View Full Version : Cholesterol...

09-30-2008, 08:37 PM
I get my cholesterol test results back tomorrow. I've been on Weight Watchers for over 2 months and have lost 11 lbs so far. Before I started the diet, it was 282. I have a feeling it'll be lower. If not, looks like I'll have to go on meds to control it.

I've been working out at the gym and swimming (whatdya want, I'm an Aquarius).

I feel pretty good so far. I'll let you know what the results.

09-30-2008, 09:53 PM
oh my gosh Donna i am so darn proud of you,i never knew you had lost so much weight, i fell off the wagon a while back and never got back on,still i keep trying, WELL DONE, i hope it has helped your cholesterol, they say you have to cut the fat down and exercise and you have done both, so i am sure there will be some good results unless there is a hereditary factor, you should be sweet.

I don't understand the cholesterol reading, you said 282, our's is done differently here if i am not mistaken, for instance mine was at 3.3 which is excellent, they don't want you to be over five, the less the better, but i had to get my good HDL up a bit, which is the exercise that helps that one, hubby who is thin as a rake was high at 6.5, he cut all the fat out, and of course lost more weight, he was already underweight ,now he is a mere 66kgs at six foot one, you can imagine, almost a skeleton, he is getting his tested next week, so we too are hoping for a good result, he did not do any exercise though.

Let us know how you go, i am keeping all fingers,toes and paws crossed, but i am sure it will be good.:)

09-30-2008, 11:42 PM
Good luck, we'll be pulling for you. I am genetically blessed with good cholesterol. I remember Aunt Bertha (Great Aunt on my mother's side) who was overweight her whole adult life telling me a doctor at the Mayo Clinic told her he was surprised her cholesterol score was so good, that most people her weight had a cholesterol problem. That was before they knew as much as they do now about genetics and its role in how our bodies handle things.

I'll be pulling for you, Donna! And I hear oatmeal is good for lowering cholesterol, and it's almost that season of the year, too!

10-01-2008, 08:28 AM
Yay will be excited to hear what your numbers are - hope they are down:) Even if they are not dramatically down - they are in the right direction right?:D Hubby's went from 230 to 200 in six months and he was pretty excited about that. A year or so more and they stay down around 180 which they tell him is excellent. He also eats oatmeal practically every day of his life now.

Mine on the other hand, are not budging even with the diet and weight loss but medical stuff influences that so I still may need a lowering medication.

Let us know what you find out!!!

10-01-2008, 11:53 AM
While I worked two months for Pfiser, my Cholesterol went up to almost dangerous. They had the most yummy buffet and three hot dishes for lunch, and it didn't help that the chef made layered cakes every thursday - plus the chocolade customers sent us for Christmas.

It took me 2-3 months to get my number down to normal - by cutting off fat, chocolade and walking/cycling more.

Donna, I'm sure with the exersize you do, your number will have gone down. ;) Keep it up!

10-01-2008, 12:44 PM
Congrats, Donna, you can be so proud of you!! :) I'm pretty sure the weight loss has already affected your cholesterol! Keep it up! :cool:


smokey the elder
10-01-2008, 01:57 PM
While I worked two months for Pfiser, my Cholesterol went up to almost dangerous. They had the most yummy buffet and three hot dishes for lunch, and it didn't help that the chef made layered cakes every thursday - plus the chocolade customers sent us for Christmas.

It took me 2-3 months to get my number down to normal - by cutting off fat, chocolade and walking/cycling more.

Donna, I'm sure with the exersize you do, your number will have gone down. ;) Keep it up!

They wanted you to become their best customer for Lipitor(TM)!:D:p

10-01-2008, 06:16 PM
Hooray for Donna!

I have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol. No matter how I ate or exercised, it was way too high. Been on meds for it for about 10 years now. Mom and Dad both on meds for it as well, as is most of my extended family. Gee, thanks, Mom and Dad! :D

10-02-2008, 10:13 AM
I'm no doctor, but those with high cholesterol might give this a shot - it worked for me.
My numbers were somewhat high last summer(230), so my doctor put me on Omega 3fish oil capsules - 2400 mg per day - one 600 mg with each meal and one a bedtime. In a month it was down to 203 - pretty drastic drop. They are inexpensie and over the counter, so I'm on no prescription meds for it. Just check the labeling - make sure it's mercury free and not loaded with additives. Doc had written a prescription for the Omega 3 - super refined and pharmaceutical grade - but at $150 a month, I opted just to find a good grade of OTC on my own.
And oatmeal really will help to lower it too. I just can't go oatmeal or Cheerios everyday. BLAH!!!

10-02-2008, 10:31 AM
My husband got his numbers to drop quickly with the Omega3 Fish Oil and Garlic capsules.
It was inexpensive, he had no side effects, and his numbers looked perfect after about 6 months.

10-02-2008, 02:19 PM
I've been taking fish oil tablets 2 per day. The only side effect I don't like is the burping that tastes like fish. Blech!!! I won't get the results back till Friday.

10-02-2008, 04:13 PM
Good luck!! I know when I started my weight loss plan with eating healthy and working out, my numbers dropped dramatically. Hopefully the same will be true for you too.

10-03-2008, 11:02 AM
My cholesterol SUCKS!!!!

I justt about fell over when my Dr. told me. He said my total was 328, HDL being (good cholesterol) 63, LDL (bad cholesterol) 246. :eek:

After all my hard work trying to drop my weight, swimming and working out at the gym, I was very disappointed. I called my brother and yes, he also has high cholesterol and is on meds for it. Thanks a bunch Mom and Dad.

So, I'll be on Crestor for 4 weeks and will have another blood test then.

10-03-2008, 11:04 AM
And keep working out! and watching your fat and sugar. That has IMMENSE benefits for your whole system. Cholesterol is a beggar!

The Omega oils have been called "sandblasters for the arteries". Check that out also. :)

10-03-2008, 11:12 AM
My cholesterol SUCKS!!!!

LDL (bad cholesterol) 246. :eek:

But it was 282 when you started - right??
Increase those Omega 3 from 2 a day to 4 and put up with the burps! :eek: They really do work and I've been fortunate not to have any burping with them.

10-03-2008, 11:19 AM
I THINK it was 282, not positive.


I'm going to increase the fish oil to 4 tabs a day and put up with fish burps. *sigh*:rolleyes:

10-03-2008, 12:25 PM
They do make 'burpless' omega 3 pills. My mom takes those and has never complained about bupring. I believe she got hers at Wally's World. It said 'burpless' right on the label.

10-03-2008, 08:01 PM
I've taken fish oil caps all my life and weigh much less than my doctor would like me to weigh. But my cholesterol is sky high, been on meds for ages. Seems it runs in the family on my mother's side and nothing for me to do but try and keep eating healthy. I think the exercise has more to do with keeping it down, when I was able to be active I never had a problem.

10-03-2008, 08:27 PM
Aww Donna i am so sorry to hear this, i know how hard you have worked at loosing the weight and exercising, however you keep at that, because it is only doing you good, unfortunately you have that hereditary disposition for it, nothing much you can do about it,at least you have the satisfaction of knowing that you did your very best, chin up girl, and keep up the good work, there will be rewards, maybe not the low cholesterol you wanted, but many more, i know you already know all that, but doesn't hurt to re-enforce it in your mind, HUGS.

10-03-2008, 08:40 PM
Donna, from your first post:
Before I started the diet, it was 282

So it HAS come down - to 246! 36 points! Keep it up! Fish oil and all.

Day at a time!:):love:

10-04-2008, 08:57 AM
Thanks everyone. I'm not going to let it deter me from getting this weight off. I actually enjoy working out and swimming. So I am now on yet another med. I tell ya, getting old stinks.