View Full Version : Pet Talk Poets Society

09-10-2002, 02:34 PM
I've never been a good writer, but I still enjoy it. I write poetry sometimes, mostly when I'm bored lol. I have tons of poems....although they are all really dumb, and most people don't get them. Anyway, I'm sure the rest of you have all written at least ONE poem you can share with us! So come on, lets hear it! It can be about anything! Here's a couple of mine:

I have a good pic to go with this...if I can find it I'll post it. I've actually won a couple of awards with this one...I even got $100 for it. :D I'm not big on rhyming...it's just not my thing....

Side by Side

The gentle lope
Shoulders balance
Paws glide swiftly
Over vast, ever changing
Wilderness floor
The claws crash
A tingle sweeps through
Aromas awaken
The wild spirit
Purest air enters
A flowing body
Ground quickly flies
Unseen horizon appears
A heartbeat leaps
Flooding of excitement
Rushes through
Head low, eyes intent
He enters the run
Warm energy surges through
Gray spirit hears her call
The sweet melody of the wild one
He hears the slight rustle
A breeze escapes
She is there
The eyes turn softly
Her stride joins his
Together the wolves
Run side by side
Into the unbroken black
Of the wild night

The Mountain

The mountain is so big
Its feet stomp on the valleys
Curling earth between its toes

The great purple beast
With jagged teeth
Cuts like a knife, water spilling out

He watches us
With a stone-faced expression
And welcomes the sun

09-10-2002, 03:15 PM
nice poem, I enjoy writing poems when I have time. This is a good thread.

09-11-2002, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I'm not big on rhyming...it's just not my thing....

I'm not a fan of (most) rhyming poetry. There are some good rhyming pieces out there but they are few and far between. I'm always aghast when people say, "It's not poetry--it doesn't rhyme!" :rolleyes:


I will post some of my work, but I'm kinda pressed for time at the minute--will get back to ya! ;)

09-11-2002, 02:29 AM
Thanks! Yeah I've heard plenty from people about all poetry having to rhyme. There is some really GREAT rhyming poetry out there. Problem is, to me, some of the time......rhymes seem forced. You know what I mean? It's like you have to change a line just to think of a word that will rhyme. And some people are great at making rhymes work, I just can't. The very few rhyming poems I have just suck horribly lol.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing your poetry, Zippy! There HAS to be more people willing to share at least one poem! Rhyming or non-rhyming, we don't care!! :D

Former User
09-11-2002, 02:42 AM
When I was 9 or 10, we had to write a mothers day poem at school. We had an hour to do it, and when we were finished, our teacher said all the poems will be entered to a competition. I was horrified as it was a personal poem to my mom, and I also though it was so bad. What can a little girl write anyways? Well, at then end, I happen to win that contest, my poem was published in a school paper and on a national newspaper. I had no idea how my poem won, but I was happy at the end, I got a little reward too, some pencils and colorbook :D That was a huge deal for a little girl back then!

I've written some poems after that too, but they are all in Finnish, and a bit too personal to be shared if I ever translate them. I just write for my own pleasure, but I'd love to read other poems though.
I'm not a big fan of rhyming either, sometimes it goes, sometimes not.

09-11-2002, 08:51 PM
I sit, alone, in a church at noon
September 11th
And sing (loud) with my eyes shut.

I hear the old building creak
The street traffic, the city noises
And remember the silent skies
Of a year ago, today.

And in that noisy quiet
I pray for those lost
That day, and still
for the wounds that won't heal over
for the scars our nation bears
I pray for justice
for forgiveness
for understanding
for loves lost and gained
For strength and courage
And the wonder of everyday heroes

Then I close my eyes
And sing to the spirits
who inhabit this place
I pray for peace.

09-11-2002, 11:22 PM
I had a hard time picking one but....

Winter Morning Ride

Consciousness slid o'er our bodies,
Its bony fingers wrapping 'round,
Squeezing awareness from slumber.

Clambering out of our warm bed,
Aniticipating what's to come,
Hurriedly, excitedly, dressed

Ourselves in layers of comfort.
Outside, cold air caressed, numbed skin.
Horses we tacked, clung to for warmth.

Their breath, ghostly apparitions
Instantly revealing themselves,
Melting quickly into nothing.

Hoofbeats, footfalls, the crisp air sliced.
Giggling, echoes lingering,
From one rough peak to the next, bounced.

The new fallen snow reflecting
Miniature rainbows over
Hills made anew to the morning.

We, saddled up, settled in, rode.
Leaving angelic prints in mounds
Of earth, blanketed in white gold.

09-13-2002, 01:26 AM
WOW. I am very impressed Karen and Zippy-kat! I really like both of your styles. Karen, I love the first lines and last lines of your poem. It's quite different then all the other poems about 9-11, and that's what I like.... Zippy, great images....you can almost feel the cold air reading that! How could anyone say that is not poetry because it doesn't rhyme!

Casper & Kitty, good job on winning that contest! I wish we could hear that poem. But I understand you know, about some poems being personal. I've written some that I never intended others to read.....sometimes it's almost like you are just writing your feelings on paper.

09-14-2002, 04:38 PM
I write poetry, and always have - at least since junior high, and took the only two poetry classes offered at my college - I went to Mass Art, where writing is not something most enjoy! ;)

Some times rhymes can be good - there are classic examples of that I love, but I don't find that "only rhymes count" attitude very much in folks my age and younger.

Dr. Suess' rhymes are great!!!!!

09-14-2002, 04:57 PM
I think you all write beautifully, and I would love to have your talent......wonder if it can hit you later in life??

I like all types of poetry, rhyming and not. Keep sharing. Your work is lovely.......all of you. :)

09-14-2002, 10:39 PM
Logan - writing can hit at any time in life, I bet! And I remember you under your old log-in, posting in the Dog haiku (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2777&perpage=15&pagenumber=3) thread!

Haiku is poetry!

Logan's recipe:
Honey, Butter and Lily ...
And seeds for the birds

09-15-2002, 05:47 AM
I love to write poetry, and english is my favorite subject (besides art). I wrote one, but I think it's really stupid.

Turkey (stupid little silly poem)

Each year we name our turkey,
I think this time I'll call it Lurkey.
So we dress this turkey up,
And make its hat a dixie cup.
When people come to see it,
They really can't believe it.

I still think it's dumb, but last year my teacher loved it.