View Full Version : Cuteness warning...Ryleigh and siblings

09-28-2008, 09:05 AM
Okay I saw my little girl yesterday. Chopper met her for the first time. He did so awesome. I was so proud of him. He wanted down on the floor right away, was not shy at all about exploring and sniff. Was not to thrilled the first time 8 puppies charged him so he just backed up LOL. I guess seeing that many little ones can be overwhelming. Plus they kept wanting to see if his winkie gave milk BOL.

I did lots more playing than picture taking some by the time I got around to taking some shots they were konking out and ready for their nap.

Here is Chopper, Ryleigh and myself.
Yep mom, herz a gurl alright. (that is Lola to the right, she went too :D)
ummm, escuze me but dat iz my mommies lap.
no serwiously, get up.
k, mommy, we can getz her....
duzent I wook proud (or pissed, I really am not sure LOL)
mom, iz dis da right one?
sniff sniff, yep dats her.

more to come =)

09-28-2008, 09:11 AM
Ryleigh's big sister, her new mommy and daddy named her Ar-Win
Beethoven, her oldest brother. He had someone inquire on him yesterday:)
The second oldest, Buster. He has someone inquire on him a couple days ago.
Mommy's little angel, Ryleigh
This is a seperate litter...
Samson. His new owners have not decided on a name yet.
Syndey. A lady inquired on her last night.
Isadora is her new name.
Sasha, you all know her as Pyper.
a few more...

09-28-2008, 09:14 AM
just a couple cute shots of Ryleigh.
Group shot.
That's all. Next time you see her pictures she will be at home with me and my furkids. :D

Scooter's Mom
09-28-2008, 09:24 AM
Oh my goodness. The day couldn't have started any better!

They are so precious. I love Beethoven. Ok, who am I kidding? I love and want them all. LOL I used to tease my DH that we'd have a herd of Chi's some day. Seems like we went to Shih Tzu's instead. :)

They are adorable! Love Chopper and his sister.

09-28-2008, 09:56 AM
He hee, nothing better than sitting in the midst of PUPPIES!!! Oh what fun you had sitting there, wish I could join you. The photos are fantastic, and your captions kept me smiling and laughing.

Chopper is fine with her NOW, but just wait until he learns she is IN his house, and she is STAYING! :eek: Either he is going to be a bit out of sorts (that's MY mommy and MY house) or he is going to be thrilled he has a same size playmate. Either way it will get fun.

Thank you for all the lovely pics!

That photo of Ryleigh in the shell basket is adorable!! She IS a pearl!

09-28-2008, 09:34 PM

LOL! I LOVE this picture! This is exactly what Ripley did to Bella within the first couple of minutes he arrived at my home! Us humans shake hands, but dogs stick their noses "up there" to say hello! LOL!

All I can say after viewing these adorable pictures is that this breeder has a much stronger constitution than I do. Waking up to that cuteness every morning would render me totally incapable of doing anything but playing with puppies all day long. The group picture just about killed me! I can hardly wait to see Ryleigh at home with Chopper, Duke and Champ. :)

09-28-2008, 10:05 PM
What a large litter for a chihuahua!!!:eek:

They are all adorable!!!

Daisy and Delilah
09-28-2008, 11:12 PM
I'm finally able to crawl up to the computer. That last picture was the final blow. I fell right out.;) Chopper seems to have a handle on the situation. He really has the Chihuahua greeting down pat. Sometimes, I call my girls Beevis and Butt Check.:)

I can't wait until that little girl comes home and we get to see more and more pics of Chopper and Ryleigh.:D
Actually, pics of all that adorable crew.

09-28-2008, 11:20 PM
oh my they are soooo adorable! :D
can't wait until she's home! :D

09-29-2008, 07:01 AM
Thank you all, I cannot wait until she is home!

What a large litter for a chihuahua!!!:eek:

They are all adorable!!!

It's two different litters;) But she has had litters as large as 7 (not the norm, usually 3-4)

09-29-2008, 07:11 AM
I had to come back this morning for another Ryleigh fix. :) Her tiny little size is much more evident in the shots with Chopper. :) Chopper, she makes you look "big!" :p You take good care of your tiny little sister when she comes home, OK? ;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-29-2008, 07:39 AM
Oh gosh, this picture blew me off my chair too!! I hadn't noticed the "cuteness-alert" ............


09-29-2008, 08:21 AM
It's two different litters;) But she has had litters as large as 7 (not the norm, usually 3-4)

OHHHH!!! I missed where you said that.

I could take Isadora home with me! I love her cute little face!

Ginger's Mom
09-29-2008, 11:05 AM
She really is adorable. It's alright, Chopper, Ryleigh is small enough to fit on mommy's lap with you. ;)

09-29-2008, 11:14 AM
Ryleigh and her siblings are sooo cute :D

But Chopper will always have to be my fav....;) That cute face of his..... *faints from cuteness* :love:

09-29-2008, 12:06 PM
:love: They are All Just Too Cute & Adorable.. However I do enjoy the captions that you note with the pics.. Next time fair warning of Cutness Alert Please..:D

09-29-2008, 12:12 PM
:love: Next time fair warning of Cutness Alert Please..:D

I thought the same thing but she DID post Cuteness Warning! :) :D:p

09-29-2008, 03:22 PM
OMG!!... I bet you didnīt wanted to leave... I know I would have spent the whole day there... ;)

so cute!!!... LOL at Chopper sniffing her around... haha...

they all are so cute but Ryleigh and Pyper steal the cake!!... well in the girl category as Chopper has it for the boys ;)

09-29-2008, 09:16 PM
Adorable!! :D

09-29-2008, 11:49 PM
Pictures..captions..totally awesome!