View Full Version : Bad day.....

09-28-2008, 05:26 PM
I've had the day from you-know-where. It started waking up two hours late with a blinding sinus headache. Someone peed all over a chair. Got to work late. I had oodles of customers with serious attitude problems and no sales. It was pouring all day with high humidity.

I called hubby around 4:00 to say I was having an awful day and wanted something yummy and greasy for dinner. We agreed on pizza from the restaurant across the street from work. 5:00 came and I couldn't clock out fast enough. Somehow, going 50 yards to the pizza place..... I hydroplaned and smashed into the curb. My pretty brand new car has some significant damage. People saw what happened and were wonderfully sweet to wait with me while hubby came.

We left the car at the restaurant -- I will deal with it tomorrow. We got home to cold pizza and a leaking roof in the spare bedroom.

Can someone PLEASE take me away?!?!?!

09-28-2008, 05:35 PM
Eeks!! :( *hugs* I hope it gets better from here. :love:

09-28-2008, 05:45 PM
I'm soooo sorry you are having such an awful day.:( {{{HUGS}}}

09-28-2008, 05:52 PM
Goodness, hang in there! Good vibes and BIG ((((hugs)))) headed your way.

09-28-2008, 05:58 PM
**HUGS** I'm sorry today was a bad one. :( Keep your head up! Tomorrow will be a better day! :D

09-28-2008, 06:20 PM
Wow, that is a bad day. Hopefully you've gotten it all out of the way for the next month or two and it will be smooth sailing.

09-28-2008, 06:27 PM
I'm sorry you had a bad day, we all do sometimes. ((hugs)) Hope things get better soon!

09-28-2008, 07:30 PM
Aww sorry to hear you had such a bad day, i sure hope the next one was better, now where would you like us to take you away to? lol,cheer up and here's hoping for a brighter happier day tomorrow.

09-28-2008, 08:20 PM
Good news is, you are now home with hubby and the furkids and don't HAVE to do . . anything? Sure hope so! Just pamper yourself a bit this evening.

Whew, what a day you had there! Glad you are OK, even though the car needs work.

09-28-2008, 09:04 PM
That is a rotten day! (((((Hugs))))), and here's to a better day tomorrow.

10-02-2008, 04:07 PM
Sigh,..... my little bad day is costing quite a pretty penny. It cost $420 to fix the whell. Its not aligning properly, despite looking like its aligned. They said a specialist needs to fix it. Since I never reported this to insurance (because I'm stupid) its all out of pocket. The alignment thing will have to wait til after New Years. I don't drive much anyway, so it not a big deal.

We haven't gotten any quotes to fix the roof.... we're kinda hoping it was a fluke thing. It leaked once last year. Maybe it'll be a year before it leaks again? Maybe?

10-02-2008, 04:16 PM
Iīm sorry all this happened to you... and sorry the car is not quite as it was...

does it "goes" to one side while driving?...I mean if going straight and let go the steering wheel does it starts going to one side?... if itīs too pronounced you might wanna have that alignment done... it takes just less than an hour and it should cost around 13 bucks... well thatīs what we charge for that service... so itīs not THAT expensive..... having a car with poor alignment might sound no prob but at the med-long run it can make your tires to end quicker....

on the roof thing... is it raining now?.. you can check and try see if the roof has any cracks or peeling.. and migt as well get some...arrgg... forgot the name... something to fill in the crack, which you can get a home depot or any hardware store even walmart and fill in then apply a lil coat of sealer... you wonīt need a bucket just maybe a lil can, depending on roof damage...

10-02-2008, 04:25 PM
Iīm sorry all this happened to you... and sorry the car is not quite as it was...

does it "goes" to one side while driving?...I mean if going straight and let go the steering wheel does it starts going to one side?... if itīs too pronounced you might wanna have that alignment done... it takes just less than an hour and it should cost around 13 bucks... well thatīs what we charge for that service... so itīs not THAT expensive..... having a car with poor alignment might sound no prob but at the med-long run it can make your tires to end quicker.....

Try 13 x10. The quote I got for the specialist runs between $1200 and $1500.:eek: I don't just do things halfway.... I do it completely!!! As in, I completely ruined my beautiful new car ;) :p :rolleyes:

Cameron knows Grandmom broke her car and keeps asking when we'll go to pick it up from being fixed. He keeps saying, "Ut-oh, grandmom broke it!" whenever he sees my kind of car on the road.

Cinder & Smoke
10-02-2008, 04:34 PM
It cost $420 to fix the wheel. Its not aligning properly, despite looking like its aligned.
They said a specialist needs to fix it.

Since I never reported this to insurance (because I'm stupid) its all out of pocket.
The alignment thing will have to wait til after New Years.
I don't drive much anyway, so it not a big deal.

It's not "too late" to report a claim to the insurance company.
Just tell 'em the truth - that you thought it was minor damage and not
worthy of an insurance calim. They're used to that.

BUT - what is your deductable? IF you have a high deductable, it might not be
worth the bother of a claim. You NEED to go to a reliable body or alignment shop
to get a firm estimate of the costs to make the car "right" again.
If you wait till next year - to find out it's going to be REALLY Expensive to fix the damage -
you might be a lot more UNhappy! THEN it will be too late to make a claim. :(

Good Luck! ;)