View Full Version : Orange you glad it's almost fall?

09-17-2008, 08:36 PM
I sure am.

For the last two years I have enjoyed the bestest, freshest orange juice, compliments of the guy next door.

I just peeked at the tree and there they are-green, lemon sized oranges that in a few short months will turn to juicy, sweet OJ!

Since he is a jerk, I time my aquisition/harvest to the darkest times of the

What secret pleasures to you have that you associate with the fall calendar?

09-17-2008, 08:45 PM
Besides what I just mentioned in the Thursdays thread ...

Autumn means
Pulling out sweaters I haven't seen in months
The crunch of leaves underfoot, and that scent they give off
The clunk of the old steam radiators in the evening
Pumpkins appearing on doorsteps
More apples and pies and good local cider ...