View Full Version : your damage from ike?

09-19-2008, 05:03 AM
as the remains of hurricane ike passed over ohio last sunday afternoon, we lost power; it came back on last night. my section of the hospital was closed for 2 days because we didn't have electricity, i was sent home on monday and to another site on tuesday and wednesday. i had to throw out nearly $200 worth of food, spent almost 8 hours removing and tying up branches, helping the neighbors take pictures for insurance, since the 50 foot silver maple in their back yard split in half and crushed the other neighbors back porch. my house is okay, a small portion of my new gutters was pulled out, but will be repaired this weekend. i have had my equally large trees thinned, and that money was well spent looking at their damage.
has anyone else had damage from the remains of ike as it passed over? it's not often that ohio has hurricane damage

Ginger's Mom
09-19-2008, 06:04 AM
Sorry to hear you lost all that food, but I am glad to hear that your house wasn't damaged.

I noticed that chocolatepuppy hasn't been on since Sunday evening. The thought had occurred to me that she lost power or internet service as a result of Ike.

09-19-2008, 07:47 AM
A few dozen shingles came off the roof. House across street got a tree on it's roof (no extensive damage, everyone is ok). Neighbors gathered outside during the wind storm to help try to clean up the tree. They got hard part done within 3 days then experts came yesterday and finished the job. Power was only out 3 hrs here. In some areas 3 days.

09-19-2008, 08:17 AM
Nothing up here but loads of rain. We were lucky by the sound of it. I still feel sorry for those who had the brunt of it.

09-19-2008, 09:13 AM
I lost power 8 times before it came back on for good. Large tree branches came down; I had them cut up and removed. Some people in N. Canton still don't have power. I'll be getting an estimate tomorrow to see about taking down the tree that always gives me problems whenever there are high winds.

09-19-2008, 07:25 PM
It ended up missing us, really, here in Dallas. It went to the east. That Saturday, it rained all day, but it was a nice gentle soaking rain. The winds were not anywhere what they had predicted, either.

09-19-2008, 10:14 PM
We have a lot of flooding around the STL area.. Our house is ok, but another unit down the street had parts of the roof torn off and the rest collapsed in. We just got lots of rain here.. my mom's power was out for a couple hours, but ours wasnt (we're 15 min from her house).

09-20-2008, 02:59 AM
We had some fairly minor things but still big for us. A few shingles blew off the roof, we lost maybe 6-8 pieces of our siding and our large silver maples got a divine pruning:) Hubby cut up and hauled away 5 truckloads of the debris when we were done. Thankfully, none of them hit any people or property. A few could have done some big damage and we were outside some of the time talking to neighbors and gathering up each other's siding and shingles, etc. Then the wind really showed us the power and we all scurried back inside. The power was out for about 24 hours for us but neighbors went 5 days and I think there may be a few still in the dark this morning. I heard that electric trucks arrived in Ohio from Wisconsin to help get us all back on the grid.

Funny thing also - we had no cell or local landline telephone service for the first 24 hours. But I could call my dad and daughter in TEXAS:p Go figure? We had to laugh that we had been praying for Texans during Ike and then Ike came up north and tried to scare us:D:p

09-21-2008, 03:52 PM
Our power was off for a few hours. Two power companies run down our road, the other was off for 4 days! Our cable was off until today. Both our tv and our online service. There were many large trees down, one of course on the power lines. It was a very scary evening.:(
Thanks Ginger's Mom for thinking of me.:)

09-22-2008, 08:05 AM
Up here in NE Ohio there were people with out power for a few days and I lost water for a few hours then I was under a boil alert for 4 days. But I know people down in Dayton, OH are still with out power.

Scooter's Mom
09-22-2008, 07:59 PM
My dad, grandmother, cousins, brother, uncle and best friend area all still without power. My one brother who lives in Brazoria County got his power back on Wednesday.