View Full Version : Paizly's spay incision....

09-17-2008, 08:21 PM
got slightly infected. But I think I caught it early enough. The vet said it was just on the surface.
This morning when I checked it I could see some clear liquid around it. So as soon as the vet opened I called and made an appointment. Tonight when they were checking it out there was white pus in the incision. And she said it felt swollen. But when she took her in the back to aspirate it she said it was only muscle not swelling. Whew!
So, now I must give her medicine twice a day for 7 days! :eek: This is going to be fun. Because the morning dose I must do myself. I will have help in the evening.
She already scratched my neck/upper chest area when I went to put her in her carrier to go to the vet. I hope I do not obtain any further war wounds over the next week.

Any tips on how to medicate a kitten are welcome. :)
Wish me luck!!

09-17-2008, 08:35 PM
Mine I just scoot them in between my legs, while I am sitting on my knees, almost kneeling over them, then I lean their head back and then *squirt* the meds.

You could also wrap her in a towel/blanket and then peel back/open her jaws.


I am glad the infection is not bad, and the meds should clear it up fast!

Please give Paizly a kiss from me, BEFORE the meds are given. I dont want to be to blame for the claw marks on your nose:p:rolleyes::D

09-17-2008, 08:44 PM
Ohh sorry to hear about Paizley's incision getting infected. Did they prescribe Clavamox or Amoxicillin? Many vets can flavor the meds so they taste better, flavors like tuna, chicken etc. if it's a liquid anyways. If it's pills they can compound them and then flavor- they mash up the tabs and mix with a syrup with flavoring and you give with an eyedropper.

It's not uncommon for a spay incision to feel 'bumpy' or a little bit swelled since there are suture inside as well. Pus or any fluids coming out is infected and can usually be cleaned with peroxide, unless your vet has already prescribed an oinment or other treatment.

Hopefully she will be back to normal in no time.

Don't worry too much about Paizley. When Cami was spayed she kept licking her incision and got an infection too. A round of antibiotics and keeping the area clean and she was good as new.

As far as how to give the meds, I tend to use the same method kt_luvs_kitties does. I just get right down on the floor on my knees too. A treat afterwards and a good brushing or massage helps soothe the ruffled ego. lol

09-17-2008, 08:45 PM
If I cannot put the meds in the food, and have to pill the cat, I usually carry the pills around with me, pill by pill, in my pocket so that when Ms. or Mr. kitty calms down enough to trust me, I gab the kitty, throw a leg hold on them, and shove the pill in.....by using your knees or legs, you have both hands free....

The other thing I did years ago was to cut the sleeve off a really really thick sweatshirt and stuff the little sucker down the sleeve, with head sticking out the hand part....leaving the length of the sleeve to control the legs flailing about....tighten up on the cuff part to hold the furry little head still and with that same hand hold the head still....then jam the pill in. The problem with this process is that you can only do this a couple of times, and then the bolt for parts unknown for days.....

I do better with the pill in the pocket routine....that way the don't associate any one room with the process....

You may want to buy stock in a band aid company.:rolleyes:;):eek:

09-17-2008, 08:55 PM

09-17-2008, 10:43 PM
Katie, LOL, I will definitely deliver kisses BEFORE the meds.

The way you guys describe sounds easy. But I have one problem. I cannot sit on my knees like that right now. I am having a problem with my right knee. But I will try to figure something out.
Oh, and it's Clavamox in liquid form. She took it okay when the tech did it at the vets tonight. So we shall see how it goes for me in the morning. Another problem is, I go into her room every morning to spend time with her. So there's no way to get her "worn out". She usually has just woken up and is all over me for lovings.

Well, thank you everyone for your posts and suggestions (love the idea of buying stock in band-aids :p). And I will post in the morning to let you know how the first dose goes. :D

09-17-2008, 11:17 PM
Catlady711 (sorry, I can't remember your name...is it Lisa?), I have a question about keeping it clean.
How often do you clean it? And just with peroxide?

Thanks! :D

09-18-2008, 08:24 AM
I pill the same way as everyone else has said except that I place said victim, er, uh, rather, patient, on the countertop. That way no stress on my knees.

