View Full Version : Most annoying thing your kitty does....

10-01-2008, 02:08 AM
I wont name all the annoying things from each kitty. But I want to tell everyone about Amos. I got this idea from starandbratsmoms' thread and from talking to Marina tonight. Thought it could be fun. I do love my big fella, but he could drive ANYONE crazy with his antics:p

Amos is a pain in my butt. He ALWAYS does things to make me crazy, I believe on purpose...

Would you like 2 examples?

1: The most ANNOYING sound ever... I have something called the scat cat mat. My kitties, if not let into a room within a milisecond, scratch under the door, ripping and shredding my BRAND new carpet. EVERY door in my house is now pulled up, and sections torn out:mad: Anyways, the scat mat makes a LOUD screeching sound, and does not stop until the cat gets off of it. ALL of my other kitties dont even go near it, it is a piercing sound...

Amos uses this as a doorbell. Literally... He will stand on it for 10 minutes if I let him. 3 in the morning, 6 in the morning, and all the other times in between. He even walks over to stomp on it, in intervals, just for attention.. THIS COULD MAKE ANYONE PSYCHOTIC:mad::mad::mad: I have videos of this to prove it!

2: He is obsessed with water. Not drinking it, but splashing it all out. Running into the bowl.. Tipping over the dish. BUT NEVER drinking it. I made a little room out of a HUGE plastic storage unit, by cutting out a square. Atleast the carpet does not get ruined in his "watertime rituals":rolleyes: Works like a charm, and he still gets soaked to the bone. Win-Win in my eyes!:D

So what does your cat do to annoy and make you crazy?

10-01-2008, 03:32 AM
Awww! Silly Amos! That's not for playing on you nawtee kitty! :D :p

Isis is kind of hard to describe. She is not a lovey dovey sort of cat with 99.9 percent of most folks. Don't get me wrong, she has never ever bitten or scratched. I love her, her personality, attitude, and such, and that is not the annoyance. What *is* happens to be the result of her attitude. :p She is always tense (as if about to leap away at any moment) and she likes to crawl on my chest and KNEAD KNEAD KNEAD. It does not feel very well as it feels like she is always pressing down. At any rate, I would put up with it forever as long as I have her.

Milo has the lovely little habit of using claws when he gets a bit excited. :p He has never been mean, he just does it. Example, he will knead and then begin to use claws in the process. :p One thing that he does is if you are walking way from him then he will wrap his arms around your leg and meows really loud. It sounds like he is saying "NOOOO!" It is kind of sad, kind of comical. :p

Raggy likes to sit on top of Fluffys tank. And on anything you are reading. Or drawing. Or studying. :p

My sisters kitten, Indy, likes to run around like a mad cat! She is very loving but she is kind of INSANE sometimes! XD She likes to play with, jump on, run over, tackle, bat, and toy with everything! It's only annoying when she sends paper, cups, and other objects flying! :p

I am going to include Spanky since I think she believes she is a kitty. ;) She is just like Indy. When she gets the zoomies then she runs over EVERYTHING! She is a daredevil dog! She takes flying leaps from the couch to chairs and anywhere else she thinks she can land! Yep, she even jumps to the ground. She enjoys using us ladders during this joyous time. :p

10-01-2008, 04:47 AM
Archy will get up on my lap when I'm at the computer, but he will not sit still. He constantly gets up, turns, lays down, gets up, turns, lays down, etc. Then he's on the keyboard, then back on my lap. I love him dearly, but this drives me crazy ("short trip" as my husband will say)................:rolleyes:

10-01-2008, 06:36 AM
ROFL! Amos both looks & acts like my pissant, Domino. I can see Domi playing the Scat Mat game if we had one! :D

Ace can be annoying because he's SOOOO demanding; he'll crash his big 10 pound butt on the laptop if he wants more attention. Or he'll grab my arm and hold it in a bearhug. Then there's his big, wonky body that he throws all over everywhere, including trying to knock his mama down the stairs!! :rolleyes:

Spirit talks ALL THE TIME, and she has the most obnoxious voice ever.

10-01-2008, 06:52 AM
Andy often parks himself on the back of the chair or sofa where I am sitting. He then "combs my hair" with his teeth. :rolleyes: That is exactly how it feels. If I tell him no it does no good. I usually have to just switch chairs or invite him to come down in my lap. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. He has been known to follow me to another chair if he is really intent on giving my hair a good "combing." :rolleyes:

10-01-2008, 08:23 AM
He has been known to follow me to another chair if he is really intent on giving my hair a good "combing." :rolleyes:

That's the CATACOMB!:D

MY peeve? It's not really a peeve but it does make me laugh when I want to refer to a column or something in the newspaper.....

It the EDSTER laying his 'of size arse' on top as soon as I set it down for him.

I do wait until he is done tho....he let me read it first and set it out for him!

