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View Full Version : ROTTWEILERS!!!

09-15-2000, 07:07 PM
Are there any other Rottweiler lovers/owners here? I am one. Owner and lover. They are my favorite breed. http://smilecwm.tripod.com/cwm2/winkanim.gif

09-17-2000, 04:14 PM
I have one, his name is MAX he's 6 (sep.9) & I had a rottie that was almost 1 when he got stollen http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/mad.gif , he would have been bigger then Max. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif ....... BUT I love my Max he's perfect, he's well trained & up for stud http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif I wouldn't have anyother kind of dog but rotties.... I think it's wrong what people on the tv & in movies make them out to be mean & all ways the bad dog..... BUT I LOVE THEM!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/cool.gif ~~

09-18-2000, 02:27 PM
You had a Rottie that got stolen? That's awful. It almost makes me cry. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

09-18-2000, 05:17 PM
Yeah, we got a Texas Parks & Wildlife flier down at ower gate. the day he was stollen. so we called them & they said they wheren't doing anything like what the flier said. We have a pretty good idea who stoll him. This old lady that lives 3 miles away from us loved him. She always said she's do anything to have a dog like Sam..........~~

10-05-2000, 06:06 PM
I own a rottie, Lucy. I would not trade her for anything. When I got her, she was 6 weeks old and about 10 pounds. You should see her now. She should be about the same size as her momma, who was about 110 to 120 pounds. The love and loyalty that you give a rottie will be returned 200%...they are simply marvelous dogs http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

10-28-2000, 06:17 AM
Even though they`re not my favorite breed, I`ve met a lot of nice and perfectly trained ones too.When I saw one walking down the street with its owner I never saw one before and I thought it was going to attack me like the Rotties in the movies but now I know the stuff in the movies about them is not true.

11-02-2000, 07:17 PM
Dear RottieLover,

That is so sad I would go nuts thinking that an old lady stole my dog!That is so mean that people are so sick they would steal a dog from someone.I`m really really sorry!I had a German Shepard who turned mean because neighborhood kids threw rocks at him but once he got loose and almost bit one of them.But anyway some people are so sick!(not including you wonderful people who love and care for thier dogs!)

11-03-2000, 10:49 AM
Even though I do not own a rottweiler, I love them, they are my favorite breed from the working group. I know what it feels like to have had a dog stolen, I ha da female red heeler (whom we were planning to breed) who was stolen along with her food bowl (we don't really care about the bowl). We knew she did not run away because she was only a pup and had lived there for about 2 months and we could't even coax her to walk down the road with us to check the mail box! I know a HUGE rottie named Bubba Duke and he is at my hair dressers sometimes, he has a head piece to die for! I was sitting n the couch and he jumped up and leyed down right on me! He was trying his best to be gentle and he was. He was so obendient, I tokk him outside to take him for a walk and I didn't even have to take a leash! We were right next to the interstate too! Well, I guess I have said enough!


11-03-2000, 12:44 PM
I don't know any Rottweilers, but since Carl has been introduced to us over the last couple of months and made it as today's Dog of the Day, I'm in love. I've always loved big dogs. Don't know if I'll ever own one since I am in love with my Golden Retrievers, but I support all of you that do! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

karen israel
11-03-2000, 03:20 PM
Rottie.. I think of you every night-been meaning to tell you.. I pass a house constantly that if I'm lucky enough with traffic, and get a red light on the corner, I get a full view of 2 gorgeous Rotties on the back porch (along with a Corgie). They sit so proud and loom large! Never heard them bark, but they sure are protecting their domain. I always think how you would love it. They are so majestic!

11-04-2000, 08:02 AM
hi! my aunt's got a rottie too! boy, is he HUGE!!! & i mean huge, since i'm not that tall..well, i hav a question..how come Mikee, that's the rottie's name, always lunge at ppl...but doesn't bite. However, lunging w/ his huge size really scares ppl. How do u remedy that? ty http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif


11-10-2000, 10:09 PM
My friends Rottie just got stolen http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/mad.gif but luckly she found the person who took her with this brand new program L.D.W a.k.a. Lost Dog Watch and someone reported the dog and they matched it and she got her dog back. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

11-11-2000, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by karen israel:
Rottie.. I think of you every night-been meaning to tell you.. I pass a house constantly that if I'm lucky enough with traffic, and get a red light on the corner, I get a full view of 2 gorgeous Rotties on the back porch (along with a Corgie). They sit so proud and loom large! Never heard them bark, but they sure are protecting their domain. I always think how you would love it. They are so majestic!

Oooooh! I would LOVE to see them! Wish I could. 2 Rotts and a Corgi, what a trio! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

11-19-2000, 12:35 PM
I LOVE Rottweilers-they are my absolute favorite dogs. They so big and very beautiful! I think they make an excellent guard dog and companion!

11-20-2000, 04:58 PM
My friend got a Rottweiler and hes so beautiful, and fully trained he used to be a show dog, and he loves to impress people with all of his trainning. When he`s outside he sits so proudly on the porch as if protecting the house and family inside.

11-21-2000, 09:12 PM
hi, i am so excited to find this site, i have a one year old rottweiler his name is Face cuz his head is so big, he is the cutest most cuddly well behaved pooch everyone on my street has one but Face is definitely the most handsome of the bunch.

11-21-2000, 09:12 PM
hi, i am so excited to find this site, i have a one year old rottweiler his name is Face cuz his head is so big, he is the cutest most cuddly well behaved pooch everyone on my street has one but Face is definitely the most handsome of the bunch.

11-23-2000, 04:47 PM

Your Rottie sounds soooo cute. I think Rotties are so cute when they are puppys http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gifI would love to get one when its small because their ears are so cute!

11-25-2000, 03:48 PM
Dear Rottie,

Is that your Rottweiler in the Dog Of The Day archives? i`m pretty sure, because you said you Rottie`s name was Carl ,and if it is he`s very handsome, and has pride in himself.Your very lucky http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif