View Full Version : I FINALLY found a treat that Minion LOVES...

09-09-2002, 08:42 PM
However, I am not giving it to him very much since it's not a healthy kitty treat :)

My husband and I stopped by a local ice cream place and got ice cream cones. Mine was chocolate/vanilla swirl, but I only let lil Minion eat the vanilla side, and I only gave him a few little licks because he was SOOOO adorable LOL :)

How could I resist that sweet little face of his?

Anyway, he has discovered ice cream. I have created a monster :)


09-09-2002, 09:06 PM
Look at that face! Look at that tongue! :eek:

One spoiled kitty ya got there, Miz Leslie! ;)
(and a bee-you-tiful one at that!)

09-09-2002, 10:00 PM
LOL!!! Leslie, you are one of us, now, for sure!!!! Minnion sure looks like he enjoyed what he got!!! Can cats eat Frosty Paws??? Might be a good solution!!! :D

09-09-2002, 11:39 PM
That's a great picture, it made me giggle when I saw it. Thanks Minion for giving me a nice little laugh.

Sara luvs her Tinky
09-09-2002, 11:53 PM
How could you resist?!?!?!?!!!??
That would be a funny picture for a caption contest.... like
Minion is saying....... WHOA!!!!!!! DIS STUFFY IZ GUD!!!!

09-09-2002, 11:55 PM
Minion is in cat heaven. Storm and Sunny also love icecream. After I eat it, I let them lick the bowl. I also discovered a healthy treat for cats. When I was at the cat show on Saturday, one of the women there told me that she gives her cats turkey sticks. It's the Gerber Graduates brand. She said that her cats are very picky about treats but they love these. It also makes them calm down. I bought some yesterday and tried it out on my cats. I had to peel the skin off, it comes off very easily, and then I mashed the turkey stick down on a plate. Storm loved it. Pepper wasn't too sure about it and Sunny kind of liked it. Storm had been very needy and whiny all day and this helped him calm down. I hope that Sunny and Pepper will like it better next time. I bought it mainly for Storm though because he's the one that always wants treats. The jar only cost about a dollar so it's cheaper than their usual treats. :)

Edwina's Secretary
09-10-2002, 10:04 AM
Edwina likes vanilla frozen yougurt! My husband used to get frozen yougurt bars covered in raspberry and she LOVED those.

KAK -- what's a turkey stick. Edwina does love her turkey!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-10-2002, 10:18 AM
Tubby and Peanut both adore ice cream. I had some pictures somewhere of them helping Terry clean his bowl, but I can't find them right now, they must be at home. :(

They even both get their turn when I have ice cream bars - like Dove bars. They like it off a stick or in a bowl or where ever it might happen to be. :rolleyes:

09-10-2002, 10:48 AM
If I go to the freezer and take out the ice cream carton, there must be some kind of alarm in the carton that I cannot hear, but Rascal can..........he is at my side in a flash.

And then, he is fairly obnoxious about his request that I serve him first...before I have mine.

Yes, what are turkey sticks? Gerber Graduate brand? Tell us more........sounds like a better treat than ice cream for Rascal.

09-10-2002, 11:07 AM
[i]Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

KAK -- what's a turkey stick. Edwina does love her turkey! [/B] It's actually baby food. It's the Gerber Graduates brand so you'll find it by the baby food. It looks like a small hotdog. There are about six of them per jar.

09-10-2002, 11:28 AM
Awww...Minion you're a cutie and have your humans wrapped around your little paw!

My kitties will dive after the icecream bowls. BF has now learned the hard way to never leave your just filled icecream bowl on the coffee table and walk away. talk about sick kitty after, poor baby.

Cool, I'll have to check out those Gerber graduates turkey sticks. It's a running joke between my friends that I'm the one without a *Skinkid* yet whenever I shop, I'm buying baby food or toys for the ferrets and kittens.

09-10-2002, 12:13 PM
How cute! Minion sure knows what's good! :D

Noah and Noel (not Basil, yet) LOVE to lick our ice cream bars and popsicles! It's so cute...we all share. :)

The turkey sticks sound great! I think we'll try that! Thanks for the idea! :D

09-10-2002, 12:14 PM
My cat will get to lick the occasional ice cream spoon too but what she really loves is the whipped cream you put on top of it! She knows the sound of the can and comes running to the kitchen and I give her a dab on my finger or her paw!:D

09-10-2002, 07:26 PM
cake icing.....i baked a choc cake on sunday and my buddy climbs up on the couch and does his, 'HEY WHACHA GOT THERE?'
To my surprise.........he liked it.

09-10-2002, 11:47 PM
What a gorgeous kitty!! I am so glad you have a cat in your life!!! Woohoo!!
So happy for you! Contented sleepy kitties are the best!! With their soft paws that look like raspberries!!*sigh*