View Full Version : Oh, the joy of having cats...

Former User
09-09-2002, 03:22 AM
Yesterday morning, while we were fixing our breakfast, we saw Casper going in the litterbox. Ok, nothing unsual about that LOL, but then... I don't know did he lose his sense of direction or what, but he started pooping, straight on the floor :eek: Sure HE was in the litterbox, but pooping outside :( So, before even having our breakfast, we needed to clean some warm poop... :rolleyes:

And after having our breakfast, Casper decited that we need more work... he threw up on the floor....ugh, what a lovely way of starting the day, eh! :rolleyes:

09-09-2002, 04:24 AM
Ollie has done that exact same thing! He sits in the litter box but his behind is slightly outside so it goes straight on the floor >_< And throwing up, he's a master of that :rolleyes: His favorite puking places include my bed or any of the nice carpets.

Former User
09-09-2002, 05:25 AM
Lut, I woulnd't call this a problem, it only happened once. He doesn't have problems fitting in the litterbox, he's not that big you know! It was just one time thing.

09-09-2002, 06:55 AM
:D :D :D
It happens, Niina, to all of us:rolleyes: Some of my friends (non-cat or non-pet people) they wouldn't accept even some shreded newspapers in their house. But, sometimes I wander, what is my limit? Lost somewhere:)
At least, my Juni runs to the balcony and throws up in one!!! of her toilets (which she decided it's only for this:confused: ). As you see, even if I have one cat, I have to clean more toilets:mad:

09-09-2002, 07:43 AM
I'm glad that Casper has just been checked at the vet, that should rule out any illness. I've heard that some cats will behave like that to get your attention to maybe some other problem = not getting their way! :rolleyes: Anything happened out of the ordinary?

Former User
09-09-2002, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Randi
I'm glad that Casper has just been checked at the vet, that should rule out any illness. I've heard that some cats will behave like that to get your attention to maybe some other problem = not getting their way! :rolleyes: Anything happened out of the ordinary?

Well, the only thing out of ordinary was that vet visit :D, more and more I suspect that it was just that he lost his sense of direction, or he was really in a hurry ;) Anyway, I sure hope it was first and last time it happened. I saw him in the litterbox earlier today and he had no problem doing his business that time. And he also hasn't thrown up anymore, which I think was caused because he didn't bother to bite his food at all, just gulped it down. He never learns, does he? :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-09-2002, 09:58 AM
Yeah, Tubby has done this too, except sometimes I don't get the pleasure of it being poop - yes, a nice huge puddle, first on the wall then down to the floor. :rolleyes: I had been thinking it was because he was getting older with maybe a touch of arthritis and he couldn't squat as much as he used to, but most times he gets it in the box and it's only sometimes he misses. I don't know, maybe he's distracted, in a hurry or just lazy. :rolleyes: The good news is the litter boxes are in our unfinished basement, so it's not too much of a problem.

09-09-2002, 10:06 AM
Sounds like our weekend..was it a full moon this weekend??? Well, we didn't have the poop just the throwing up..twice!! And we had spent the night away from home so we got a little present when we got home Sunday evening. :)

09-09-2002, 11:08 AM
Mine have missed to box on occasion too. I think they feel like they do their part by getting in the box; the box is supposed to expand and adjust to their fanny's position. Chester once in a while, plops his rump in the box but his front feet out of the box on the floor. He looks so funny doing that but never misses. Have you ever noticed the look of extreme concentration they get while doing their business?
:D :D

09-09-2002, 11:34 AM
That's why I have a covered litter box, I have to clean it twice a day because I don't want odor to build up in there because then Corky won't use it. But he is so big that with an uncovered litter box he would get in the box but still pee outside the box. Drove me nuts.

09-09-2002, 11:29 PM
I haven't had the problem of my cats pooping outside of the litterbox, but Pepper and Sunny have jumped out of the litterbox too soon and the poop was still attached to their bottom so it dropped off just outside the litterbox. :eek: Either way it's a mess. I'm just glad that they don't do it very often. I also don't understand why they are in such a big hurry. :confused:

C.C.'s Mom
09-10-2002, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Have you ever noticed the look of extreme concentration they get while doing their business?

I made a picture of Rudie 'in action'. That look is really something. And the best thing is, that he doesn't mind the dogs sitting there watching him while he does whatever he has to do!

Niina, maybe he wants another box? My RB kittie Pishi had one for pee and one for poo. Both far away from each other, otherwise she wouldn't go and pee somewhere like the bed as an act of revenge. In our backyard the cats have a certain corner where they go peeing and they come inside to poo on the box.

09-10-2002, 01:06 PM
Bassett also concentrates very hard, and she grunts! When they are travelling with me in the car I can't help but notice (she doesn't like anyone being in the room with her but when it's the car it's ok because there isn't any other choice!) and its SO FUNNY!!! LOL LOL!! :D :D