View Full Version : Update on Jasper

Jasper's Mom
09-09-2002, 04:48 AM
Many may not remember my little boy Jasper, trapped in my own bushes by a nut seeking revenge for damage done to their car when they clipped my car as they passed my house. He disappeared the next evening. I and many others frantically searched, posted fliers, went to meetings, pet shows, talking to EVERYONE.

Almost three months later, someone turned in a scared, scruffy, filthy, injured and starving black cat with a stub tail, and nothing I had done helped in bringing him home to me, except his ID chip. A teen volunteer at the Humane Society called me and I made him repeat himself, and check again to make sure it wasn't a mistake. I was amazed and was there in a flash. My little boy recognized my voice, softly mewed... and my baby was home.

His vet was amazed he was back after so long, so far from my home, in a remote and dry area. He showed evidence of being hit by a car too. Trapped and dumped to be left to die. But how glad I was that he was dumped and not outright killed by the nut. The vet said it was just in time because he may not have lasted much longer. He acted a bit psyco at first, but who could blame him.

Lots of loving attention, good food and time helped him heal. Within weeks he had regained weight and was wanting out. Not again. He sported a new collar with ID and a loud bell to help us keep track of him if he approached a door. Had to get used to a cat box, and adjust to a newly tamed feral kitten. I kept my first and my last rescued feral kitten, but homes were found for many inbetween. Jasper helped with my last one, a girl that took three months to tame, when most were in 1-2 weeks. These two spend the day in play and grooming, but Jasper still comes to sleep with me at night.

I had gotten into feral kitten taming to help some new friends who feed and fix feral cats and trap their kittens in Pearl Harbor. I wanted to do something to help kitties while I hoped someone was helping my Jasper. I no longer tame feral kittens as they are not allowed to trap kittens any longer. Regulations forbid even feeding cats and their jobs were in jeopardy. But the feeding goes on, one way or another.

Jasper was missing when my first rescue kitty came, so the big licks and nuzzling of this tiny creature from my two dogs made him think he's a dog too. His best bud in my younger dog Moses. If I scold Moses, who loves to eat everything, and put him in "time-out" in the kitchen, my kitty Eli runs in with him, rubbing and consoling him. It's so cute.

Anyway, Jasper did not like staying in and gradually got VERY FAT, and started a nervous licking habit, making bald areas on both his right and left sides. I was worried about him. We decided to make more roaming room, opening up a big enclosed patio by keeping the doors open all the time. The cats love it. Put an old couch on end in the corner and the cats claimed it for their own personal tree with platform. Now I can't throw that ugly thing out. The change in Jasper came quickly. He dropped the extra weight, the licking ceased and his hair grew back in.

Oh he does occasionally sneak out still, but as was his habit before, he stays right in the front yard or carport. If anyone tries to catch him, then he thinks it's a game and will take off down the street. So we just ignore him, and after rolling in some dirt, climbing and scratching his favorite tree, he's at the door asking to come back in. I'm so thankful to have him back healthy and whole, back to his old self.

Former User
09-09-2002, 04:54 AM
I have to admit I don't know you, but I know there are some people who are going to be SO HAPPY to hear from you again, you have been missed! I've read about Jasper before this and his story sure broke my heart. I'm glad he's better now, I have a soft spot for black cats....got one myself, called Casper :)

Welcome back!

09-09-2002, 07:53 AM
I'm happy to know that Jasper's ok.
I'm even happier to see that Jasper's Mom is back online! Stick around, please.

09-09-2002, 08:46 AM
It is wonderful to hear from you! I think we had all just about given up!! I'm so glad that you have found a solution for Jasper and Moses where they can get their "outside" fix, and still be safe.

Please keep in touch with us!! :D It has been a long, long time!!! Heck, Niina doesn't even know you, and she has posted over 4000 posts on Pet Talk!!!! That shows how long you have been away.

Hugs to both kitties and to you for the rescue work you have been involved in.

Logan :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-09-2002, 10:10 AM
What a sad story about poor Jasper, but I'm glad he's back home, safe and sound and enjoying his new patio. I agree with Logan, hope you stick around because we'd love to hear more stories about Jasper and your other kitty. :)

09-09-2002, 11:38 AM
It's good to hear you have Jasper back. And I'm glad that he is starting to act like his old self again.

09-09-2002, 03:02 PM
Here's a link to one of PetTalk's best stories.
My Jasper is Home (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5932&perpage=15&pagenumber=1)

Proof that having your pet chipped is worth it!

09-09-2002, 04:58 PM
let me get this straight... some demented person TOOK your kitty? oh man, thats declaring war!! sorry I am kind of hyper right now, long day, vets, getting meds at different places, etc.
one does not mess with ones cat LOL. my cats are my babies, and as I realized on the way home I don't care what I have to spend on them or do for them, they are so sweet. they're worth it.anyway, I cannot believe someone did that to your poor kitty? did they harm the kitty too?:mad:

thank God you have him back home, that is a very good case for having pets micro chipped!! as soon as I recover from the vet bills I will have all 5 of mine done.

09-09-2002, 10:04 PM
Welcome home to Pet Talk, Jasper's Mom!!! I've missed you. It's good to have you back and to hear how Jasper's doing!

:D I feel like telling you "Sit! Stay!!". Anyway it's good to have you back. The last I heard you were having a spot of trouble with your ex. (He'd let Jasper out or was claiming Jasper or something?) Is that resolved now?

It's good to read your posts again. Hope you can stay.

09-09-2002, 11:41 PM
Welcome back to Pet Talk and I'm so glad to hear that Jasper is back at home and is safe and healthy. :) I only have one of my cats microchipped and they are indoor only cats. I guess I should eventually get the other done too. I'd hate to ever be separated from my babies.

Sara luvs her Tinky
09-09-2002, 11:58 PM
WOW! What a story!
Glad to hear Jasper is back home safe and sound where he belongs. **HUGS AND KISSES TO JASPER**

09-10-2002, 03:46 AM
does anyone have the link to the Jasper story? a neighbor took him, or what? I can't believe someone would do that. I would be so upset about missing my kitty, but mad at the crazy who did it too!

09-10-2002, 05:11 AM
I don't know you either, but boy am I glad that your story turned out the way it did!!

Is there any way you could get the bastard who did this all to Jasper in trouble? He doesn't deserve to go free after all of this...

09-10-2002, 07:13 AM

09-10-2002, 11:51 AM
I am so glad to have you back, Jasper's mom! I remember your story well, and I wondered how everything went with keeping Jasper indoors. Last I heard, you were desperately trying to keep that Jasper boy indoors and it was not easy, he REALLY wanted out.

The story also reliderates the importance of microchips. I just recentlly got myself a new kitty stray, and I am going to get him microchipped in a week or two, just to make sure no one claims him before then. Both of my dogs are microchipped and it gives me a sence of relief knowing that they still have ID, even if they don't have their collars.

Welcome back :) Give that lucky Jasper boy and your other furkids a hug from me, please.

09-10-2002, 02:02 PM
How wonderful to have you back with us! I remember Jasper well, and all of us were so concerned for you and his safe return.

Don't be a stranger anymore, please. We really have a great time here - and would love to hear anything you want to share.

09-10-2002, 07:42 PM
Is there any way you could get the bastard who did this all to Jasper in trouble? He doesn't deserve to go free after all of this...

MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY! why did he do it anyway?? I would definately have some words for someone like that, and maybe some tar and feathers!!

I just read the story, but you found him that same night, right?and that happend a year ago?
I thought you posted yesterday that he was missing 3 months?
Im confused.

what did happen to Jasper?

09-10-2002, 08:03 PM
She did not find Jasper the same night. You'll have to go back and read the whole story from 2001, when it started. I posted the link in an earlier post. WE all mourned for Jasper, and what a happy day when he came home. :DD

09-10-2002, 08:20 PM
So glad to hear from you! We missed you - and your Jasper tails! Glad you and he compromised on more space to roam vs. keeping him safe! Give him a good skritch for me in his favorite spot!

09-10-2002, 11:30 PM
So glad you are back, I was just thinking of you earlier when I was on another board and saw the name Jasper! Great news about the furbabes! Keep in touch!!! Leslie, I didn't know you got a cat!!!! How wonderful! I wasn't ever much of a cat lover until I got Shaianne, and then I became more compassionate to all animals, and now I can't imagine life without my kitty!

09-11-2002, 12:26 AM

09-11-2002, 01:38 AM
well I will do a search for the Jasper topic, but so glad you found your kitty. I wasn't a member of this message board yet when you were on here before, I joined in March of this year.

In your post you said you were ready to stay outside all night to see if Jasper came back, I can understand that, I would want to do the same thing! I just wouldn't be able to rest either, if one of my 5 were missing. many years ago I had a cat, and she disappeared, it was horrible, I never did get her back, so I am very happy you have your Jasper back safely at home.

09-11-2002, 07:34 AM
Jasper is missing (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3850&perpage=15&pagenumber=14)
I don't know if this will be the correct page on your PC. The first post is dated April 6th.

Also, this is a good thread to read from page one.

09-12-2002, 04:30 AM
thanks Freckles!

what awful months those had to be for her, and for the poor kitty! but it is a happy ending, in fact, its like something one might read in a book, like the chicken soup for pet lovers soul...maybe Jasper's mom should send the story in to the publishers of that book, it might be included in the next edition!