View Full Version : Phil Vassar Concert Pictures!

Suki Wingy
09-22-2008, 12:16 PM

I put them together in a video. Be sure to click "watch in high quality"


09-22-2008, 02:05 PM
WOW! I'm so jelous, he is one of my favorites. When he came to my state he went to a casino, so I couldn't attend. AWESOME pictures! :love:

Suki Wingy
09-22-2008, 05:04 PM
Thanks. My dad lets me use his digital camera, and it has a much better flash than mine. He came to the Iowa Speedway, so before him I got to see my first NASCAR race too. :D
Jason Aldean is coming to Des Moines (close to me) next weekend but I don't think I can go because I already bought Sweeney Todd tickets for this Wednesday so I kind of spent my extra money for a while.