View Full Version : Laboy Day weekend show

09-17-2008, 01:04 PM
Thinks I forgot to post these ??

We stayed with our friends who live in Cache National Forest, their club hosted the shows on Saturday. Out of the 4 dogs we did not do so great.

Pep got a 2nd three 3rds. Wanted to show Ryu but had obligations to Pep I think next show I will put Ryu in. I might do weight pull with her also.

Jaxon didn't get anything, figured first time in adult classes would be hard for him.

Bouwho got a 2nd.

Kodiak got two 1st and two 2nd, he is pretty close to finishing now. We want to maybe do weight pull with him, I tried him out for the 1st time in a harness and he seemed to like it. He was only pulling 580lbs though.

Nediva before we left, after bath

Kodiak at home

Kodiak on the way he wrapped himself in the blanket just like his dam

This is the stuff he tore up before we even got out of the drive way, after that he hid his face in shame

curled up asleep
Santana curled up on the way

Alchemist on the way

Thunder looking patriotic

Jaxon in the ring

Pep with a couple wins

She was also used for Jr Handlers by a few different kids. She enjoyed every minute of it.

09-17-2008, 01:04 PM
Kodiak with some wins

In the ring, I showed him for the Best Of Show competition

Here is the area where we stayed

here is one of our friends males doing some weight pull

this is back at their place with one of their females and my son

this is their male that took Best Of Show on sunday

Here is my friend's (santana's breeders) dog Hammie, not sure what this 2nd is for, he did both weight pull and conformation placing in both.
This is another of her males which is a half brother to Jaxons sire, also related to the above male

This is their female also related to mine

This is a little brindle dog I adored, she was probably 25lbs, I couldn't get a good pic of her with her ears up, she reminded me of Lacey but brindle instead of seal, same face unmistakebly same bloodlines I had to see the pedigree to make sure I was right though.

These are 2 adorable red brindle red nose pups, found out they are related to mine through their dam.
This one had a darker chocolate mask but I couldn't get a good pic.

09-17-2008, 02:16 PM
Congratulations on all of their wins! How awesome! What beautiful dogs you have, as well!:)

09-17-2008, 08:09 PM
You have beautiful dogs! Do you live in Utah? Those scenery pics look really familiar to me.

09-18-2008, 01:00 AM
Thanks guys.

No Wolf Q we just stayed with our friends which live in the national forest. It is pretty and all but don't think I'd ever want to live there, it'd be a killer in fuel expenses. I thought I was far enough out of town. :eek:

09-18-2008, 08:49 AM
Great photos, and what lovely dogs :D. The view from where you were staying is beautiful. Well done on the great results.