10-01-2008, 09:26 AM

10-01-2008, 09:31 AM
That's the CATACOMB!:D

LOL! Richard! I think he fancies himself a hair stylist! :D

10-01-2008, 09:35 AM
I am glad I am not the only one with the cat scratch mat problem. My bedroom door has claw marks from Star wanting in my bedroom. We finally gave in. Get this, she sleeps right next to me, actually I am squished between my boyfriend (who hogs) and Star (who hogs). I have to mold myself in between the two. No wonder I can't sleep at night.

10-01-2008, 09:39 AM
Mollie Rose doing her litterbox marathon. She'll go into the box in my room, throw littter all over my floor like a banchee, runs in the bathroom litterbox and tosses litter all over the bathroom floor, then back the bedroom boxes again then she runs up onto the top of the fridge. She's 16 and acts like she's a kitten.

10-01-2008, 09:42 AM
Well I think I need a list:
1. Bart – For sitting on my lap when it's hot.
- Making bread with his hind nails causing right leg puncture.
- Getting excited and ringing my nee with puncture holes.
2. Mits - pouncing on my lap with perfect aim.
- Jumping off lap, using stomach for launch pad.
- Tickling my face to wake me for loving at 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am
3. Princess - head butting and snuggling while I am trying to get dress every
4. Peak – coming whenever any one is called.
5. Lenny – the 4am alarm clock
- The stair trip master (always at the top)
6. Lucky – for trying too steal my dinner
- For holding my pants down so that I can not leave the bathroom
- For try to escape from the TV room over the child gate 8-10 times a night.
7. Roscoe – for the perforated legs, arms, chest when climbing.
- For the perforated heel, when he attacks from under the chair.
8. Bailey – For making sure that every one knows that he is the GRUPPY OLD MAN
9. Boots – For making sure that all our cloths are hung properly in the closet.
-for make sure the old or out style are shreded.
10. Sweety – for keeping my side of the bed warm even on the hottest days
11. Chessie – (my wife’s lover) for canceling my love life.
12. LB – for just being so cute and making sure that the litter is all over the floor.
I just have to sleep when I can, keep a good supply of band-aids, and watch my step.
If I stop to think about it there are many more for each and all. I can not see living with out them

10-01-2008, 09:54 AM
Taz's annoying thing is if he decides to grab you as you walk by and I haven't trimmed his nails, he will get a nail hung up on your skin. OUCH!
ATM the annoying thing with Taz is that he is meowing his head off for me to feed him. I feed him and he doesn't eat it. :(

Paizly's annoying traits are sitting or walking across the keyboard. I've learned what buttons do that I never knew before.
And deciding she wants to play in the wee hours of the morning. This is why she gets put in her room at night.
A new annoying thing Paizly does is get in my way while I'm walking. She used to run when she saw feet coming toward her. Now I guess she is more comfortable so she really gets under your feet.

10-01-2008, 03:20 PM
Like Amos, Monte is a naughty water boy. I hear him clinking the bowls together, as he uses his paw to tip it over, and I yell, "Montana"! He dashes from the room and I enter it to clean up the water. He sometimes does it to the food bowl, but, the water bowl is usually done. I have placed it inside a slightly larger bowl and placed it on a matt. That cuts down on the spillage some.

Gus'sers eats my head. I can be sitting on the couch or laying down and he will be purring all over, and next thing I know he is biting my head! I think it is crazy, and it always scares me. I don't know if it is my hair or my head he is trying to get to, but, he bites hard!

Dakky and his whining. I feed him separately. He whines as I carry the food to my room, passed a still sleeping Jonah. He whines to come out when he is done. He whines to get back into the bedroom, as I close the door to allow Minnie to eat some food. Daks is a whiney boy!

Edwina's Secretary
10-01-2008, 04:21 PM
I sleepily write this because Eddie was howling all night long. Only when I would call out to him would he SHUT UP!

I have created this myself...he likes to join either of us in the water closet in our bathroom. He cries until you pat his butt firmly.....then he purrs and purss while you pat and pat.... My boy is a pervert!

10-01-2008, 04:28 PM
Hobbes insists on digging to China in his litter box. A good 10 minutes of dig dig dig, throw throw throw. It's like Jones Beach in my bathroom!
Calvin moves his water bowl. He usually doesn't spill it but he moves it ever so slightly so it ends up in the middle of the kitchen by days end. I'M the one that kicks it and spills!
I have a Cal King bed. Not sure what the square inches is but my wrist and leg is a pretty small percentage. Calvin cannot just jump over me. Oh no..he has to land on something. ANYTHING. No matter how small as long as it's attached to me. He also launches himself from much larger platforms like my stomach or butt. He just feels the need to stomp on me in bed :rolleyes:

All Creatures Great And Small
10-01-2008, 05:37 PM
Archy will get up on my lap when I'm at the computer, but he will not sit still. He constantly gets up, turns, lays down, gets up, turns, lays down, etc. Then he's on the keyboard, then back on my lap. I love him dearly, but this drives me crazy ("short trip" as my husband will say)................:rolleyes:

OMG - this is EXACTLY what Dudley does!! I have a reclining office chair at the computer and I have the keyboard on my lap with my knees up. When he gets up on my lap, I move the keyboard up to my chest and try to type like that. Then he decides to lay on my chest, so I move the keyboard down to my GROIN and attempt to type that way. Fortunately I don't always need to SEE the keyboard to type. He will sometimes lay so far up my chest that he's up against my face, and I can't see the TV (or the computer monitor). He also thinks that the part of him I love best is his "under-tail eye" and shows it to me close up at every opportunity.

