View Full Version : Young Husky going Blind...Needs help

10-03-2008, 08:25 AM
Hey all,

I know I haven't posted much at all, life has been hectic with the 2 new cat additions and Sequoia.

This summer Sequoia met a sweet young male husky at the local dog Ice Cream Social in August. His name is Wrangler and he is a cutie. His young owners are only 18. They are a sweet young couple with Jenn being a freshman in college and Wade a senior in high school still. But they consider themselves Wrangler's parents and share the responsibility for him.

They have raised him from a puppy and he lives mainly with Jenn at home with her parents. She is driving a hour to go to college just so she doesn't have to leave Wrangler alone in an apartment or leave him at her parents without her being there. She wanted a dog and she is living up to all the responsiblities of dog ownership.

This morning I got an email from her saying that Wrangler has been diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes and is going to need an operation. It is going to cost at least $3,000. She is looking into ways of raising funds to cover the costs. Being a college student who is paying her own way she doesn't have a lot of money. I know I saw people post on here about places you can apply to in order to raise funds. But I don't remember what they are called. Can anyone help me find out some information for her?

Wrangler is a sweet dog that is being raised by a couple of good responsible teens, I would hate to see him go blind. I will try and get a pic posted of him sometime soon.


10-03-2008, 03:16 PM
The only organization I can think of is imom. I have no idea how you qualify or if they are still around. I think I remember something about them needing funding.
Kuhio is strongly involved with imom, I believe. She may have more info if you want to PM her.

I just typed imom in google and here (http://www.imom.org/) is their website. Take a look and see if they can help in any way.

I hope Jenn can get help to get Wrangler his surgery.

10-03-2008, 04:58 PM
I don't know of any organizations, but you may recall Sherman had juvenile cataracts & a permanent loss of central vision. What we learned was that dogs with cataracts can do quite well if they are in familiar surroundings. So unless the dog is going totally blind, it may not be as big a deal as it is for people. We looked into surgery, & our vet said that you can have just one eye done, which gives them enough sight back to get around fine, & cuts that big surgery bill in half. Just passing on what we found out.

10-03-2008, 05:34 PM
Juvenile cataracts is unfortinatly very common in this breed. I'm glad this young dog has nice enough owners to get this surgery. Although I agree with cyber-sibes, it would be a little less expensive to only have one eye done and the dog can get around just fine. I would love to donate, but I myself have an outstanding bill with my veterinarian due to my Gracie comming down with Blastomycosis.