View Full Version : OK, I confess I just don't get it!

09-17-2008, 02:39 PM
Maybe some of you other doggy moms can relate.

Malone is seriously the pickiest doggy ever as far as finding a spot that is acceptable and worthy of his doggy business. Sometimes he will stand on the edge of the lawn and turn up his nose, and only when thoroughly pursuaded will he quickly tiptoe through said offensive grass to an area that is less offensive.

Maybe he has a super sensitive nose? i dunno?!?

If that's true, then WHY oh WHY would he grab and gobble down a mass of unknown, foul gook from the side of the road. I swear, I have NEVER smelt something so bad in my life! I was 3 feet away from him and gagging from the odor. It was absolutely horrible...I will spare you and not try to describe it for you, just horrible.

Sometimes I wish i could crawl into his head and understand what he thinks.... but then again, maybe I'd rather not.


09-17-2008, 04:18 PM
Ah, the joys of dog ownership. The mystery of canine minds is sometimes quite unfathomable!