View Full Version : Emma

09-09-2002, 02:33 AM
here's a pic of Emma, see how awful her eye looks? and it is better than it was, also, this pic doesn't show the inner eyelid, is so terrible looking.

well she sees the vet, the eye specialist , in the morning...

Former User
09-09-2002, 02:42 AM
Oh, poor baby, her eye looks really bad yes. I hope the vet/eye specialist can help her. Keeping our fingers and paws crossed for Emma!

09-09-2002, 02:54 AM
Aw, poor thing :( I hope the vet can help! Let us know how it goes.

09-09-2002, 03:25 AM
thanks, I will post tomorrow after the vet visit.

p.s. I signed your guestbook. excellent website!

09-09-2002, 04:21 AM
Thank you very much :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-09-2002, 09:42 AM
Awww, poor Emma. It really does look bad. Hopefully the specialist will be able to clear up whatever the problem is, and hopefully it's just some kind of infection that can be cleared up and not something more serious. And he/she should give you some idea of whether the other vet even had a clue what he was doing. Good luck and let us know what happens.

09-09-2002, 11:39 AM
Good luck at the vet, i hope her eye gets better.

09-10-2002, 10:57 PM
Oh, poor Emma. I sure hope that the vet is able to help her and diagnose the problem. Please keep us posted.

09-11-2002, 03:10 PM
Poor Emma. :(

Edwina's Secretary
09-11-2002, 03:13 PM
Ouchy...poor Emma! :eek: :eek: Any word yet?

09-13-2002, 01:37 AM
Emma's eye is getting better. the inner eyelid was really swollen and red, it was so puffy, starting to puff out! but while it still needs to heal, it looks SO much better:cool: and Louise's eyes are getting better too, Charlie's look pretty good, Patches' are still kind of sore looking, but nowhere near as bad as they were when this all started. he is on a liquid anti-biotic 2 x a day, but I have just been giving it once a day because it seems to bother his tummy. I am going to start it back on 2x a day from now on.
I have to give Patches and Charlie the liquid 2 times a day, and the eye drops 4 x a day, Emma and Louise have different eye drops 4 x a day, and ointment 3 times a day, and pills once a day!! whew! it gets easier each time though, I am getting better!
next Monday I think I will bring him and Charlie to the to eye vet when I bring Emma and Louise back for their follow-up appt.
after this is all taken care of, I have to decided to switch vets, so when it is time for their yearly shots, (next year)I will be going to the one I took Louise to one day when her vet was too busy to see her.
I have had to confine them to the back of the house, which they don't like, but they have half a hallway, so it at least gives them some room to run, and they have my room. I had to do this, because I was having to chase Charlie and Louise all over the house, under furniture and around again! I just don't have the energy to do that! down on the floor, then back up etc! now I can catch them.

09-14-2002, 12:55 AM
Thanks for the update Mary. I sure hope that they all have a speedy recovery and then continue to stay healthy. I know it can be very stressful when you have sick animals. Good luck.

09-14-2002, 02:33 AM

09-14-2002, 08:48 AM
Iīm sorry Iīve missed this thread - in fact the whole thing! Now Iīve read something about what has happened to your kitties - poor things... and you! Itīs terrible when we find out that they have something wrong - and administering medicines is always quite challenging! :(

Neelix, a cat I adopted 6 months ago now, has a chronic eye discharge. That worried me a lot and I took him to the vet. He confirmed what Neelix former owner had told me: that Neelix had caught some illness when he was a tiny kitten (he was a stray little one till was adopted - Iīm afraid he lost his mother too soon!). At that age they are quite defenceless against illness, and it gets worse if they donīt have their motherīs milk (that was Neelix case)

Well, I donīt know if the Herpes Keratitis is what has attacked your cats, but if thatīs the case here is a link to some pages with valuable info I found on the Internet:
Feline Herpetic Keratitis (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9679)

Herpes Keratitis is not contagious, at least in its chronic form (I have another cat, Sirocco, and his got his eyes in healthy state!) but I donīt know what happens if the virus is active....

I hope this is useful - if thatīs not the case, just let me say that I hope that your lovely kitties get well soon!! Iīll try to be on top of things next time :o !!!


09-15-2002, 06:49 PM
thanks for the info, I appreciate it. Iam not sure of anything yet, will know more after the follow up visit with the eye vet tomorrow morning, I am going to bring Patches and Charlie with Louise and Emma. I will post an update tomorrow when I know something. all I know so far is that the other cats caught it after 7 weeks!! and it could be herpes, or clymidia (spelling?) or maybe conjuctivitis...:confused: weird. well I hope I find out tomorrow.
wish me luck.:confused:

I can't wait to get this all taken care of, find out WHAT it is and get them healed. it might be somehting that can re-occur... oh great!

09-16-2002, 03:23 PM
THis is an interesting thread. One month ago today I found a kitten while bike riding. I brought her home and separated her from my two adult cats. I took her to the vet on Monday (I had found her on a Friday eve.), and after she checked out I kept her away from my cats for 2 more weeks. She has been having a hard time shaking a infection that causes sneezing and very runny eyes - 3 different eye drops + antibiotics and we're still working on it.

Then Saturday night, she was playing with one of my older cats (my vet had OK'd letting her mingle) and my old guy Bo shook her off and was shaking his head and blinking - I figured the kitten had nicked him in the eye - I looked, but didn't see anything. He seemed to be fine later and on Sunday he slept most of the day (not unusual - he's 13 years old) under the covers of my bed. When he came out to eat on Sunday night, I was shocked! His eye was pink, watery and he was having trouble opening it up. Just the one eye. So this AM I took him to my vet, they did a dye test but no scratch showed up. He also had a slight fever. I was given some ointment and some antibiotics.

If this is catchy, I have one more cat to be worried about - anti social, stuck-up, would rather hang with the dogs - Abby. I hope she doesn't catch anything.

09-16-2002, 03:41 PM
Poor Emma.....I hope her eye gets better soon.