View Full Version : My landlord won't let me have a dog.

09-30-2008, 10:05 AM
My landlord has a mechanic shop behind our home. He is renting out his home to us, a young couple for a really decent price. We keep an eye out for thieves but sometimes I would feel more secure if we had a dog, even if it was a little tiny one. The barking would warn us not to mention scare away unwanted people. My landlord knows this but he is afraid of the dog biting customers which would lead to lawsuits and so on. I understand his reason but I reaaally want a dog.

10-06-2008, 03:52 PM
Iīve seen in plenty mechanic places... where they keep dogs.. they are really friendly with people coming and going... once they close is another thing.. they are on duty..

perhaps suggest the idea of having the dog out only when itīs closed to customers... and you can have him/her inside in the day.. or crated or in some sort of pen out of customer reach....