View Full Version : Major Sunburn... ouch..

09-29-2008, 06:03 PM
I have a major sunburn situation... but what else could I expect with such pale skin under the sun..:rolleyes:..

half my face hurts... itīs burned whole but just half hurts oddly... and my shoulders... ouch...

Iīve been ointing cream like every 5 secs...

Iīve used to have this aftersun lotion but we canīt get it here and Iīm so mad at myself for not buying some last time I went to the States... :(..

one thing that has worked before.. and donīt laugh cause itīs true.... is baby bottoms cream... yeah.. it does work.. too bad I canīt go with a white face to work.. LOL... but I will put on some more tonight, I put some last night too, but I really burned cause I am ALL red...boiling red... LOL...

what have you used and really worked? anything over the counter stuff?.. home remedy?...

09-29-2008, 06:07 PM
Not mayor. I know English is not your first language.

Drink lots of liquids too. Hope you are feeling better soon!


09-29-2008, 06:12 PM
We used to use Solarcaine spray ... or have a bath in cool water with baking soda in it ...

I try to avoid it in the first place, being a pale white person, so have gotten pretty good about sunscreen. My mother was always VERY insistent that we use sunscreen, bless her - I am sure she didn't want to deal with children in pain, either!

09-29-2008, 06:19 PM
whoops... sorry abour the spelling.. LOL... and thank you both ;)

Iīm getting lotsa fluids and I think my mom might have solarcaine.. hmm...

besides the burning and going red you know whatīs also bad?.. I never tan.. LOL.. all that pain for nothing... :rolleyes:

09-29-2008, 06:30 PM
I like to cut off a few pieces of aloe from a plant. Cut those in half lengthwise and apply! :)

09-30-2008, 10:33 PM
Can you find Sea Breeze at a botica?

That or take vinegar and water -half and half solution, soak a "bola de algodon" and apply.

Cuidate y no te pones en el sol por unos dias, Heura!;)

10-01-2008, 08:24 AM
Milk of Magnesia. I know, it sounds ridiculous but you'll get immediate relief. I realize that you probably won't want to go outside your house w/it all over you but it'll help to heal your skin, too. I discovered it when my son came home from a 10 day stay in the hospital as a baby and he had such bad diaper rash that he had craters in his little bottom. My husband (at that time) was in the AF and we had no extra money and I was out of Desitin diaper cream but I had MOM on hand, so I dabbed it on his bottom w/a cotton ball, he immediately stopped crying and in 2 days the entire rash was gone, so from then on I applied it w/every diaper change. Later on I used it for sunburn and if you get canker sores in your mouth as I sometimes do from acidity, you can use MOM as a mouthwash. Swish it around in your mouth and spit it out. It's amazing stuff.

10-01-2008, 08:26 AM
Milk of Magnesia. I know, it sounds ridiculous but you'll get immediate relief. I realize that you probably won't want to go outside your house w/it all over you but it'll help to heal your skin, too. I discovered it when my son came home from a 10 day stay in the hospital as a baby and he had such bad diaper rash that he had craters in his little bottom. .

OH, When we were growing up some moms would use lard on a diaper rash....We did a thread on home remedies once!

10-01-2008, 12:22 PM
thank you all!!...

actually my face is soooo much better... I had used the baby rash cream and itīs pretty back to normal... just a lil red but it doesnīt hurts at all...

my shoulders are other story..:rolleyes: they still hurt... so Iīll try all your remedies....Iīve been wearing sleeve shirts to avoid more sun on them.. and the cream is soothing but my bed is all white now.. LOL...

10-01-2008, 12:39 PM
Ouch! :eek: Sounds really painful! Hope you're feeling better by now!

I once had such a bad one that I slept four nights with a wet towel on my back. Hope your shoulder will heal soon. :)


10-01-2008, 05:25 PM
My son had a bad sunburn on his shoulders from church camp this summer....of course I packed sunscreen and swimming shirts, but nooooooo....he just couldn't find them....anyway, I took him to the doctor because one of the blisters was bigger than a quarter....She gave him this silver something or other cream. He had to keep it covered because the cream stained clothes...anyway, it cleared up in no time, and the rest of his sunburn never blistered.....So if you can, you might want to call the doctor or something....

By the way, Marc, my son, didn't mind the sunburn too badly because he said like 50 high school girls hugged him!!! He was 12, almost 13....need I say more!! HA