View Full Version : What would you do?

09-19-2008, 01:04 PM
Yikes..... when you least expect it, life throws a curve ball.

I answered the phone last week. It was a head-hunter and he wanted to know if I'd be interested in a job he thought I might be good at. I said "sure, why not?" and shrugged it off. I had no real intention of doing anything even if anything came of it because I am totally, completely, happy in my current job.

Yesterday was the interview. It went "ok". It was the first interview in my life where I didn't wear a suit! I simply don't have one since I lost the weight :o and I wasn't about to go out and but one for a job interview that I didn't care about. I showed them my portfolio and answered their questions. The people seemed nice and I left unsure as to how well I did.

Well... it seems I wowed them. They called and offered me a FABULOUS opportunity. Its a LOT more than I make now. Not sure if the amount they told me was salary or if its hourly and I could get over time. I have lots of questions about things like OT, vacation, benefits, business hours, etc. Anyhow, they also will let me work from home 2 days a week if I want.

Now, I'm so confused! I LOVE my current job, but the pay is low. I did well this year because of bonuses but I see them coming to an end because of the current financial climate. I don't plan on next year being a good money-making year for me at my current job.

This new job is offering some fantastic flexibility with being able to work from home. Its a 30 minute commute and a whole lot more money (almost double my current base salary!) :eek:

Noooo idea what to do! I don't want to make a mistake and leave a job I am HAPPY at for a job where I could be miserable just make make more money. I realize money doesn't bring happiness, but as the saying goes, it sure helps!

smokey the elder
09-19-2008, 01:11 PM
I think it's reasonable to ask your questions first, then weigh the pros and cons of the new job vs. the current one. Good luck, whatever you decide!

09-19-2008, 01:18 PM
I voted to take the job - after asking all the questions you have and getting a satisfactory answer of course.Things are not looking to great financially lately if you are in the U.S. so I would opt for the extra money. You probably will end up being just as happy with your new job....never forget...you are the master of your own destiny.

09-19-2008, 02:26 PM
Here's a thought? Do you currently have some vacation with your 'now' job?

Talk to the people you want the job with. Explain to them that want to hear their offer.

If that offer is good, you may want to consider this option-

Take a few days off from your job.

Then tell these new job people that you are interested and want to see how things are at the company. Offer them a 'free trial' for a few days. Tell them you will work for free for a few days to see if the both of you are compatible.
Be up front with them and let them know that you are still employed elsewhere and if you take the new job you want to be able to give a notice at the other place-Never burn a bridge, you never know.

This works with smaller companies. If they are interested, they will make your experience one to consider. Some companies will kill to keep or hire a good employee!

They came looking for you!

09-19-2008, 04:26 PM
I voted to take the job. In these financially turbulent times you have to go with the $$. It's in your best interest. If you find your ??'s are answered favorably, you could go to your current employer and tell them of the offer and if they will match it. The staying home two days a week would be a deal breaker as well...think of all the gas money you'd save!

09-19-2008, 04:39 PM
RICHARD posted exactly what I was thinking. I've known people to do this before. In these cases they just call in "sick" for about a week then end up quitting. It's sneaky, but it's an opportunity to try the other place out first.

09-19-2008, 04:54 PM
If they answer your questions satisfactorily, I'd go with the new job. I know money is often an issue with your family's situation, and having more of it will take a lot of stress off everyone. And just because it is a different company doesn't mean you will be miserable there - after all, they came looking for you, I think they deserve the benefit of the doubt! With the current economic slowdown, and because your current job involves commission, things are likely going to get worse, money-wise, before they get better.

Only you can make the decision, but I'd say "go for it!"

09-20-2008, 04:41 AM
Sounds really good Kim!:) Not sure what I would do so did not vote but best wishes to you:) Things keep looking up for you I think and it is time right?

09-20-2008, 05:51 AM
How is hubby's job situation??

I like the idea of:
1st....ask your questions.
2nd....take their offer to your employer to see if they could match it.

In my own opinion (and I know nothing) this would show that you have your current company's loyalty, but admit it.....more money is worth the risk of change, sometimes.

09-20-2008, 08:17 AM
Gosh, I feel like I'm divorcing someone whom I still love.... I cried when the boss called me yesterday and said, "Kim, you're giving me a heart attack!" (I cried after the conversation, not during, though the tears were welling up pretty bad :o) The boss is coming down from Scranton this morning just to talk to me. :eek: He's taking a 2 hour drive both ways on a gorgeous golf day to see me?!?! :eek:

I don't know what to do. I do LOVE my current job. I do know I HATE doing the stuff the new position would require of me. I absolutely dread the idea of having to go back to doing the specification and pricing in the new job. Dread it. I dread the re-do of the same project a 100 times over because the stupid sales person didn't get the info from the customer right in the first place.

