View Full Version : Luna's vet visit: Got the results from the lab, I'm a bit worried! (#6)

09-26-2008, 04:56 AM
It seemed to me that Luna has been sleeping more than usual lately, and when she wasn't eating much for the last two days, I decided yesterday to take her to the vet. I also got the impression that she has some discharge as I noticed little spots of a clear liquid on places where she sat.

There, we decided that it's time for her to undergo a full health check, which unfortunately can only be done under anaesthesia because Luna started fighting as soon as the vet was trying to take her temperature.

So Luna was sedated and they draw blood from her, took her temperature, made an x-ray shot, palpated her abdomen, looked into her mouth and her vagina and anal glands, and everything was fine. Her temperature was normal, her mouth and teeth looked great and clean, the x-ray shot didn't show any signs of masses, or blockage, just her liver was a bit "lifted" by too much fat in her belly. :o They said her spine looked like the one of a young animal, very strong and healthy (I envy her for that! ;)).

Now we have to wait for the results of the blood test. They tested the function of the kidney, liver, pancreas and thyroid gland, and will also do a blood count. Waiting for this makes me nervous. My vet has promised to call me in case the lab is sending the results today, but it's more likely that I have to wait till Monday. Hopefully everything will be alright!!

After the vet visit, the stress continued. Luna was under the weather from anaesthesia and vomited, while Lily didn't recognize "her" Luna because of the different scent. She's terrified and in panic, was hissing, growling and howling, and even attacked me. :eek: She has calmed down a bit today, but is still hissing at Luna when she's close. Poor kitties!


Scooter's Mom
09-26-2008, 12:24 PM
I hope all the results come back good!

09-26-2008, 12:30 PM
The CREW is pulling for good results. We have the same problem when one or more go to the vet.

09-26-2008, 12:44 PM
Thanks! :)

Well, my vet didn't call, so I suppose the results didn't come in today...


09-26-2008, 02:39 PM
It seemed to me that Luna has been sleeping more than usual lately, and when she wasn't eating much for the last two days, I decided yesterday to take her to the vet. I also got the impression that she has some discharge as I noticed little spots of a clear liquid on places where she sat.

Our Buffy has been doing the same except her one eye is watery. She doesn't seem to favor it or squint and there doesn't seem to be anything in it, it just emits a lot of clear fluid. She's 16 yrs old and I'm wondering if it's just age.

Hope all is well with your beautiful Luna.

09-27-2008, 06:34 AM
Well, my vet just called, the test results have arrived. She said it's not too bad, but I cannot say that I am too happy with what she told me.

The "normal" kidney diagnosis was okay (like the liver, pancreas and thyroidal profile as well), but she did also a geriatric profile and that one suggested that one of the early diagnosis values for kidney failure was a bit increased. She said that is not too bad and almost normal for a cat with chronic bladder problems, and we have to keep an eye on that. She also suggested to add a protein reduced food to her diet.

What worries me even more is her blood count. Like last year and two years ago, her leucos where decreased (but less decreased than last year), while her lymphocytes were increased, even more than last year. This is getting me worried. My vet said it doesn't have to say anything bad - after all Luna has these chronic bladder problems so there may be a constant inflammation in her system - but of course I fear it could also be cancer. That, however, is hard to tell because the palpatory examination and the x-ray shot gave not hint for cancer. But I'm really worried about that!

Another thing is that there's an iron deficiency. She'll get supplements for that. However, this iron deficiency could be the cause of her fatigue lately.

I'm not too happy with all these news, but after all, Luna is 8 years old so she's not a youngster anymore. My vet said she's giving the impression of a healthy cat and looks great, so she wouldn't worry too much. But you know how I am when it comes to my kitties...


09-27-2008, 11:26 PM
Kirsten, I hope that Luna will start feeling better soon and that there's nothing to worry about with her blood test results. After reading Mary's thread about Puddy, maybe you should ask your vet about a vitamin B12 shot. These have really helped my Starr with his energy level. She'll remain in my thoughts and prayers.

09-28-2008, 04:22 AM
Kirsten, I think it sounds like good news overall, so try to stop worrying. ;) Perhaps ask your vet about what food will be good for her. I'm in doubt myself about what to give Fister.

Hope Luna will be back to normal soon - and Lily too! :)

09-28-2008, 06:08 AM
Tracey, asking about Vit. B12 may be a good idea. I will talk to my vet about it (btw, I'm getting B12-shots myself, as my system cannot absorb enough of this vitamine from food).

Randi, I need to discuss the diet thing with my vet again. It's complicated. Luna will have to eat both struvite crystal diet AND a low protein diet from now on, and my vet says it would be the best to mix it, but opening two cans at the same time means I can't keep it fresh enough so I'd have to dispose half of the food. What's Fister supposed to eat?


09-28-2008, 10:27 AM
BTW, I forgot to say... Luna doesn't seem to feel too bad. She's eating again, and is in good spirits. And of course she's meowmie's little cuddle bug. :love:
