View Full Version : Dollar Tree Pet Halloween Costumes!

09-20-2008, 12:10 PM
Just wanted to tell my PT friends that I found Halloween costumes at Dollar Tree yesterday.

There are 4 kinds (atleast in my store).. Vampire, Angel, Clown, and Witch.

They arent the best quality, but for $1.00 you cant beat that! And the clown and witch hats are SUPER cute! :D:D:D

Hope this helps someone who wants a cheap costume to just put on at Halloween! They are cat sized as well! I bought all 4;)

PS- also those travel water bottles, when you fill up the water bottle and it flows down into a tray, great for walks!:p

09-20-2008, 01:08 PM
Thanks Katie! I'll check them out, although I think Ari will be the Cat in the Hat this year. :D

09-20-2008, 01:33 PM
Aw, I went to the Dollar Tree today and didn't see any costumes. We have 2 Dollar Trees though so I'll check the other one. :)

09-20-2008, 02:12 PM
Lee, Glad to see you around! How is Ace? Behaving I hope! Give him a nose kiss from me!

And roxyluvsme13, they were NOT in the pet section! They were with the Halloween stuff, in mine beside the different people witch hats! Look in that area ;)


09-21-2008, 07:08 AM
Lee, Glad to see you around! How is Ace? Behaving I hope! Give him a nose kiss from me!

Ace is as fine as frog's hair, but behaving...actually, he's quite a punk!! :D He's hysterical on the stairs, though, because his butt can't keep up when he's going down, and he usually wipes out on the floor. God forbid that he might slow down a little, though!!!! :p He's also fond of throwing himself down on his sibs, which, as you can imagine, they have a problem with. They don't much mind being crashed on by Ari, since she can't help it, but Mr. More-than-twice-as-big-as-she-is doesn't get the free pass. LOL It doesn't stop him though--when he's clingy, he's CLINGY!!!

He's something, that's for sure!!! :D

09-21-2008, 12:47 PM
I have been so wanting to enter Benny for years but don't have a sewing machine. The last couple of years Petsmart has been having a contest for pets. One year a rat named Ella won wearing a hula skirt. I just loved that. My mom's name was Ella and she would have been a bit shocked yet enjoyed it. I also loved the turtle with a shark fin on his shell, that one made me laugh.

09-22-2008, 07:49 AM
I bought a pumpkin Halloween leash earlier this week from our local dollar store. I've gotten several compliments on it during our walks already. I spent $20 on a leash nobody noticed, and I get compliments on dollar store ones... go figure :rolleyes:

As for costume... hee hee.... Cameron's going to be a train conductor. I'm dressing up his wagon as the engine and Callie's going to be a train car. :D :p It won't cost a penny: cut up an old Tee, some cardboard from work, glue, and poster paints. Hubby thinks I'm absolutely nuts and he feels sorry for Callie.

09-22-2008, 07:59 AM
I'll have to go check it out! Next month's small dog breed Meet Up is a costume party, on the Sunday before Halloween!!

Thanks for the head's up, Katie!

09-23-2008, 04:05 PM
And roxyluvsme13, they were NOT in the pet section! They were with the Halloween stuff, in mine beside the different people witch hats! Look in that area ;)

Well that's where I was the other day and didn't see them. I'll go back and look. Thank you! :)

09-23-2008, 05:14 PM
I got a clown one for the cats. :p its too small for the dogs. I didn't get any other one though. I have to charge my batteries and get some pics. Tiger looks the best with it though. ;)

09-23-2008, 07:22 PM
I bought 3, hoping they will fit. You will have to wait for Halloween to see photos! :p:p

09-23-2008, 11:00 PM
I am glad to see others go in on this too. Great deals!

Since my kitties have atleast, I dunno, maybe 65 costumes (minimum), this just adds to the collection! And whats worse, I dont even have one for myself:p

Kim, LOL! I bet that will be ADORABLE! Question, was it the Dollar Tree that had the leashes? I would LOVE to get my Aunts HUGE chihuahua one! I just bought him a collar with footballs for football season, but I think this would be cute for him as well! Joey has 10 or more leashes and collars, so no more for him:p

I want pictures everyone:D

09-24-2008, 03:31 PM
My Dollar Tree didn't have the costumes, but I got this. http://www.amazon.com/Doggy-Fashion-Alison-Jenkins/dp/0764125842/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222287707&sr=1-1

09-24-2008, 10:56 PM
Hey Lee, that looks like alot of fun! Except, I cant sew:eek: When you make some, I wanna see!

If you want me to pick you up some costumes, let me know. I will send them to you.. BUT of course I would want pictures:D:p;)

09-25-2008, 07:03 AM
If you want me to pick you up some costumes, let me know. I will send them to you.. BUT of course I would want pictures:D:p;) Thanks! I appreciate it. I'll try our big DT first; surely they'll have them.