I guess I'll see what the boss has to say to me this afternoon. I have a screaming headache from all of this. :(

Oh and Jen, as for hubby's job.... he's hanging onto it by a thread. He;s been told that the people who count have his name on a hit list. The only way he still has a job is the fact that he's still out on disability due to the stress and blood pressure. He's out for another 6 weeks as of the doctor signing off on it yesterday. As soon as he steps one foot back into the building, he'll be handed that pink slip. He has a major case for harassment and such.

09-20-2008, 10:06 AM
You answered your own question. Since your bonuses are based on the economy and I don't see it getting better anytime soon, I'd set up an appointment to get your questions answered. Also, speaking from experience, GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING!!!! Remember what happened to me?? I rest my case.

09-20-2008, 10:27 AM
Wait and see what the present job can offer you.

I know all too well what it's like to wake up day after day and go into a job where you hate the tasks you have to do. You'd be dealing with numbers and items, not people.

There'd be a cost to your health...you would stand a good chance or burning out and leaving, and then WHERE would you be???

If you can get better terms where you are, then stay. I was all for the money and better life, until I read what you said in your most recent post (ok, I did bold some of the words ;) ):

I do know I HATE doing the stuff the new position would require of me. I absolutely dread the idea of having to go back to doing the specification and pricing in the new job. Dread it. I dread the re-do of the same project a 100 times over because the stupid sales person didn't get the info from the customer right in the first place.

I hope your husband has help to press and win the harrassment suit - that the union will do it and it won't cost him much. Then, when he takes a breather for a bit, he can look at a private school, perhaps.


Maya & Inka's mommy
09-20-2008, 10:32 AM
You've got great advize here:)! I would try to get answers, and if they are satisfactory, I would go for the new job.

Good luck!!!

09-20-2008, 10:55 AM
I think Richards suggestion is quite good - if that is possible.

I would have said, stick with the job you have, where you're happy, it means so much more than the extra money.

09-20-2008, 11:56 AM
I didn't realize what the new position entailed. Do what your heart tells you. Only you know what your present job offers. And remember how great you felt when your present job offered you your present position. Think about it.

09-20-2008, 01:35 PM
I did not realize that the new opportunity was for a job you would hate?!?! I just assumed the only reason you would consider it was because you would enjoy it. So, now that I know otherwise......Money is NOT more important than your sanity.

09-20-2008, 02:02 PM
Get your questions answered.
Ask the boss how much of the job is doing what you dread. Explain to him that you dread it -- but can do it -- but it would not be your preference.

He may say that it is a small part of the job. He may say that those duties could go elsewhere if you're thinking about turning down the job because of that 1 duty.

Then, what you call a curveball -- I call an opportunity!

09-20-2008, 05:16 PM
Get your questions answered.
Ask the boss how much of the job is doing what you dread. Explain to him that you dread it -- but can do it -- but it would not be your preference.

He may say that it is a small part of the job. He may say that those duties could go elsewhere if you're thinking about turning down the job because of that 1 duty.

Unfortunately, its not a small part of my job. Its about 50% of what I'd have to do. I knew it going into the interview. They even said "its a management thing we're not good at, but we let the salespeople act like the designers are magicians"

I spoke with the owner this afternoon and fell soooo much better. Actually, with bonuses, I AM making about where the new job would offer. Problem is, I'm afraid with this economy of maintaining that figure. They offered to give me a larger base salary because they know I'll hit the bonuses. The base is only meeting the new salary halfway, but its better and makes me feel safer. The funny thing is, it's something that will actually propell me into performing better because I don't like just covering my draw, I like to make sure I'm well above it. For instance, right now, say I have to sell $40,000 worth of furniture a month to cover my draw. Most months I blow past that mark and make a bonus on everything over $40,000. Now I might have to have $50,000 sold to meet draw (which is what I do anyway) and because I won't "let" myself simply meet the quota, I'll force myself to sell $60,000 each month instead of the $50,000 I've been selling. Make sense?

They also brought up something I'd forgotten..... my confidence is through the roof right now. And its because I'm doing a job I love and doing it well. If I moved, I KNOW my confidence will take a beating because I'll be doing something I don't like.

Seems like my decision is made. I have to talk to hubby tonight and we're having dinner with my parents tomorrow. Dad is god at giving sound advice on these things.

09-20-2008, 05:41 PM
seems you´re all set... decisions can be mind breaking... but you seem to have taken the right one for YOU... which is most important...

some choices have their pros but if the cons get way over them... for the more interesting they may look it´s more what you´d be loosing.. and that is so not worth it...

now be happy!! :D

09-20-2008, 06:43 PM
I'm glad you've decided. Now, you have te knowledge that someone ELSE needs you AND you know your current place LOVES you. Got to be good for the ego ;) (and the self confidence department) Congrats. :D