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View Full Version : Send me a picture of your dog!

09-21-2000, 03:01 PM
Please send me a picture of your dog!!!!

09-21-2000, 03:29 PM
I don't mean to be rude, but why?

http://www.geocities.com/rottweilersRus/RottGraphics/carlpup.jpg - This is Carl, my Rottweiler

09-21-2000, 07:06 PM
Carl is soooo CUTE!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

09-22-2000, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Sudilar:
Carl is soooo CUTE!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

Thanks Su!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

09-22-2000, 04:29 PM
I just want to see other types of dogs so I make the right choice when I get my Dog!

09-23-2000, 09:23 AM
Oh okay! At first it just sounded kind of strange but you have a great reason!

You probably know this, but don't pick a dog JUST on it's looks. Research the breed a little and make sure it sounds like the dog you want http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

Oh, and thank you Su for your nice comment! How nice!!!

10-05-2000, 11:36 AM
SheltieLover234: You can see a picture of my Golden Retriever in the archives of Dog of the Day, July 13, 2000.

10-06-2000, 05:43 PM
It looks exactly like mine!! and from the same place to so I thought My dog was yours there from the same place,age and genger LOL!!!

11-02-2000, 09:33 PM
I have a stupid question!!!!! It has nothing to do with anything but what does LOL mean? My friend was in a chat room and they kept typing that and now you and I didn't want to ask because I feel stupid but I have to know!!!!!!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif
P.S. I love your rott my ant has a rott german shepard mix!!! I love him!

[This message has been edited by JKRJG24 (edited November 02, 2000).]

11-02-2000, 09:54 PM
LOL = laughing out loud.

I'm with you. I have to ask my
neice what most of this computer jargen
means, because I am also to embarrased
to ask on the lists. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

11-03-2000, 09:26 AM
Thanks for telling me!!!!lol

11-04-2000, 02:36 AM
Thanks for telling me too!