Sammy's annoying habit is the nighttime "humping" ritual. He's neutered but must not know it, because he will jump up on the bed off and on all night, grab a hold of the covers with his teeth, and pretend my leg is his girlfriend. It usually doesn't wake me up until and unless his back claws dig into my leg as he's positioning himself, or if, when he gets the mouthful of covers, he bites too deep and bites my leg.

All Creatures Great And Small
10-01-2008, 05:40 PM
6. Lucky
- For holding my pants down so that I can not leave the bathroom

:D:D:D:D This one had me giggling for a LONG time - even while reading the "laundry list" of annoyances, I was smiling and thinking how much fun it must be at your house :p. Your wife and kitties are very lucky!

Queen of Poop
10-01-2008, 06:34 PM
I cannot leave a bathroom door open as Diego sees it as his job to unroll the ENTIRE roll of toilet paper. He will also shread everthing in the garbage so I bought stainless, tall, lidded garbage cans. He has yet to attack the paper towel, but that's coming, he's taken a liking to getting up on the kitchen counters.

Cali wants me to believe she is starving to death, even if she's just had her supper. She sits in front of the treat box expecting me to shell out food. She will meow and put her paw out to me or roll around on the floor. Its quite the show.

10-01-2008, 10:13 PM
I must be living with the only perfect cat in the world, he does nothing that annoys me. :D

10-01-2008, 10:38 PM
I must be living with the only perfect cat in the world, he does nothing that annoys me. :D

I guess I'm a close second, since I can't fault Smudge for weighing so much, or shedding 19 pounds of fur a day, or scratching himself to bits when his allergies flare up. (More salmon, Smudge? With just a hint of chlorpheniramine and vitamins? Of course, sweetie, you're hungry...)

Love Columbine

10-01-2008, 10:39 PM
Honeybun is the one who really annoys me, and is doing it at this moment as well. He can have all the food in the world, but for some ungodly reason, whatever it is that is out, is NOT what he wants. He'll then stand in front of me, walk in front of me, walk back and forth in front of me if I'm sitting down, and just howl and howl and howl. It's like he thinks he has to have more food, a different kind of food, and it better be NOW! He howls like he hasn't eaten in weeks, and I'm starving him! If I get up to walk to the front door, or upstairs, or to the kitchen, he's right in front of me, tripping me up, and howling at me. Ugh! It's driving me nuts! If it was a cute meow, I'd probably be ok with it, but lordly he's got this low yowling kind of howl and it just sounds like he's tortured.

He knows I'll give in eventually. He knows it annoys the crap out of me and I'll want him to shut up, lol.

Like now. Ugh.

10-01-2008, 10:48 PM
After the day I've had and the way the cats have misbehaved on top of that I don't think I should even start a list of annoying things. At this point I'm ready to put several up for adoption. Anyone interested? :(

10-01-2008, 11:24 PM
After the day I've had and the way the cats have misbehaved on top of that I don't think I should even start a list of annoying things. At this point I'm ready to put several up for adoption. Anyone interested? :(

I am sorry you had a bad day:( I have those plenty, and I get frustrated and ready to pull out my hair, and some whiskers while I am at it:eek::mad::rolleyes:

As far as adoption, Wanna make a trade?:p

10-02-2008, 12:08 AM
As far as adoption, Wanna make a trade?:p
Okay, how about three of mine for your current declawed rescue boy. I'm in love with him. Sounds like a fair trade to me.

So when do you want Rocky, Moxie and Decker to arrive? :p Oh, and they come with a free bag of pee pads to help them break into their new home.:rolleyes:

10-02-2008, 02:09 AM
My crew shares a collective annoyance of laying in the most awkward spots, especially when its dark and you cant see them! I feel bad for stepping on them but at the same time I wonder WHY they lay in the foot path. :rolleyes:

10-02-2008, 08:10 AM
It's their job to guard the footpath. Adding too the list from before. LB is the one that likes to dig for China; she can empty the litter box faster than you can fill it. Bart does the same thing but not with a lot of digging, his paws are like steam shovels, one swipe and half the box is gone. Mit's, Peak, Chessie, and Lenny are ether bed launchers. Ether onto us, usually aiming for the stomach or groin, or launching off same. Or how about the 4am wake up call by Lenny making bread and a purr that you can hear for three blocks. He’s deaf!

You that with 12 there is a hairball or some they just ate, just waiting at any given moment.
Or a disagreement about parking space and/or right of way.