View Full Version : I had an accident...

09-25-2008, 08:56 PM
So, I've had the sniffles for the past few days so when I got to work this afternoon, I wasn't feeling very good. My dog came in, I stood for about a half an hour and did his nails and everything before the bath.

Well I went back to the bathing area, and it's typically pretty warm back there. It's been much warmer, but it finally got to me today. I was bathing the dog and I started getting really dizzy and I couldn't see. I tried just waiting it out cuz I thought maybe it was just from me locking my knees or something... I told the other girl to watch my dog for a sec so I could go sit down.

All I remember is stumbling out the door, I made it through the gate into the grooming area and I don't remember if I ever made it to the table to sit down.

Next thing I know, I wake up and I'm on the floor. I was so mortally embarrassed that I was on the floor, so I got up really quick and sat down, thinking no one saw. (stupid me, I know...) Then my co-worker, Misty, came back with the manager. She said, "Hon, are you okay? You hit the floor sooo hard!" She said things about how I fell and hit my head on the floor and how my eyes were open but I was unresponsive, and I was shaking... So her and my manager were checking my pulse and blah blah blah. They sent me home, my mom came and got me and took me to the ER.

They took my blood pressure 6 times, took blood, measured my blood sugar, did an EKG, a CT scan, the list goes on. Everything was fine, they just noticed that I was really dehydrated and because I'm sick (I'm thinking I have a sinus infection) and because it was so warm in the back at work, that I just lost it and fainted.

So I'm home now after 3 hours in the ER. My head is KILLING ME (big surprise) and I'm trying to drink Gatorade and Pedialyte (ICK!) and eat something. (Btw, I had eaten today before work, I just hadn't had much to drink today.)

Kitty headbumpies are being avoided right now, although I know they're trying to help, ;);)

09-25-2008, 08:58 PM
Aww I hope you feel better soon!

09-25-2008, 09:01 PM
Oh my gosh... you poor thing! I hope you are feeling better soon!:love:

09-26-2008, 11:21 AM
Doing a little better today. I don't know if it was just the spot I hit on my head or if I actually hit my jaw, but it really hurt to eat anything last night. This mornings better, still have a big nasty goose-egg on my head, but at least my head isn't throbbing anymore, lol.

09-26-2008, 12:22 PM
How awful. Stay hydrated, kiddo - you don't ever want that to happen again! My mom, brother, niece - all get dehydrated easily, so I have always been conscious of drinking lots of water and other fluids.

09-26-2008, 12:35 PM
:love: Oh my my sorry to hear your not feeling well.. Take Care of yourself & stay off those floors.. Get Well Soon..

09-26-2008, 01:14 PM
How are you feeling today??:)

09-26-2008, 01:32 PM
My head still hurts a little... its like a persistent headache. And the bump hurts much worse than it did yesterday, its really sensitive to the touch. It isn't bruised though...

Thank god for tylenol, lol.

09-26-2008, 01:48 PM
Oh my, there ARE easier ways to get off work early, ya know? :D

Hope you feel lots better quickly!

09-26-2008, 07:44 PM
I hope you continue to feel better.

That's scary..


09-26-2008, 09:28 PM
Yeah... Don't want to do that again! It was not only embarrassing, but as soon as I got up and sat down, my head was KILLING me! I started sweating and I was really hot, then I got COLD. Like FREEZING cold.

The doc thought maybe I had had a seizure cuz I was unconscious and shaking, but he said it would have lasted longer than it did and I could have possibly lost control of my bladder... how awful would that be??

I'm just super glad I landed the way I did (yeah, I know, I landed on my HEAD) but it would have been so much worse had I landed face first and broken something, or hit my head on the metal table legs, or even had my glasses on. :( I guess the way I see it, minimal damage was done and luckily for me there was a co-worker in the groom shop at the time and saw/heard me fall.

I'm also thankful there weren't any CUSTOMERS in the groom shop! I need not scare anymore people than I already did, lol.

I went into work today because I had to pick up my car, paycheck and some cat food. Everyone was glad to see I was okay, and my manager Paul came in and made sure I was feeling a little better. It was nice to see that they all cared. =]

Thanks for the support, everyone. =]