your cart for you.

Here in the sacramento area we have bel air/raleys and their customer service is really great ...the prices suck though... they do unload the cart and ask you about ten times if you need help out:D

10-04-2008, 12:13 PM
They hardly ever ask if we need help loading our groceries into our car. We have to ask them. I hardly ever ask for help because it's usually teenage kids who are so slow that they make me look like the Roadrunner. If I have an unusually large order and the weather is brutal, I may ask for help but I usually go it alone. I don't even care about that, really. It isn't the store employees that give me cause for complaint. It's always been shoppers who are oblivious to the fact that other people exist.

10-04-2008, 01:00 PM
Another big one that I forgot is when I'm trying to get my groceries done and parents have these wailing kids in tow who run into people until they are put in the basket, then the screaming starts, so to quiet them down the moms take a bag of cookies, chips, or whatever off the shelf, open it and let the kids help themselves. This disgusts me to no end.

10-04-2008, 02:28 PM
the moms take a bag of cookies, chips, or whatever off the shelf, open it and let the kids help themselves. This disgusts me to no end.

Actually Sam Walton likes people to do this in Wal-Mart (as long as you pay for it of course) Supposedly makes them shop longer. We learned that from a cashier. We sometime let Nathan eat some goldfish crackers in Wal-Mart if we run over time and shop through lunch. The only thing I find disgusting is when parents do this and then put it back on the shelf half empty. Don't even pay for it or anything. But if you're going to pay for it anyway, and no one's dropping it all over the floor, then why not?

10-04-2008, 03:48 PM
Dang!!! That would never be allowed at our store! At our store, you don't even get a "warning" any longer, if they are caught texting or talking on the phone, they just get sent home. It is mostly the teens who have issues with this.

Actually the one I distinctly remember doing this was in her mid 30's or so. But then again now-a-days age and cell phones doesn't matter. Recently I saw a lady at a park walking around (not watching traffic and other people of course) yabbing away on her cell phone....age??? Appeared to be about 55-60 years old!

Bagging is an issue for me. You can't please anyone any longer. I have some people who insist on using paper bags, which we are "discouraged" from having out. I have others who insist on paper in plastic. Fine, whatever. I have others who insist on double paper and double plastic together. That one, I don't get. It's a waste.

BTW when I was working the grocery store we were told to hide the paper bags and not ask 'paper or plastic'. However on the night shift we didn't have a big supervisor there so we put them out anyways for our customers we knew wanted paper to make our lives easier not having to rummage under the counter for them. If more stores would give the discount for reusing bags or bringing a canvas one in, I think it would solve alot of those problems. Only one store I shop at actually gives a 5 cent per bag discount, the rest sell the canvas bags but you get no discount for using them.

As for the bagging requests you get, I can explain a couple of those to you because my mom and I have requested a few of them ourselves.

The paper bags in plastic is because paper bags stand up, hold more stuff, the plastic bags have the handles. If they still made paper bags with handles this probably wouldn't happen much.

The double paper or double plastic is for those people who have way too many times encountered the cheap made bags that like to bust all over in your car on the way home, or the worst busting just before you get to your door with them causing your eggs to break and milk to spill everywhere.

I'm not quite sure what the double paper in double plastic is except a combo of the first two. Never heard of that one before.

I have some people who insist on putting the frozen foods in a paper bag. UMMMMM.... is it just me, or do the thawing packages not make your paper bag a big soggy?

Ok I and my mom have done that one freqently. In our case, by asking for frozen in a special bag we don't get people putting the frozen mixed in with cereal boxes. The paper is a better insulator than the thin plastic and keeps the food cold longer if it's well packed. Unless you have a long drive home and it's hotter than hades, neither mom nor I have ever had a soggy bag when we got home.

've had other people take a bunch of folded paper bags home because they needed "recycle" bags. I've had others who take a bunch of the plastic bags that haven't been used, just rip them off the bagging area. Ummm... can you say cheap. Everything extra adds up to higher prices that the stores are going to charge.

This is a similar problem in fast food places where people scarf up handsfull of napkins, ketchup, straws ect. I was recently in a KFC and the sign on the wall read 'extra condiments will now have an additional charge'.

I could see where something is messy you might need an extra couple napkins or maybe an extra straw or fork, but a whole handfull? That's just rude and cheap.

10-04-2008, 03:53 PM
But if you're going to pay for it anyway, and no one's dropping it all over the floor, then why not?

I personally don't have a problem with that as long as the kid is not making a mess or anything. But technically until you've actually paid for it, it's not yours to eat or use. The store has no way of knowing which people are going to pay and which ones aren't. Plus alot of people do that with things that are priced per pound like grapes/produce. As a cashier I had people hand me an empty grape bag full of stems and expect me to ring it up. Oh I rang it up alright but I guarantee you it was priced as if they had about 10 pounds of grapes.

10-05-2008, 11:09 AM
If they still made paper bags with handles this probably wouldn't happen much.

In San Francisco most of the papers bags DO have handles and they're very sturdy bags.

10-05-2008, 01:47 PM
I personally don't have a problem with that as long as the kid is not making a mess or anything. But technically until you've actually paid for it, it's not yours to eat or use. The store has no way of knowing which people are going to pay and which ones aren't. Plus alot of people do that with things that are priced per pound like grapes/produce. As a cashier I had people hand me an empty grape bag full of stems and expect me to ring it up. Oh I rang it up alright but I guarantee you it was priced as if they had about 10 pounds of grapes.

I've never done it with any pay by the pound item. I can understand how that's a definite no-no.

Daisy and Delilah
10-05-2008, 05:45 PM
The thing that bugs me the most in grocery stores is how people come flying out of an aisle as if they have the right of way. lol They definitely should be yielding for the cart drivers on the end aisles. I just about get T-boned 3 or 4 times by people everytime I shop. And because I'm so ridiculously nice, I apologize. I don't even mean to but I'm usually startled and then say 'sorry' and then THEY glare at me. I'm working on my own mean glare for my next shop. No more 'sorries' from me! LOL

I love this thread. It's about time somebody brought this up. Thank you, Mary. I agree with everything that's been said. However, the above quote has been something that's plagued me for a long time!! Ok....so you feel it's okay to cut me off and plow forward without any consideration to getting out of my way. Who ever said which one of us has the right of way?? When I go to the stores, it seems like I'm always the one that doesn't have the right of way, as well.
Thank you Emerald Green for pointing this out. I am also the one that apologises and the other person never says anything to me like it actually was my fault to almost "accidentally" go in front of them. They run me over and I feel bad?? It's insane isn't it??

The question I always ask........what in the world would these cell phone users have done if they grew up in the 60's and 70's(Oops--I think some of them did)? A lack of a phone in my hand didn't bother me then and it doesn't now. I realize there are some emergency calls and urgent calls going on but certainly not all of them. In fact, most of them seem to be idle chit chat. It amazes me that the grocery stores are havens for cell phone use. I still don't have a problem with it as long as they're being responsible in looking where they're going and paying attention to what's around them. Unfortunately, I don't see much of that.:(

10-05-2008, 05:51 PM
I personally don't have a problem with that as long as the kid is not making a mess or anything. But technically until you've actually paid for it, it's not yours to eat or use. The store has no way of knowing which people are going to pay and which ones aren't. Plus alot of people do that with things that are priced per pound like grapes/produce. As a cashier I had people hand me an empty grape bag full of stems and expect me to ring it up. Oh I rang it up alright but I guarantee you it was priced as if they had about 10 pounds of grapes.

Forgot to mention the fact that when the kid is finished with whatever he or she is eating the mom puts it back on any shelf - NO...it never is paid for it. I wouldn't mind the kids doing this if it kept them quiet and the parents rang the items up but I remember having to go back to the store with a bag of half eaten cookies that someone put back on the shelf.
I have yet to see any parent bring the item to the cash to have it paid for.

smokey the elder
10-06-2008, 07:37 AM
People hogging the middle of the aisle, and who can't keep their kids under control.

Some points about bags: I find if I don't double-bag heavy or dense items like liquids, the belly (bottom) seam often fails or at least gets holes in it. Also, I re-use them to deal with the pre-owned kitty litter that 18 cats and kittens generate!:D

10-06-2008, 02:21 PM
We have "self-serve check-out" lines, so people in a hurry can go to those, I have not seen or had anyone break into a line.

Okay, here is one for you, Karen. Guess who LOVES to scan things at the self serve check out? We could have a cart full of groceries, and Jonah insists that we scan them. (Okay, I admit, I like to scan things, too :)).
Anyhow, I had this guy glaring at us when we were doing the self serve check out...cause it was taking prolly twice as long for Jonah to scan as it would me. He wants to push the buttons, run the card through, insert the money, etc.

I smiled at him and said, "a trip to the grocery is all the fun for him I can afford" and turned away. He he he...

10-06-2008, 02:33 PM
Another big one that I forgot is when I'm trying to get my groceries done and parents have these wailing kids in tow who run into people until they are put in the basket, then the screaming starts, so to quiet them down the moms take a bag of cookies, chips, or whatever off the shelf, open it and let the kids help themselves. This disgusts me to no end.

I am single (by choice), work a full time job, and have a 4 year old. There are times that mandate I shop for food. I can't always judge my child's hunger level appropriately, and <gasp> sometimes that little bugger wants some crackers/juice/water you name it, with no regard for a schedule!

I find it much easier to plunk the little one in the bascart, give him the juice and a light snack and shop away. Works for me, works for him, I am spending the money at the store- so, I presume it works for the store, too.

I am proud to say that in 4 years, I have *never* not returned a cart to the corral when out shopping. I just park right next to the the corral and putting the cart away, while safely keeping an eye on my child, isn't an issue. I don't understand the whole, "I have a child so I can't be concerned about your property" issue.

On the issue of cell phones in the store- I use my phone with courtesy. That might mean I hang up, it might mean I don't answer the phone, etc. But, what gets me is how the cashier can't hardly lift her eyes to meet mine, or open her mouth loud enough to issue an audible, "hello". The paying customer is often times the reason you have a job!

10-06-2008, 03:14 PM
I usually shop at Safeway and they ALWAYS ask if I need help out. I take it depending on where I parked and how much I bought. The parking lot is slanted in some places and it's difficult to hold the cart and load groceries in the trunk at the same time. I try not to park there, but sometimes have no choice.
Oh, and if it's busy I'll bag groceries and/or load the full bags into the cart for the bagger.
I usually return the cart, because I try to park as close as possible to it.
Now, I am guilty of the being on the phone thing. BUT, I have an ear piece and I told my mom (on the other end of the phone) that I was checking out. So while I was checking out I didn't talk to her on the phone. She just waited until I was done to resume the convo. And that time I included the cashier and my mom in a conversation. It was funny! The girl was very nice. :D

I don't have too many of the issues described here. Not too often anyway. People are always fairly polite, at least that I notice. Maybe I just ignore the rude people. LOL

10-06-2008, 03:23 PM
Cataholic do you not pay for the items you give your child, or do you return a half eaten bag of whatever to the shelves when he's done with them? That was the only thing I meant by that comment...absolutely nothing wrong with buying the kid something to eat when he's hungry, I would do the same...but pay for it and not return the crums on the shelf...

10-06-2008, 03:40 PM
Cataholic do you not pay for the items you give your child, or do you return a half eaten bag of whatever to the shelves when he's done with them? That was the only thing I meant by that comment...absolutely nothing wrong with buying the kid something to eat when he's hungry, I would do the same...but pay for it and not return the crums on the shelf...

Not until check out time...kind of like a restaurant. Jonah eats first, and pays later. (not from the produce section...)

10-06-2008, 08:05 PM
That's what I meant...as long as you pay for it and don't return the empty packs to the shelf I don't see anything wrong with that. Hey, if a kid is hungry, feed him, no problem with that. It's the parents who just open stuff, let the kids eat and then put the half empty things back on the shelves that I find amazingly rude.

10-06-2008, 08:55 PM
My pet peeve is people who complain about a dog in the store as their kids are running around making noise and a mess.

Or the floors being so slippery that Sheena has a hard time keeping her footing. This is the worst after it has rained or they just washed the floor. drives me nuts watching her trying to get her footing on the slippery floor, even with her nails and hair and on her pads clipped.

Or those who will avoid an aisle or a line to pay because Sheena is there with me. Luckily since moving here I have not had to deal with this much.

Cinder & Smoke
10-06-2008, 09:16 PM
... do you not pay for the items you give your child, or do you
return a half eaten bag of whatever to the shelves when he's done with them?
... absolutely nothing wrong with buying the kid something to eat when he's hungry,
I would do the same ... but pay for it and not return the crums on the shelf ...

Not until check out time ... kind of like a restaurant.
Jonah eats first, and pays later. (not from the produce section ...)

I do that, too - since I never pay attention to Mom's old advisory to "Never shop
for groceries when you're HUNGRY!" I always seem to need a *snack*!
I open the baggies of Hard Salami and Swiss, pull out a few slices, then *roll* a
poor-man's sammich (no bread) and *munch away*. If anybody objects,
MY reasoning is the bags are pre-weighed and pre-priced ... Who Cares
if the bag is half-empty when I pay full price for it at checkout?

Then there's the OTHER extreme - which I experienced not that long ago
whilst shopping in the Big Burd Store >>>

"Mom" & 13-15 yo Daughter were *SHOUTING* their way through Produce and
stopped to order 'dinner' at the hot foods deli counter ...
Mom: "Gimmie 2 drumsticks (that BIG one) anna couple wings."
"HEY - go get us a couple Cokes out by the registers - COLD ones!"

Kid returns with the Cokes and they push on - *SHOUTING* instructions and
questions back and forth for all to enjoy. Later, I noticed it was *quiet*.

They were stopped in Beverages ... *munchin* on hot chicken drumsticks!

A few minutes later, they're in canned goods - polishing off the wings!
All done? They cleaned up with the lil nappies in the bag.
"Here, git ridda this!" (And Mom hands over the bone-filled styrofoam take-out box.)
Kid walks over to the Beans section, pushes some #10 cans around on the bottom shelf;
and shoves in the bone box (WITH the contents & PRICE sticker)! :eek:
Dinner was GOOD - and FREE!

And I KNOW there were two chilled but very empty 20oz Coke bottles
sitting on display somewhere between Canned Goods and checkout!

Grocery Shoppin is ALWAYS an Adventure!


10-06-2008, 11:09 PM
Oh the stories I could tell when I was working at the Post Office!

TO make a long story short, I didn't take customers BS. I treated them well untill they abused me.. then they were told off & NOT served.. I would move to another cash & server the next customer leaving that nasty BEEP standing with a blank look... :D

Once I was in a rather good mood & was stupid polite (not backing down though) to a nasty customer.. I had MANY of my regular customers yell at that person & MADE them leave :D Actually that happened a lot :p

The only time I got ganged up on is when they thought I was 14yrs old & working everyday during "school hours". They threatened to call the police & blah blah blah... Showing my ID almost didn't work :p I was 23 at the time

10-07-2008, 01:56 AM
The last few days have brought out the cranky old people for some reason. I had one woman at my lane tonight, and I swear on my grandmother's grave, this lady had to be atleast 65 or 70. She had badly dyed black hair, chunky eyelashed and thick and nasty looking eyeliner and silvery shiney eyeshadow on. There was also the fire engine red lipstick that got you if the rest didn't. She was very snotty. Very "I'm just above all of you, and you are my servants, so kiss my feet" kind of attitude. I was not in the mood for it, and I was hungry too cause break time was late, lol.

So, I'm ringing through the order. She's tap, tap, tapping, her ugly long nails that are painted some electric blue color, and she's tapping her feet as well. I was a bit annoyed. I'm scanning, then bagging what would go together, and she's standing there doing nothing, and the guy she was with seemed hardly to be coherent. I thought he was drunk. So, I'm ringing up more stuff that he plunked down, MADAME actually puts a few things in a bag, and then while I'm waiting for the man to pull together the cash to pay the bill, the lady says, loudly, "Well, you can finish this now honey." in a not very nice tone. I stood there, looked at her husband, and said, "I am guessing she's speaking to you, as I don't know her well enough for her to call me honey." He just kinda smiled at me like, yeah... sorry bout her. She tapped her foot and said that she most certainly did not mean for him to finish bagging groceries, as that's my job. I just said, fine, but the next time you address me, I prefer Miss, or Ma'm, and not a term of endearment when it's certainly not meant as one. I smiled, told her to have a nice night, and to drive safe.

We all watched as they walked out. Her in her knee high leather boots, her skin tight leopard print spandax pants (or something not so shiney), and her tight tank top and black leather short jacket.

And yeah, again, remember the age adn face description. It really didn't go well together. Quite scary.

10-07-2008, 02:10 AM
I'm so tired, I have to post tomorrow about the whole, load/unload the cart for the customer, bag the whole order, take it to their car, drive them home, cook for them, and then go back to work kind of thing I was thinking about.

I'm just getting the feeling many people today want it all done for them, and they want to pay as little as they can to get it done, show as little courtesy to the person they are expecting to do it all for them as well, and then bitch and moan when it's not done exactly to their liking.

I can't stay awake long enough to give a sufficient answer to that whole deal.

Let me just say that whoever Trader Joe's is, he may have many people sucked into that whole scenario, but thing would run smoother if it would just be 1. do your shopping, load your cart appropriately and in the way you'd like it to be taken out. Unload groceries in the way you like them bagged (it does happen like that you know... I do it all the time when I shop for myself), then if you do want things bagged in some obscure way that, if someone else bagged it, you will not be happy with no matter what, bag your own crap and help save time. Otherwise, let the baggers (who are trained to bag appropriately actually) do what they are supposed to do, unless there are no baggers available, then help out the cashier and bag if you have a free hand because more than likely there are 20 people in line behind you waiting to get their crap done.

If we all work together, it gets done quicker, and easier, and you get out, and we are done with you and we all move on. It makes for a happier experience all around.

Eat before you come to the store. If you come to the sotre with a child who will need to be fed or amused, bring things for him. My mother would have been appalled if we actually ate what we were going to be buying before buying it. I know things have relaxed in society, but there are social norms and expectations, and usually one refrains themselves from eating in the store before buying what they have in their carts. It is NOT a restaurant. Unless you are stopping at the deli and salad bar, and are dining IN THE STORE IN THEIR OWN DINING AREA you should not be eating while shopping. That's just not cool. I never did it before, I don't do it now, and i don't plan on doing it in the future. It's just poor manners. And if that's what "mr. walmart" was thinking, then he grew up backwoods with no manners either.

We had hand sanitizer as our Pick of the Week at the store, and they are always on top of our registers and also next ot our registers, and it says what they are, and if there is a special deal on buying more than one of them. One lady came up, took one, squirted it in her hand and started to walk away. "Excuse me," I said, "but that is an item for sale, it is not for public use. It's our pick of the week item." Well, she thought it was jsut there for everyone to use, isn't that what we usually do? No, I told her, when you see candy bars, tick tacks, seasonal candy items etc.. up on top of our register, its so that you buy them, they are freebies.

Seriously. What is going on with our society.

10-07-2008, 06:06 AM
The last few days have brought out the cranky old people for some reason. I had one woman at my lane tonight, and I swear on my grandmother's grave, this lady had to be atleast 65 or 70. She had badly dyed black hair, chunky eyelashed and thick and nasty looking eyeliner and silvery shiney eyeshadow on. There was also the fire engine red lipstick that got you if the rest didn't. She was very snotty. Very "I'm just above all of you, and you are my servants, so kiss my feet" kind of attitude. I was not in the mood for it, and I was hungry too cause break time was late, lol.

So, I'm ringing through the order. She's tap, tap, tapping, her ugly long nails that are painted some electric blue color, and she's tapping her feet as well. I was a bit annoyed. I'm scanning, then bagging what would go together, and she's standing there doing nothing, and the guy she was with seemed hardly to be coherent. I thought he was drunk. So, I'm ringing up more stuff that he plunked down, MADAME actually puts a few things in a bag, and then while I'm waiting for the man to pull together the cash to pay the bill, the lady says, loudly, "Well, you can finish this now honey." in a not very nice tone. I stood there, looked at her husband, and said, "I am guessing she's speaking to you, as I don't know her well enough for her to call me honey." He just kinda smiled at me like, yeah... sorry bout her. She tapped her foot and said that she most certainly did not mean for him to finish bagging groceries, as that's my job. I just said, fine, but the next time you address me, I prefer Miss, or Ma'm, and not a term of endearment when it's certainly not meant as one. I smiled, told her to have a nice night, and to drive safe.

We all watched as they walked out. Her in her knee high leather boots, her skin tight leopard print spandax pants (or something not so shiney), and her tight tank top and black leather short jacket.

And yeah, again, remember the age adn face description. It really didn't go well together. Quite scary.

Are you trying to give us nightmares???!!!

10-07-2008, 07:20 AM


People that do this SUCK!

Walk around items on the floor.

I have this complusion to restock items on the floor that have fallen.

FOR YEARS it bugged me as to why I did it.

My first real job was working in a records room. I always thought to treat each folder with respect because they are patients and god knows if they need a chart for a patient and we could no find it because it was lost, misfiled or tossed aside.

Pull a magazine out of a holder and not put it back correctly or in it's place.
Same with the items like gum, candy, mints.....
People that stop cashiers and ask, "How much was that?" THEN REFUSE TO PURCHASE IT!
People that chuck stuff on the side as the unload the baskets!

We have some higher end supers here in El Lay, Von's and Ralph's. I walk in, scruffy looking because I am going to a friend's house for dinner. I get to the conveyor and the cashier is talking to a regular customer because the are trading gossip and talk.

She is all bubbly and smiley, but when she gets to me the look on her face is one of being confronted with a six foot, two inch turd, shopping in her store.

SHe never makes eye contact, doesn't answer my "Hi, How are you!" and puts my change on the counter/check shelf.

I got my change and I told her that I hope her day would get better.

I did notice that they closed down the store soon after!


10-07-2008, 09:25 AM
Eat before you come to the store. If you come to the sotre with a child who will need to be fed or amused, bring things for him. My mother would have been appalled if we actually ate what we were going to be buying before buying it. I know things have relaxed in society, but there are social norms and expectations, and usually one refrains themselves from eating in the store before buying what they have in their carts. It is NOT a restaurant. Unless you are stopping at the deli and salad bar, and are dining IN THE STORE IN THEIR OWN DINING AREA you should not be eating while shopping. That's just not cool. I never did it before, I don't do it now, and i don't plan on doing it in the future. It's just poor manners. And if that's what "mr. walmart" was thinking, then he grew up backwoods with no manners either.

WOW. Sounds like you have things pretty well summed up! I guess what is "wrong" with society these days can be attributed to eating in the grocery store. I guess I should start telling those stores that give out free samples how totally poor their manners are!

10-07-2008, 09:46 PM
And because I'm so ridiculously nice, I apologize. I don't even mean to but I'm usually startled and then say 'sorry' and then THEY glare at me.

HA HA!! Thats me too! I walk away thinking, "what the heck? Why did I apologize!!??! That lady was the one that nearly ran ME down!!"

My peeves:

The grocery bag thing too. I always put my items together how I'd like them bagged: dry with dry, wet with wet, warm with warm, cans with cans, produce with produce, forzen with frozen and light with light/breakables
Then, its takes 5 minutes for the bagger to get there and my system's all screwed up!!! :rolleyes: :mad: I used to BE a bagger and that's how I bagged!! I mean, come on, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to bag groceries correctly!

And the asking if we need help to the car thing? Um, there are 2 of us and 1 bag....yea, sure, walk me out and hold my bag, and my purse for me too. In fact, want to come home and put this stuff away for me too??? When I was a bagger, we asked people if they needed help, IF THEY NEEDED HELP! Do their brains fall out when they enter work???

The carts. I will always get my cats from the parking lot - I will never understand the laziness of not putting a cart AT LEAST in the cart corral thingy. I used to be a bagger, and therefore a cart chaser, so I have the utmost sympathy!!!

Carts part 2: how about when someone goes through the line with a cart and then once bagged, they grab the bags ONLY and leave the cart there. Hello??? Put that where you got it!!

While again, I was a high school girl bagger with some cute hottie boy checkers, I would at the very least, acknowledge my customers!!! Now, the bagger and the checkers ramble on and on and flirt and laugh and barely notice your existance. Ugh, rude!!

10-07-2008, 11:12 PM
One thing that bothers me most is that so many people complain about being unfit or fat, and then so many people can't walk a extra few feet from a further parking spot or put a cart away. People take an extra ten minutes searching for a close spot when they could have been in the store already, sometimes holding up a whole line of cars to wait for somebody to back out.

The other thing is not putting something back. The other day I found a half gallon of milk in the chips aisle. It was still cold so I took the time to bring it 3aisles down to put it back. How lazy can you be?

And, if a kid ever runs into me with those heely shoes with wheels in them, I will not hesitate to be in their way or trip them. How'd these people like it if I put on some rollerblades and skated into them int he store.

I hate the self-serve checkout and never use them, they always take a million times longer when I'm with my sister who only uses them. First, something won't scan and we have to wait for an assistant; then, something needs to be confirmed for weight or something like that, another wait; then, something won't work in the machine; another wait for the assistant; and lastly she needs to check the receipt for something. Good lord, by the time she's done checking out a handful of things I've slumped down on the floor dead of exasperation of why after this happening so many times she still used the damn self-checkout! I could have use a regular checkout half a dozen times already. And there's always some boxo waiting in the self-checkout line behind you when this happens, even when the regular checkouts are open. Why would you wait half an hour to checkout when the regular ones are open? Maybe if you had something embarassing like a box of condoms, but I've yet to see the person waiting behind us with something seemingly embarrassing.

10-08-2008, 12:22 AM
WOW. Sounds like you have things pretty well summed up! I guess what is "wrong" with society these days can be attributed to eating in the grocery store. I guess I should start telling those stores that give out free samples how totally poor their manners are!

I wasn't talking about free samples, and I think you could tell that from the post.

Usually when they have a free sample, it's just that, a sample. It's a teeny tiny cup, and you eat it with a teeny tiny spoon or fork, and you throw away said cup and spoon/fork right there in the garbage can at their table. Deli sample items are usually on a toothpick, again, just a mouthful, and you throw away the toothpick in the garbage can located right by the deli sample items.

I was annoyed and tired when posting it, so it was a little bit of a rant. Sorry for the rant part.

I still think it's bad manners to be eating before you pay. Like I said, it's not a restaurant. There are dining areas in some stores, and they are meant for purchasing food and eating there.

10-08-2008, 12:55 AM
My peeves:

The grocery bag thing too. I always put my items together how I'd like them bagged: dry with dry, wet with wet, warm with warm, cans with cans, produce with produce, forzen with frozen and light with light/breakables
Then, its takes 5 minutes for the bagger to get there and my system's all screwed up!!! :rolleyes: :mad: I used to BE a bagger and that's how I bagged!! I mean, come on, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to bag groceries correctly!

And the asking if we need help to the car thing? Um, there are 2 of us and 1 bag....yea, sure, walk me out and hold my bag, and my purse for me too. In fact, want to come home and put this stuff away for me too??? When I was a bagger, we asked people if they needed help, IF THEY NEEDED HELP! Do their brains fall out when they enter work???

Carts part 2: how about when someone goes through the line with a cart and then once bagged, they grab the bags ONLY and leave the cart there. Hello??? Put that where you got it!!

While again, I was a high school girl bagger with some cute hottie boy checkers, I would at the very least, acknowledge my customers!!! Now, the bagger and the checkers ramble on and on and flirt and laugh and barely notice your existance. Ugh, rude!!

If I've ever asked someone if they needed help to their car with things, it's been someone who has a loaded cart, is elderly or maybe has a child and ton of bags in their cart. I ask who I think may need help. I don't ask everyone, and I don't always ask what management tells me to ask when it seems like a redundant question, or a moot point. I'm not a machine who is going to spew out stuff just because they say we should. If it seems applicable, I do. If it's not, I don't. So far there haven't been any issues with that.

We do have a few baggers who are special needs, and some of them do take time to do the bagging. There are a few baggers I work well with, and they are the ones who are not chatty with me while working. When they are chatty, I can't concentrate, and then I end up not paying attention to what I'm doing and make mistakes. I don't like making mistakes, so I'd rather have no bagger at all, or a bagger who doesn't just stand around and talk all the time.

I think bagging items is kind of a logical task. It's not like it's rocket science. Bag what goes together, together. Cold with cold, cans with cans, raw meat with raw meat, chemical with chemical. Don't overload the bag. I do get some people who tell me to either make it all fit in two bags (umm... yikes! when I see their order), or make it light (usually the elderly, and I have no problem with that at all), or you'll get the ones who want to bag all on their own and they bag anything with everything. Raw chicken with the fruits and veggies, the bananas with the canned stuff.

Many times I've offered to have a bagger get someone a new loaf of bread because it was mushed by the time it got to the check out line. I have a method to my madness when I shop, and I get my bread and eggs last, but that's just me.

Leaving the carts blocking my lane gets me annoyed. It hasn't happened much, but the last time it was one of those carts with the "car" at the front for the kids to sit in. There were two young women shopping with their kids, and they only got a couple things and they left both of them in my lane and were starting to leave so I did stop them and said "Oh, I think you forgot your carts, they're still in my lane." The one looked a bit embarrassed and mumbled that they just forgot about them, and the other girl just said they didn't want them and she walked out. Yeah... nice.

I had another girl give me attitude the other day because I wasn't clairvoyant and didn't see that she was paying with a foodstamps card. If I'm ringing your stuff up, and you're swiping a card and I can't see what card it is, how am I supposed to know?? Should I just judge by the way a person looks and think "oh, that's a foodstamps person/family"??? :rolleyes: The computer gave some line about mismatch of payment, and so I asked if she used American Express, because we don't accept that. "No, it was foodstamps!" Very loud, very pissed off. Um... I didn't see that, and you don't have to yell it at me. I don't ever try to point out someone using foodstamps, or try to make them feel embarrassed, and as I said, I'm not clairvoyant and can't just see through the card reader to what you just used when I'm in the middle of ringing up items. Just flash me the card when I give you the total, and I know what you're using, and we're all cool, and we're done.

I did have another "test" last night from the one front end manager. We have to treat them like a customer, ask them if they brought their bonus card and any coupons. Would like to try my pick of the week (which I never ask, cause if you want to buy it, you'll pick it up). He sat on the handrail and put his feet up by my register. :rolleyes: I asked him to get off because it was a hazard to his well being. He laughed at me, and I said, "What??? I'd say that to a customer." and he says, "Yeah, you would, knowing you." Sorry, but if a customer would do something that could potentially injure them, I'll ask them to not do it, or something like that. Kids climbing on the bagging shelf, banging on the registers that aren't being used.

Eh... I'm sure there will be more to come, lol. Glad I had off tonight, lol.

10-08-2008, 01:11 AM
Oh, and I always ask each customer "Hello/Hi there! Do you have your bonus card and any coupons?" I greet everyone. I say hello. I ask them how they are doing. Some love to chit chat if it's not busy. Some will tell you what they are buying and scared to try to cook. MOST of the time, it's great. There is always someone in the day who refuses to answer any question, will not look at you or just ignores anything you say. I had one of them the other day. She was a young black woman with an older white guy (not that race has anything to do with it, just describing the customers). I asked them how they were, did they find what they were looking for. Nothing. Will that be debit or credit. Nothing. The bagger asked if plastic was ok. Nothing. The bagger looked at me, and I just shrugged. I told them to have a good night, and come back again soon. Nothing.

They were not hearing impaired. I've gotten hearing impaired customers. Normally they let you know they can't hear.

10-08-2008, 01:29 PM
One other thing that drives me completely crazy is when people pick up a perishable product and then change their minds about it and then leave it in some other aisle to rot. The other day I found a roasting chicken, still hot, sitting on a shelf with the dried pasta. I took it back to the deli and gave it to one of the staff.
I've found frozen stuff in other aisles and my worry is that one day, I'm going to buy something that has been put back in it's rightful spot, but prior to that it has been dethawing for hours and was then refrozen!! Because of that, I always take the 4th or 5th product underneath the one on the top.
I don't know how people can be so wasteful, to just dump perishable food in some other aisle and not even think that someone might end up getting sick from it, or just letting perfectly good food go to waste.
p.s. the chicken I returned was still smokin' hot so I think it was still safe and that's why I returned it to the deli. :)

10-08-2008, 08:17 PM
Carts part 2: how about when someone goes through the line with a cart and then once bagged, they grab the bags ONLY and leave the cart there. Hello??? Put that where you got it!!

There is one store near me that keeps a cart at the end by the bagger so he/she can start bagging your groceries in it before you've finished unloading your cart. Then when you're done you leave your empty cart there and take the loaded one.

I can see the logic to this, however...

At this particular store they have a teeny tiny area between the bagger and the front windows so it's ALWAYS very crowded with those extra carts there. And when I buy 20 some bottles of soda I normally only put one of each flavor on the belt and let them know how many of each. I have a pop bottle rack in my trunk to put them in so I don't need them bagged and it doesn't make sense to unload all those heavy bottles just to put them back loose in another cart when they're fine where they are.

And, if a kid ever runs into me with those heely shoes with wheels in them, I will not hesitate to be in their way or trip them.

I hate those things!!! I've been smashed into and rolled over by those things. I don't believe a grocery store (or ANY store really) is a proper place to be roller skating. When did adults grow so lax in teaching their kids when and where proper places to do things are?

Why would you wait half an hour to checkout when the regular ones are open?

Because I can bag it the way I want it!! lol ;):p

or you'll get the ones who want to bag all on their own and they bag anything with everything. Raw chicken with the fruits and veggies, the bananas with the canned stuff.

Maybe they like it bagged that way and that's why there's a grocery store genius somewhere who designed the self serve lanes? ;):p

10-08-2008, 09:05 PM
I did have another "test" last night from the one front end manager.
He sat on the handrail and put his feet up by my register. :rolleyes: I asked him to get off because it was a hazard to his well being. He laughed at me, and I said, "What??? I'd say that to a customer." and he says, "Yeah, you would, knowing you."

Jenn, I am utterly aghast.. Does this manager NOT expect a cashier to say something like that to a customer who sits on the handrail and puts his feet up by your register.. WHA... ?????

What does he think you SHOULD say to this customer? Or should you just act as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening and keep ringing up the items and then take the payment?

Maybe then you should push the customer OFF the handrail, to leave it free for the next customer.

10-08-2008, 10:03 PM
Jenn, I am utterly aghast.. Does this manager NOT expect a cashier to say something like that to a customer who sits on the handrail and puts his feet up by your register.. WHA... ?????

What does he think you SHOULD say to this customer? Or should you just act as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening and keep ringing up the items and then take the payment?

Maybe then you should push the customer OFF the handrail, to leave it free for the next customer.

This front end manager just turned 19. Not that being young means that all young people would behave that way, but he does. He's pretty lax. Which is why many of the younger cashiers like working with him.

Many of our front end managers are in their late teens to early twenties. Right now our store is having an issue of not having enough front end managers. They have to take a test, do all this stuff and earn a pin, and then that earns them the right to wear the "red vest". OOOOH! So impressive, lol.

I'm not impressed with the younger front end managers who curse at eachother, or behave really unprofessionally. There is one who has the same name as me (although spelled differently, with a Y at the end), and she is just beyond inconsiderate and offensive. She'll start harassing a bagger, just teasing really, but she takes things way too far. Or she'll make a really inappropriate comment (the one guy who is a frozen food stocker backed into her by accident at the register, and she made a comment about how he liked it. :eek: I had just started there at that time, and I had no idea who the guy was at that point, but I about fell on the floor. Why would you say that when there are other people around, and there are multiple customers in line???).

She's been there for a long time, and she knows what she's doing, so she gets away with a lot. She doesn't give me the time of day really, usually says she forgets my name... um... it's the SAME as yours. :rolleyes:

If a customer or their child is doing something that I think will harm them, or is a safety violation/risk, I say something. I know we're not supposed to do anything to tick off the customer, heaven forbid, but I'm not going to have some kid fall off a railing and crack their heads open either.

10-08-2008, 10:20 PM
"I still think it's bad manners to be eating before you pay. Like I said, it's not a restaurant. There are dining areas in some stores, and they are meant for purchasing food and eating there."

I'm afraid I have to agree here. I spend my days sweeping up crushed goldfish and cheerios all over the store. I was taught there was a time and place for everything. I understand the irritable child thing but still...

"One other thing that drives me completely crazy is when people pick up a perishable product and then change their minds about it and then leave it in some other aisle to rot. The other day I found a roasting chicken, still hot, sitting on a shelf with the dried pasta. I took it back to the deli and gave it to one of the staff. "

I was told by health code law, food that who's whereabouts could not be accounted for and therefore temperture controlled must be disposed of. THAT makes me sick. What a waste! I've tried getting the deli to give me stuff they are disposing of for the ferels but I was told they could get into alot of trouble for doing so. Don't know if it's truly a law but at least that's the practice at my store. It's a toss-up..do I really want to be purchasing food that has been contaminated without my knowing or do I put up with the shameful waste?

I won't start on the people that show up in pajamas :rolleyes: And I'm talking about NOON! I had the coutesy to get dressed. You couldn't manage THAT?


10-08-2008, 10:28 PM
If a customer or their child is doing something that I think will harm them, or is a safety violation/risk, I say something. I know we're not supposed to do anything to tick off the customer, heaven forbid, but I'm not going to have some kid fall off a railing and crack their heads open either.

Oh if they do fall down and get hurt you will get reprimanded for not saying anything to have prevented the whole mess.

About young people having 'positions of power'.

Look at these little Hitlers and think about how long they well last at that job?

Not very. Young people these days -NOT ALL OF THEM SO don't get all BOS, if the undies don't fit don't wear them, you'll save yourself the agony of a wedgie- are way too dumb to end up in POPs.

They intimidate the older, more experienced workers by being incompetent and unable to make decisions that are correct or beneficial to all parties involved.

This goes back to the little AHs who get a degree in Marketing then really go work in a supermarket. They are 12 hours away from learning how to clean their rears and now are able to run a store?

Not quite. I don't mind the money they earn and the perks they have-only if they are level headed, smart, consistent and have the ability and judgement to perform to the level of their titles..

If you want to manage and be a leader, act like one. Don't be the manager/boss that everyone hates, doesn't respect and makes people feel like crap.

I worked with a stupid effing nurse that I was talking to when the overhead paging system called for a CODE BLUE- a heart attack victim. I stopped to listen and then she asked me where the call came from. I told her that it was across the street in another building. All people who are detailed for that day are supposed to show up.

She shrugged and said, "I am not going" or some nonsense like that.

I just smiled and thought, "what an effing slob-she wants to be a boss but she can't get off her arse to go help?"

Why should I respect some slob that doesn't want to do her job or at least show some interest

If you have team meetings, bring that up. Don't mention any names just bring up the subject.
Just explain that you have been given feedback about how unprofessional people who should be in charge at the front of the store are behaving/acting.

Then toss in the I have pride in my work and how the store is run and appears to our customers.

If you can't or feel like you will get dumped on over it, don't bother.

Otherwise, the little shiat should be able to take the critique in stride.

He earns the bucks, let him have to correct his behavior.


10-09-2008, 02:42 AM
"One other thing that drives me completely crazy is when people pick up a perishable product and then change their minds about it and then leave it in some other aisle to rot. The other day I found a roasting chicken, still hot, sitting on a shelf with the dried pasta. I took it back to the deli and gave it to one of the staff. "

I was told by health code law, food that who's whereabouts could not be accounted for and therefore temperture controlled must be disposed of. THAT makes me sick. What a waste! I've tried getting the deli to give me stuff they are disposing of for the ferels but I was told they could get into alot of trouble for doing so. Don't know if it's truly a law but at least that's the practice at my store. It's a toss-up..do I really want to be purchasing food that has been contaminated without my knowing or do I put up with the shameful waste?

At Giant stores, it's called SHRINK. Anything that causes a loss of product or revenue. If something is rung up in the wrong department, if it's keyed in by hand, if something cold is left out and it's now room temp. All that kind of thing.

I hate the word SHRINK, and one of the front end managers I've worked with freaked me out about it really. I was ringing up a customer, and she must have been shopping for hours, seriously, because so much of her stuff was defrosted and the paper packaging was falling apart on the frozen items because they were soggy. It was a mess. Well, she decided she didn't want this block of cheese she had picked up. So, I push the button to get a check out coach, because at this point, the cheese is warm. So, the check out coach on that day comes over, and I'm handing her the block of cheese and saying that the woman didn't want it, and she literally starts shrieking at me! "This is warm! How long has this been on your register? This can't go back on the shelf! THIS IS SHRINK! You know the store loses money on this!!" OMG. :eek: I'm standing there, absolutely speechless, because I don't know what to say. I didn't leave it out. I didn't put it in a cart and walk around for 2hrs and let it get warm. I'm trying to tell her that the customer didn't want it any longer, and all she's doing is screaming about SHRINK and marking the package of cheese with a big X.

We do get a lot of damages, we get a lot of packages where they shouldn't be. If anything is perishable, and it's left on our registers after the customer leaves and forgets it, normally it's taken right back to the refrigerated section and if/when the person comes back in, they are told to go and pick out their selections again. Anything that is still frozen is put back. Anything that is the slightest bit warm is marked with an X and is put in damages and is not restocked. At least this is how it is at our store.

SHRINK. The word makes me shiver, and here I always thought it referred to something else, lol.

10-09-2008, 02:54 AM
If you want to manage and be a leader, act like one. Don't be the manager/boss that everyone hates, doesn't respect and makes people feel like crap.

If you have team meetings, bring that up. Don't mention any names just bring up the subject.

He earns the bucks, let him have to correct his behavior.


Well, to be honest, I'd rather have a manager who knows how to manage and be a leader than have one who wants to be everyone's friend. I have enough peer co-workers, be a boss. I may not like you, but I don't have to. If you are going to act like a putz, and want to be everyone's friend, and have no authority, then you're in the wrong position. Not everyone was meant to be a boss.

Team meetings. I have no idea if they have them at the store. I never heard of them being mentioned.

The only thing I ever had a "meeting" for was for the one higher up manager to corner me and have me do a payroll deduction for United Way. I work here part time. For extra cash. To help pay the bills. My full time job already deals with the United Way and they do a huge campaign for it as well. The only thing that differs is that the paperwork goes in our mailboxes at the full time job and we fill them out and send them in during enrollment time and we are NOT pressured into donating. With this place, it was me and the one big manager, in a room, alone, me in front of the computer and her basically saying "give a dollar a pay". Nice. I love to be pressured to donate.

Oh, and the front end managers.... I doubt they make THAT much extra money an hour for their position.

10-09-2008, 12:12 PM
I try to be as polite as possible. Since I live across the street from a grocery store, even though the main one I shop at is a couple of miles from my house, I walk there from time to time for an occasional snack and such. It is also the same strip mall set up in which there is a blockbuster, a used book store, and a few other places. Needless to say, I walk around there from time to time!

ANYWAYS. All of our local stores in this chain are under construction so walking on the sidewalk is not an option right now. I always make it a point to walk on the sidewalks or as close to the edges as possible so I am not blocking the way for vehicles or anything of that nature. I like to bring Spanky with me and she enjoys the walkies. When walking in these areas I keep her as close to me as possible without having the leash so short her front legs are off the ground. :p HOWEVER, there are STILL people who, even though they have a huge berth to drive through, like to get as close as possible to my tiny little dog and almost run us both over. :mad: What is wrong with you?! You have a huge area and it seems like you WANT to piss me off and hurt my dog and me. :mad: It has gotten to the point that I just don't bring her as much any more which is a shame. :( She really loves to go!

One thing that I have noticed, that doesn't really bug me, is a LOT of people have been bringing puppies and kittens into the store with them while they shop. o_O I didn't think that was okay with the store but who knows!

11-21-2008, 06:51 PM
This didn't take place in a grocery store but it still falls under the category of etiquette, manners or propriety.

I was shopping in a dept. store for a pair of boots. I heard "click click click" of heels on the floor and turned to see a little girl, I'd say probably 3 years old, wearing ladies heels and going up and down the aisles. Now, what little girl doesn't like to play dress-up in her mommy's clothes and shoes? I sure did at that age. However, these weren't mommy's shoes; they belonged to the store. The little girl had her dirty feet (and I'm not being mean here; her feet were dirty) in a fairly expensive pair of shoes and was parading up and down the aisles in them. She tried on several pairs, Mom oblivious the entire time. Apparently, though, wearing them wasn't enough. She would take the shoes off and beat one repeatedly on the counter, Mom still oblivious. I waited a while to see if Mom would do anything and when I realized that she wasn't going to, I left the shoe dept. I know better than to say anything to someone about their parenting skills or lack of them. It would only have caused a scene and I would've looked like the mean lady who doesn't want the little girl to play dress-up.

I found a pair of boots though, bought them and as I was checking out, the woman ahead of me asked "Are shoes returnable?" and the clerk said "As long as they haven't been worn. If they show signs of wear, we can't accept them and they have to be returned w/in 30 days". I thought to myself that maybe someone isn't going to pay attention to the bottom of the shoes, she'll get them home and realize that she doesn't want them but someone had been traipsing around the store w/them on earlier and that may prevent her from getting a refund. I'm appalled at what passes for parenting nowadays.

11-21-2008, 06:56 PM
This didn't take place in a grocery store but it still falls under the category of etiquette, manners or propriety.

I was shopping in a dept. store for a pair of boots. I heard "click click click" of heels on the floor and turned to see a little girl, I'd say probably 3 years old, wearing ladies heels and going up and down the aisles. Now, what little girl doesn't like to play dress-up in her mommy's clothes and shoes? I sure did at that age. However, these weren't mommy's shoes; they belonged to the store. The little girl had her dirty feet (and I'm not being mean here; her feet were dirty) in a fairly expensive pair of shoes and was parading up and down the aisles in them. She tried on several pairs, Mom oblivious the entire time. Apparently, though, wearing them wasn't enough. She would take the shoes off and beat one repeatedly on the counter, Mom still oblivious. I waited a while to see if Mom would do anything and when I realized that she wasn't going to, I left the shoe dept. I know better than to say anything to someone about their parenting skills or lack of them. It would only have caused a scene and I would've looked like the mean lady who doesn't want the little girl to play dress-up.

I found a pair of boots though, bought them and as I was checking out, the woman ahead of me asked "Are shoes returnable?" and the clerk said "As long as they haven't been worn. If they show signs of wear, we can't accept them and they have to be returned w/in 30 days". I thought to myself that maybe someone isn't going to pay attention to the bottom of the shoes, she'll get them home and realize that she doesn't want them but someone had been traipsing around the store w/them on earlier and that may prevent her from getting a refund. I'm appalled at what passes for parenting nowadays.
speaking of boots...I just ordered a pair from jcpenney.com, they were regularly 70 on sale for 29.99 or something, I didn't pay attention but they are not leather...not only that the material is like cardboard or something, I can't believe it, the are going back!

Edwina's Secretary
11-21-2008, 07:31 PM
I once had a checker call out to someone to "come over here and bag this s%$t." I asked "Bag this what? Doyou think I am paying my money for s*&t? No apology...nothing.

I take my own bags to the grocery. This is a problem in the self checkout lines as my bags don't weight the same as the grocery bags so someone has to come over and recalerbrate. Or I can put in their bags and then repack when I am done.

When I am in a checker line...I hand over my bags. They often proceed to put the groceries in plastic bags and then into my bags. Rather defeats the purpose. I prefer to bag myself.

11-21-2008, 08:43 PM
I try not to shop that often. I usually do most of my shopping these days, at Costco.

As some of you may know, I have been working in the retail world for a couple of months now. What horror stories I have already. People are pathetic, at best. I would say at least half of the customers are horrible. They come in every shape and form and have terrrible manners and don't bother to use their brains. Today wasn't so bad, but most days are just one big horror story.

Some of the worst customers come from Montreal. I know that not everyone from Montreal is horrible, but man oh man, we get our share. Sundays are the worst. It doesn't matter the age or sex. I don't know what their stories are or why they are so pushy and ignorant. I suspect it is just a certain group of Canadians, looking for the almighty bargin, but wow, I have never been treated so rudely. Could it be a language barrier? I don't think so. I would say 9 out of 10 are rude.

Children running around..... yes, we have our share of it. I usually compliment the parents and adults when their children are well behaved. I feel sorry for the children.

And stealing.................it is never ending............

I don't know how long I will last with this retail thing. I have never, ever been treated so rudely and dealt with so many ignorant, ill-behaved people.

Have I said enough?

I would like to apologize up front, to any Canadian or person from Montreal, who is sweet and kind and does not shop in the store where I work. I think I am getting goofy over this.

I am goofy!


11-21-2008, 08:56 PM
Since I'm on sabbatical, medical leave from work, I'm not allowed to work at all. In my contract for it that I had to sign, it said if I worked another job, no matter when or where, I'd be terminated. Since I can't work, I've had to leave my job at Giant. I'm so bored now, I just can't tell you. I miss the mindless chatter and meeting people there and just talking to co-workers.

I don't miss the rude customers, or the rude co-workers. I still think the management needed to actually manage.

I hope I can find some place else to work when I go back to my full time job in January. I miss the weekly paychecks too, lol. They might have been small change, but they paid for more groceries and other small bills. Money is so tight right now... it totally sucks, but yet, I know there are so many others who have it so much worse than I do, so I'm thankful for what I do have.

11-22-2008, 01:54 AM
I am goofy!


I beg to differ.

What you are seeing is the collapse of mankind and it's values.

I have to say this because if you think that you have been treated badly, you will get a person that will stun you. I scheduled surgeries for people. And everyone wanted a date when they thought it was good for them. There is nothing worse than person who thinks that they are better than the common man.....

People suck and when they complain about the service they get from companies, they have to remember the AH requests they make and demand.


This brings me back to a woman who I called to schedule for a surgery-she was to have a shunt done-a place where medications were to be injected- she was a cancer patient. She told me that she had declined the surgery and was planning to spend her holidays baking for her family and the future was in god's hands.

I was effing stunned.

When I ended the call, I had to walk out of the room, big, tough men that cry are sissies.

For every 100 customers/patients/clients that you will have, there will be one that you will remember and that person will make you job worth every hour .

11-22-2008, 02:07 AM
big, tough men that cry are sissies.

Thats BS and you know it.

11-22-2008, 02:16 AM
Thats BS and you know it.

I was looking for the sympathy vote.;)