09-18-2008, 09:13 AM
Ok, that was HORRIBLE!! She hates me now! :( After I finally got it down her throat I sat and cried my eyes out.
I will try another suggested way tomorrow morning, or tonight if I don't have help.
Ugh, this is going to be a LONG week. My poor baby girl. :(:(:(

09-18-2008, 09:17 AM
Aw, try not to let it get you upset any more. I know it's easy to say but you're really not hurting her. Some of my cats, Yodie for one, are real drama queens and they carry on something fierce. Maybe you can ask your vet for the med in liquid form; that way you can just squirt it down her throat. Some meds are really bitter tasting; I think that's the case w/one of Puddy's meds because usually I have no problem pilling her but w/this one it's a real scene. I'm sorry you're upset but she'll be fine. I think you're probably in worse shape than she is right now. :)

09-18-2008, 09:25 AM
Thanks Mary. I know I'm not hurting her, but in her struggles I accidentally hit her incision. :( And it is in liquid form. Once I got it in her mouth I just squirted real quick. I think I choked her with it. I just hope I got enough in her. It also just made me sad that she was scared if I tried to pet her after, and she didn't purr. :(
Oh, and I only got one puncture wound out of the deal. *Note to self: wear long THICK pants while giving kitty meds*

I'll probably get the routine down purrfectly on her last dosage. :rolleyes:

09-18-2008, 09:32 AM
Oh goodness, I missed that it was in liquid form. Poor girl, some kitties just hate taking their meds, period. We'll keep the prayers going up that she'll be a good girl for Mom. :)

09-18-2008, 09:34 AM
Cindy, dont feel bad. By time you get home, she will have forgotten the whole ordeal, until the next one...:p Sorry that probably made it worse!

She will never like it, and in a day or two, she will learn the routine and hide... Mine always do.

BUT dont worry and get yourself all upset, I PROMISE she will get over it, as soon as all these meds are gone. *HUGS* to Meowmie, who is most likely WAY more upset than Paizly! Dont let her make you a softie, she will be ok!:D

09-18-2008, 09:38 AM
Since you have not got an answer yet, try cleaning twice a day with peroxide. I would not add anything else other than peroxide! I would not want to smother it in cream unless the vet says. I think the infection and wound need to breathe;)

09-18-2008, 09:50 AM
Thanks Mary, again. :)

And thank you Katie for the cleaning suggestion. And yeah, I know she's going to start hiding from me when I go in to see her in the morning. :( That also makes me sad. But I know she'll get over it......eventually. And this is all for her own good!!!

09-18-2008, 09:56 AM
Mine I just scoot them in between my legs, while I am sitting on my knees, almost kneeling over them, then I lean their head back and then *squirt* the meds.

This worked for me, but be sure to cross your ankles so cat can't back out! :)

09-18-2008, 11:25 AM
Ok, that was HORRIBLE!! She hates me now! :( After I finally got it down her throat I sat and cried my eyes out.
I will try another suggested way tomorrow morning, or tonight if I don't have help.
Ugh, this is going to be a LONG week. My poor baby girl. :(:(:(

Awwww, I'm so sorry! ((((HUGS))))) It's so awful to feel like we are making our kids feel worse but we have to remember that we are helping feel better in the end!

Poor widdle Paizley will be fine, Mommy!!! :love:

09-18-2008, 11:32 AM
When Finae and Boris were spayed, they each got infections. Finae's was especially bad, and I was really upset with the vet because he was supposed to fix her umbilical hernia but "forgot". Jerk.

With both of them (and they were done years apart), I did warm compresses on their incisions to help with the swelling and it helps get the infection out. I think they both actually liked the feeling of the compresses and they would both be so good and sweet while having it done. It was a nice bonding experience as well.

The only other thing I would use on the wound would be betadine, along with the compress. My vet said something about it healing as well as helping keep it clean. It definitely helped Calloway's tail when he had the abscess. I'd make sure the vet said it was ok to use it on the spay incision first though.

Hope Paizly feels better, and she will get over being mad at you, lol, don't worry! She's needs to have it done for her own well being anyway. Some of my guys are good about being pilled, others are horrible. I just try to make it as uneventful as I can, just get the pill in as quickly as possible, not make a fuss, and give them a treat afterward. Same with nail clippings.... quick and done!

09-18-2008, 11:47 AM

I have to pill Sherpa every day, and he comes RUNNING to eat it if it's in a pill pocket! They're a little expensive, but beyond worth it.

Edit: No peroxide! It doesn't kill that much bacteria, and its foaming action can drive bacteria deeper into wounds. Saline or betadine is the best thing to use to keep it clean. :)

09-18-2008, 01:55 PM
Thank you Kim and Jennie! :)


I have to pill Sherpa every day, and he comes RUNNING to eat it if it's in a pill pocket! They're a little expensive, but beyond worth it.

Edit: No peroxide! It doesn't kill that much bacteria, and its foaming action can drive bacteria deeper into wounds. Saline or betadine is the best thing to use to keep it clean. :)

It's not pills. It's liquid. :( And that's what I thought about the peroxide. I haven't put anything on it. I will only if it looks not clean, and then I'll ask my vet first.

Well, my day only got worse (work related). So I just want to go home and cuddle with my animals. I've cried three times already today and it's only noon!
Coming on to PT is my only good, stress relieving thing I can manage at this time. :) Thanks everyone for being awesome!! :D :D

09-18-2008, 01:59 PM
Cathy, my vet said that isnt true. I asked when I had to clean Puffs ear, and she said that that is a common misconception:confused:

She always used peroxide to clean wounds, abcesses, etc.

Also, the years I worked as a tech assistant, we ALWAYS used peroxide, because betadine stings, and that will make it unpleasant for the kitty.

It worked for Puff. ;)

I think it is only true of deep open wounds, in which you would have to flush;):)

09-18-2008, 02:11 PM
It's what I was taught when I went through the veterinary technician program. The vets who taught us that have both been in practice for over 20 years, and make a concentrated effort to stay up to date because they have to teach new technicians each year. I've also worked in three different clinics and I've never seen peroxide used for anything except cleaning up blood.

Cindy: Liquid, ouch! How long do you have to give it to her?

09-18-2008, 06:12 PM
Cindy: Liquid, ouch! How long do you have to give it to her?

7 days! :(
I'm going to try the towel technique and/or the between the legs on my knees (if my knee will allow it).

I appreciate everyones suggestions and advice. I'll tackle each step as it appears. :)

09-18-2008, 07:57 PM
You might try this, even if you have to wrap her in a towel: Lift the upper lip at the REAR of the jaw...there's usually more space there to squirt the stuff in from the side, and you don't have to pry the jaw open. If you CAN (I know this may not work) don't give her the whole dose - allow time for swallowing AND breathing between squirts.

Have treats ready for afterwards - right away! ;)

Good luck!

09-18-2008, 08:23 PM
Prayers for sweet Paizly from us in Chicago :love:-- Cassie & Elyse

09-18-2008, 08:27 PM
Now she has diarrhea. :( I have a call in to the vet. She's supposed to call me back tonight. I'm not giving her another dose until I hear from her.

No offense to anyone, but you guys don't understand how squirmy she is. I'm going to have to use the towel or something. Either that or I'm just too inexperienced. I don't recall having to administer liquid meds to Taz. I recall putting stuff in tuna and he gobbles it up. That's the ONLY time he gets tuna, when he needs meds.

I'll see what the vet says and update later.

09-18-2008, 09:19 PM
The vet called back and said to give her the meds for one more day. So three more doses. :eek:
I'm off to wrap my little burrito! :)

09-18-2008, 09:42 PM
I see someone already answered the how often on peroxide question. At work we use peroxide alot and recommend it to our clients. We've never had a problem with it. With certain severe injuries we do use the Betadine though instead. I suppose the peroxide debate just depends on the particular vet, what he/she was taught and what's worked for them for years. I'd say neither is really wrong or right, just different.

Anyways, Clavamox liquid is a particularly bitter tasting med (not that I've actually tasted it, just what the vets at work say about it). You might ask if they can flavor it if they haven't already, it might help a bit. Clavamox can also sometimes cause stomach upset, particularly on an empty stomach. Make sure your kitty gets a little bit of food either right before or right after giving the meds.

As far as squirmy, I can relate. I've had to medicate some seriously squirmy, and sometimes outright mean, critters at work. In those cases the wrapping in a towel like a burrito usually works best. In addition, I don't try to pry open the mouth on those types. I use my left hand (I'm right handed BTW), to hold the head still, my right elbow pinning the burrito kitty to my chest on a table or counter, then use my right hand to nudge the eyedropper into the side of the mouth. That causes the mouth to open and I squirt away being sure to keep that head still, and tilted slightly up so they aren't as likely to spit it back out. Then rub the throat a second or two to encourage swallowing, then quickly turn the poor critter loose. Later when they are calmer I go back and try to make friends again with it.

Here's a video of giving a cat liquid meds if that helps you any.


Good luck.

09-18-2008, 10:11 PM
Thanks for the video. But I had to laugh. Those kitties were so darn calm. I can't even hold Paizly's head like that and she freaks!!
Well, tonight Bruce helped me. He held her in the towel while I held her head and gave the meds. It was much easier, but she still squirmed and fussed. Since I only have to give it to her tomorrow morning by myself I'll just do my best. Just in case, Bruce said I could come wake him up and he'll hold her. That could be funny....a half asleep man trying to hold a spastic kitten. :D

Given Paizly's unknown first few weeks of life, she doesn't really like to be picked up or restrained. I am definitely working on that. I often pick her up and cuddle with her and kiss her on the head. She fights a little usually, but I'm hoping she'll eventually just give up and except the lovings. :)

Well, her incision still looks very good today. Hopefully she'll get enough antibiotics so the infection will go away.

09-18-2008, 11:32 PM
Cindy, just keep up the good work! Sounds like with help, all goes relatively easy:) Hubby never helps me, but THANK GOD all of mine are cooperative, even when I do lion cuts, and dress them up, glasses and shoes included:rolleyes::p:D I guess I lucked out!

BUT I wanted to add, that I have never had nor fostered a tortie that LIKED being picked up. Cuddled, yes... Lap warmers, sure. BUT NEVER BEING HELD... I wonder if it is a tortie thing???

Penny is tortie tabby, and she is an exception. Lucy (full tortie) HATES IT! She will try and get down at all cost, including sticking nails in my chest:eek: The sounds that come from her, you would think I was torturing her:rolleyes:

09-19-2008, 01:34 AM
Cathy, my vet said that isnt true. I asked when I had to clean Puffs ear, and she said that that is a common misconception:confused:

She always used peroxide to clean wounds, abcesses, etc.

Also, the years I worked as a tech assistant, we ALWAYS used peroxide, because betadine stings, and that will make it unpleasant for the kitty.

It worked for Puff. ;)

I think it is only true of deep open wounds, in which you would have to flush;):)

Indeed, that was my impression as well. I have had at least three vets (all of which had been in practice for a long time as well) advise the use of peroxide (abcesses and some foot wounds). Who knows, though! Medicine makes many advances these days.

09-19-2008, 01:52 PM
Ok, so I woke Bruce up to help me administer the dosage this morning. Partly because the incision is looking icky again. It looks like it had leaked a slightly bloody discharge.
I've already got an email out to the vet for Taz when she gets back to me I'm going to mention Paizly.

All my life, growing up with MANY animals, my mom has always used peroxide on their wounds. They got better, so I have no idea what's right or wrong when it comes to peroxide. I think my vet has said not to use it. :confused::confused: But I'm going to ask what to use to clean it.

Katie, as far as her not letting me pick her up. She lets me to a certain extent. But not like Taz who will lay his head back and look at the world upside down, ya know? LOL Yeah, I guess I'll just have to live with the Tortie-ness. :D :D

09-19-2008, 03:40 PM
All my life, growing up with MANY animals, my mom has always used peroxide on their wounds. They got better, so I have no idea what's right or wrong when it comes to peroxide. I think my vet has said not to use it. :confused::confused: But I'm going to ask what to use to clean it.
just my $.02 (I'm a nurse) - dilute it 1:1 with warm water before you clean Paizly's incision with it.

09-19-2008, 03:50 PM
is oxigenated water same as peroxide?....

for human use Iīve heard/seen teh using of oxigenated water to disinfect wounds/scratches, etc.... not sure on animals... but itīs just water with a bit more oxigen h2o2 instead of h2o

09-20-2008, 03:12 AM
These comments were really good I think. I :mad: trying to give liquid meds and have never really figured out any best way to do it. I once had to medicate Emily for several weeks and felt like I was torturing her so I can relate to that part. My most successful way has just been to use a thick towel and make a quick and tight kitty burrito making sure to get those wiggly (and sharp!) back legs inside and use the rear of jaw squirt method - I did have one time I thought I had chokde them though:rolleyes: Lizzie is my screamer wiggler - yet amazingly does not even run away when I am done with her:D

Hope Paiz is looking better today. I think the best cleaner is probably cat spit and yes, I would probably use the dilute peroxide too. Maybe you can dampen a warm washcloth and use it on Paizly's incision area and then on Taz to wipe up the sticky antibiotic:D

09-20-2008, 11:20 AM
Hope Paiz is looking better today. I think the best cleaner is probably cat spit and yes, I would probably use the dilute peroxide too. Maybe you can dampen a warm washcloth and use it on Paizly's incision area and then on Taz to wipe up the sticky antibiotic:D

LOL, I talked to the receptionist yesterday and she suggested the warm washcloth and a tiny bit of peroxide too. So that's what I'll be doing today. No more meds though. She still has diahrrea so I'm stopping it today. I haven't checked her incision yet. She's been playing with Taz :eek:!!

09-20-2008, 11:09 PM
Just wanted to say that my guys loved when I used a warm washcloth as a compress. I think it just made them feel all loved and contented. It really was a bonding experience with me and Finae and Boris (even though Boris is standoffish now). They just relaxed and would lay in my arms while I did it. It just made me feel even more protective of them, and it ended up being something I enjoyed doing when they didn't feel well... just that motherly instinct, lol.

09-21-2008, 11:45 AM
Well, I never got a chance to "clean" it. And it is almost completely healed up now. :D Whew!!
Now I can focus more on Taz and his issue. :confused: